
In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

author:Shimizu Soryu

During the reign of Emperor Mingxianzong Zhu Jianshen, that is, on a certain day in the eighth year of Ming Chenghua, an ordinary person named Yang Mao saw someone fighting, and it was Chen Tong, Chen Neng, Cao Jie and Yang Yu from hongxiang who surrounded and beat Wang Ying and Li Of the military households in the weishou. In fact, it was ordinary residents fighting with Ming dynasty officers. The reason for the fight, Yang Mao himself, was not clear, but what Yang Mao saw was four people beating two people, Yang Mao was a warm-hearted person, and felt that if he did not stop it in time, the consequences might be unimaginable. Yang Mao then went forward to pull a fight to persuade him. Not bad, under the persuasion of Yang Mao, the two sides finally stopped fighting. Here again, Yang Mao did not know the reasons for the war between the two sides and the background of the personnel concerned. Later, Yang Mao once said to people, "If I don't care about idle business, no one will trouble me."

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

Here I would like to mention the beaten military household Li Crooked Head, because he lost the fight, he really could not swallow this breath, so he found someone to tell his boss The Flag School of his experience, and asked the director to let the government intervene to deal with it, hoping that the government would deal with this public case. Li tilted his head and complained to the government that Chen Tong, Chen Neng, and others were ordinary people, and naturally they were very afraid, and according to the "Great Ming Law", for fighting and brawling, the punishment started with flogging. This refers to the case where the opponent is not injured with an empty hand. If the penalty for beating people with utensils is upgraded to flogging thirty starts. If there is an injury as the injury worsens, the penalty is increased accordingly. Since the government was alarmed, Yang Mao himself was an eyewitness and had to accept judicial inquiries and truthfully state the circumstances of the incident. Because of his testimony and testimony, Chen Tong, Chen Neng, and others could not escape the blame. It can only be scattered and run. In fact, for these bastards to fight, the government generally does not like to deal with. It consumes too much judicial resources, and it will be over for a while.

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

Later, the government arrested Chen Neng and Chen Tong and flogged them, but the problem was that Chen Tong and Chen Neng felt that the fight was the fault of both sides, and why Li Crooked Head could retreat without punishment, but because Li Crooked Head was a military household, Chen Tong and Chen Neng could not afford to provoke, and the two hated Yang Mao, thinking that this man took the rat to take care of things and testified to Li Crooked Head. Not a thing. So on a certain day, Chen Tongyu went to Yang Mao to settle the account and insulted and scolded Yang Mao. Yang Mao smashed the fragile items such as water tanks and basins in his home. Then he offered to go to the government office to file a complaint. At this time, Chen Tong was frightened and shouted: "If you force me again, I will die for you to see!" ”

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

That night, Chen Tong sneaked back outside the back wall door of Yang Mao's house, holding shoelaces in his hand, and constantly clamored to hang himself on the door frame of the Yang family. From the point of view of Chen Tong holding the shoe, it is difficult to believe that he is really looking for death, but it is just to scare people, and Yang Mao is serious, so he reports to Ben Zongjia (the village chief). General A ran to inquire, and Chen Tong ran away in fright, leaving his shoelaces outside the back door of the Yang family. Since you run and run, no one will care. Yang Mao also closed the door to rest, no one thought that late that night Chen Tong actually came to Yang Mao's house again, but this time he really hanged himself, using a "cotton cloth belt" to hang his neck on the door frame of the Yang family's back door. At this time, Yang Mao did not know that someone was hanging outside the door, chen tong's younger brother Chen Neng, Cao Jie, Sun An and a group of eight other people came to the door, recognized Chen Tong's body, immediately took Yang Mao away, and sent him to the government to ask him to take responsibility. The confused Yang Mao was sent to the official palace, and Chen Neng said: He went home at four o'clock last night and found that his brother Chen Tong was not there, because his brother had talked about seeking revenge on Yang Mao, Chen Neng had a bad premonition, thinking that Chen Tong had gone to Yang Mao's house to hang himself, so he took someone to Yang Mao's house to look for someone, and saw Chen Tong's body hanging on the door frame of the Yang family's back wall door, so Chen Neng said that his brother hanged himself because he could not withstand Yang Mao's persecution and bullying.

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

Yang Mao naturally denied Chen Neng's allegations. He said: After Chen Tong left the Yang family, because of the failure to take revenge, he was complained and accused by his accomplices Cao Jie, Chen Neng, and others. Cao Jie, Chen Neng, and others hung Chen Tong's body on the back wall door of the Yang family overnight, blamed people, and blackmailed them with corpses. That is to say, Cao Jie, Chen Neng and others hung a dead man on the door frame of his house, and Immediately launched an autopsy, which proved that Chen Tong's cheeks, forehead and other parts did have some "qingchi" scars. Both sides have their own opinions. Cao Wei saw that the situation was not good and immediately fled. And the government has never found him. The lawsuit between the Chen and Yang families reached Dali Temple. After reading the case file, Dali Siqing pointed out an obvious loophole in Chen Neng's statement:

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

Chen Neng said that when he returned home on the fourth day of the night and saw that his brother Chen Tong was not there, he judged that Chen Tong had gone to Yang Mao's house to hang Mingzhi, so he found the Yang family's door and thus found the body. The reasoning of Dali Temple is that after Chen Tong was in Yang Mao's house, he told his brother what he had done in the Yang family, and Chen Neng knew that Chen Tong had said that he was going to hang himself in Yang Mao's house. And it is reasonable that Chen Neng will inevitably take close care of Chen Tong to prevent him from seeking short-sightedness. But they did nothing, which eventually led to Chen Tong hanging the back door of the Yang family. For the above questions, Chen Neng avoided talking about them, nor did he give a credible explanation.

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

Dali Temple further deduced that the probability of Chen Tong committing suicide was zero. Because he had no reason to commit suicide, he could never commit suicide because Yang Mao said a sentence of "go to the official palace to report it." Chen Neng, Cao Jie and others must have known that Chen Tong's death had nothing to do with Yang Mao, and their statements were purely fabricated, that is, to get rid of the crime, to frame Yang Mao, otherwise, which is why as soon as Yang Mao returned to color, Cao Jie immediately fled, obviously being a thief. After seeing the submission from Dali Temple, the Punishment Department immediately ordered the local government to retry the case.

In ancient times, a man was killed because of his nosy, but in the end he was acquitted

After a retrial by the local government, the truth was that Chen Tong returned home the same day of the night, died suddenly for some reason, and suffered minor facial injuries. Cao Tie, Chen Neng, and others conspired to carry Chen Tong's body outside Yang Mao's door, hang it on the back wall door, and fake the scene of hanging himself, intending to retaliate against Yang Mao and fraudulently obtain compensation. The final sentence of the government was: Chen Neng was sentenced to hanging. Refers to the symmetry of the wrangling decision. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, criminals sentenced to hanging were not immediately executed, and the imprisonment waited until the autumn trial and the court trial before the situation was dealt with separately. This is life imprisonment. Yang Mao was acquitted.

I am clear water, the watchman of history, looking forward to your attention and comments.