
Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

author:Zhu Bingren

Why live a why

Some people say that you are busy enough to play copper, why do you still have time to write essays? scold! Why ask why?

Flip out a diary and copy it as follows:

November 15, 2005

The copper project of the golden dome of Mount Emei is nearing completion, and I accompanied the camera crew of the TV station to climb the mountain to shoot the data.

All the way the fog is thick, the clouds and the sea of fog, the ice and the trees, beautiful.

At the top of the mountain, the clouds are thin and clear. The sun is outcropping, and the sky is frequently sprinkled with light.

Golden dome closed construction, tourist Sheden.

The Golden Hall has fallen to the shelf, and the golden can be rich and beautiful, like the Heavenly Official Wonderland, stunning beauty.

Yesterday shang fog lock golden top.

Fortunately, the morning was a very good day, photography and video, all went well.

Returned in the afternoon, raining all the way.

After descending the mountain, turn to the Wannian Temple, the mountain road is rugged, and the ancient temple is majestic.

Please receive the three pillars of incense, sacrifice to the father, and pray for the blessings of relatives and friends.

Five years ago, the first large bronze door of a Chinese temple was installed inside. Fifty men were carried for a week before they were transported up the hill.

I have long looked forward to its solemnity, and now I have fulfilled my wish.

At the bottom of the mountain in the evening, there were already snowflakes, and I learned that the golden roof was snowier like goose feathers, and it was more than ten centimeters thick in a flash.

Multiplying and dividing changes, vicissitudes and mountains, the universe, and the life of a small province, all of them are colorful.

The Analects of Zi Zhang says: "Although there are small paths, there will be considerable people." Opening a column is like showing a life trail, praying for an impressive person.

Just ask what life is, why should life be why.

There is the edge of Mount Emei

The above text is a slight modification of an essay I wrote in September 2011, and I take the opportunity to talk about the origin of the golden peak of Mount Emei.

The Golden Dome is the most concentrated place of temples and attractions in Mount Emei, referring to the copper complex composed of three buildings, including a 26-meter-high gold roof and a copper hall with a total area of 1614 square meters, and another pavilion "Copper Pavilion", all built by me and my team of craftsmen, which is the essence of Mount Emei.

Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

The golden peak of Mount Emei is in the clouds

In 1983, mount Emei was listed as a national key buddhist temple in the Han area. According to records, there is indeed a golden dome in history, which was built during the Ming Wanli period, and the Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun inscribed the name "Yongming Huazang Temple". The height of the hall is 4 feet 5 inches, the width is 3 feet 5 inches, and the depth is 3 feet 5 inches, the four walls of the tile pillar doors and windows are all gold-mixed bronze castings, the statue of Puxian Bodhisattva in the middle, the 10,000 small Buddhas are listed next to each other, and the road map of the shu mountains and rivers is carved on the door wall, and the craftsmanship is exquisite.

Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

Emei Mountain Golden Peak

When the morning sun shines on the top of the mountain, the Golden Temple shines in the sun, dazzling and dazzling, very spectacular, so people call it "Golden Peak". Unfortunately, during the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty, due to a fire, the Golden Temple was destroyed, and only one copper stele remained, on the one hand, the "Record of the New Copper Hall of the Yongming Huazang Temple of Da'eShan" written by Wang Suzong and the zigzag of Wang Xi, and on the other hand, the "Record of the Puxian Golden Temple of Mount Emei" written by Fu Guangzhai and the collection of Chu Suiliang characters. Judging from these relics, it is indeed true that the Golden Palace was brilliant and magnificent.

Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

Coincidentally, my great-grandfather created the "Zhufu Copper Art" just in the Qing Dynasty light years, which coincided with the time when the Golden Dome was destroyed, and a hundred years later, as the fourth generation of the Zhu family, I and the fifth generation of Zhu Junmin had the opportunity to rebuild the Golden Dome.

Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

Emei Mountain Golden Dome Snow View

In order to rebuild the Golden Peak, I climbed Mount Emei more. Once, crossing the ice and snow road, the wheels slipped, had to, stopped and loaded with iron training, and the car was hesitant. After reaching the top, Jin Wu hung high. The abbot Yongshou Grand Monk gave tea and said that Mr. Zhu was blessed and brought the sunshine up the mountain, if it is convenient, he will stay at the top of the mountain tonight, and tomorrow he can watch the sunrise in Emei, which has no style. I kept saying yes. The next morning, as expected, the Emei sunrise was wonderful and moving. When the night broke through, a little golden light, the copper water boiled and tumbled. Surrounded by clouds, burning copper crucibles rise on the skyline. Several times to the top of the pillow nebula, whiskers swooped down to shake the golden soup, the red copper pulp overflowed, splashing, splashing, erupting, igniting the first cloud, igniting the last night.

Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

Emei Mountain Golden Peak Sunrise

If readers have the opportunity to climb the mountain and see the scenery, don't forget to watch the sunrise in Emei, it is really interesting to live, and it should be pleasant.

/ Emei Mountain Golden Peak /

Emei Peak Peak Three Thousand Search

The peak was restored and the golden top was built

The mountain makes the golden roof one floor

Thank you Emei Bodhi for your feelings

Zhu Bingren wrote a poem in 2011

Where did the golden dome of Mount Emei come from?

Mount Emei

Located in Sichuan, the altitude is 3077 meters. In August 2004, I had the honor to participate in the reconstruction as the chief craftsman of the copper project, and built the Golden Dome, the Copper Hall, and the First Mountain Pavilion, which is the largest copper building complex in China, and was inaugurated on June 18, 2006.

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