
Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against

author:Bright Net

The summer solstice means that the hottest time of the year is coming

This day

Sunlight hits almost directly on the Tropic of Cancer

It is the highest latitude that the Sun can reach in the Northern Hemisphere during the year

It is also the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere

At this time, we should pay attention to health care

Summer solstice solar term health care, clothing, food, housing and transportation can not be ignored

Small circle, this will introduce you to this solar term

How should I eat, how to maintain health~

How to maintain health on the summer solstice

Yu Ruoxi

Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

National Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physique and Preventive Treatment

Deputy Chief Physician


Summer solstice focuses on "nourishing the heart"

The weather is gradually muggy and hot, Chinese medicine is called summer heat consumption and injury, there will be upset, confusion, shortness of breath, and then dry mouth, at the same time hot and humid, people will feel the head and body sleepy. At this time, the main thing is to adjust the mind and clear the mind and eliminate troubles, and you can use some seasonal ingredients.

Ning Xin'an Shen first recommended the lotus, and the lotus flower is a treasure all over the body.

Lotus seed has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, benefiting the kidney and solidifying the essence, nourishing the mind and calming the mind;

Lotus root raw food has the function of nourishing jinjin, quenching thirst, eliminating irritability and appetizing;

Lotus root has the effect of astringent and stopping bleeding;

Lotus leaves have the effect of refreshing the heat and dampness, calming the mind and calming the mind, and people who go out to work often wear lotus leaves on their heads to cool off the heat, and can also be taken internally.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against


Summer Solstice "Sanyi"

1. Eat noodles

The summer solstice new wheat has already appeared, and eating noodles also has the meaning of "tasting new".

The summer solstice heat is unbearable, the body's nutrients are lost with sweat, and loss of appetite occurs. Eating a refreshing bowl of noodles stimulates appetite and replenishes starch, protein, B vitamins and other nutrients needed by the human body.

Noodles are suitable for coarse grain noodles and miscellaneous noodles, among which mung bean noodles and buckwheat noodles are the best.

Mung bean noodles can clear heat and detoxify; The B vitamins in buckwheat noodles are 3~20 times that of wheat flour. Its greatest nutritional feature is that it contains a large amount of niacin and rutin, both of which help lower lipids.

2. Eating melons

There is a folk proverb: "Spring eats buds, summer eats melons, autumn eats fruits, winter eats roots". Most of the melons clear heat and moisture, effectively replenishing the water lost in hot days.

Recommended: bitter melon, winter melon, are a good choice to cool off the heat and appetize, clear the fire and dampness.

Note: People with cold spleen and stomach should eat less, or cook a little more.

3. Clear heat

The diet should be aimed at venting the heat of the summer, and eat some bitter foods appropriately, not too salty and too sweet.

At the same time, the amount of sweat in the human body increases at high temperatures, and it is necessary to strengthen water supplementation, you can drink some mung bean soup to cool off the heat, but people with cold physique and weak physique should not drink more.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against


Summer Solstice "Three Taboos"

1. Summer humidity

If you experience symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, chest tightness, and nausea in the heat, you should be wary of the possibility of heat stroke. Usually, you should pay attention to avoid exposure to the sun, and you can bring lotus fragrance positive qi water, cooling oil, etc. to relieve the heat.

If you notice heat stroke, you need to leave the environment immediately, go to a cool, quiet, air-circulated place to drink water and rest, loosen your clothes and wipe yourself with cold water.

2. Greasy

At the summer solstice, the human body due to the external tension of qi and blood, the spleen and stomach function is relatively weakened, the diet should be light and easy to digest, avoid big fish and meat or stock supplement, in order to regulate stomach qi, maintain the role of essence. Do not overeat ice to avoid damage to the spleen and stomach.

3. Burnout

During the summer solstice, people are physically exerted and often feel tired and unable to lift their spirits.

Try not to stay up late after the summer solstice to avoid being hot. Living and conditioning should conform to the changes in the yang and yin of nature, go to bed late and get up early to take a nap at noon, fall asleep before 11 p.m. every night, and take a nap at noon to restore physical strength.


Summer solstice health don't do these 5 things

1. The air conditioner blows all night

The temperature of the air conditioner is turned on too low, and it is easy to make the cold and evil qi enter the body, damage the yang, block the body's qi and blood flow, and it is easy to have colds, diarrhea, headaches, nasal congestion and other diseases.

2. Gluttony for cold drinks

In summer, the yang of the human body shows a tendency to spread outward, and the yang energy in the body is relatively insufficient, if too much raw and cold food is intake, it will seriously damage the yang of the human body, and even prone to gastrointestinal problems.

3. Thirsty and poured water

In summer, they sweat a lot, they are prone to thirst, and many people will pour water when they are thirsty. In fact, every sweat will consume the body's yang, at this time, if you drink a lot of water for a short time, resulting in short metabolism of yang, people will appear dizziness, dizziness and other so-called "water poisoning" symptoms.

Suggestion: Drink water in small amounts and many times, each time to 100 ml ~ 150 ml is appropriate, the interval time is 20 minutes ~ 30 minutes.

4. Love to take cold showers

In summer, the weather is hot, people's pores are in an open state, if you just sweat and take a cold shower, the cold is very easy to invade the human body, resulting in damage to yang.

Recommendation: It is best to take a bath with warm water, which is not only conducive to cooling off heat and preventing diseases, but also can speed up blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, eliminate fatigue, improve sleep, and enhance disease resistance.

5. Eat overnight dishes often

Summer leftovers are left for a long time, easy to deteriorate, and may produce harmful substances such as sulfites. Mild cases of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, etc., and severe cases lead to food poisoning and other problems.

Recommendation: It is best to eat as much as you want each day and eat fresh food.


Moderate exercise morning and evening

Summer solstice sports everyone should remember these 4 points, time, place, sports items, precautions.

Time: Exercise is best done in the early morning or late afternoon when the weather is cooler.

Location: The venue should choose an empty place with fresh air.

Sports: walking, jogging, tai chi, etc

Note: Do not let the body sweat too much, just sweat slightly.

What to eat on the summer solstice



Lycopene contained in tomatoes is a strong antioxidant, anti-radiation bioactive substance, which can effectively prevent free radicals, ultraviolet rays and various external radiation damage to skin cells.

Lycopene also exerts a powerful antioxidant effect and protects the skin.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against


Momordica charantia

Traditional Chinese medicine has the saying of "eating melon in summer" and "suffering in summer", after the summer solstice, you can eat some bitter melon appropriately, which can go to the summer heat and increase appetite.

Eating bitter melon is conducive to clearing heat and reducing fire, and the bitter melon glycosides and bitters contained in it can strengthen the spleen and appetize; Bitter melon has a high content of vitamin C, which has the effect of preventing scurvy and improving the body's resistance.

In addition, the fresh juice of bitter melon also contains substances similar to insulin, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar, which is an ideal health food for diabetics.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against



Lychee is a warm food, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and blood, and nourishing the face, and has a certain auxiliary effect on alleviating diarrhea, hiccups and hiccups caused by spleen deficiency.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against



Oranges have the effect of lowering the stomach and regulating qi and broadening the chest, and if it is a stomach bloating caused by spleen deficiency and heavy moisture, it can be eaten in moderation.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against



Longan meat is beneficial to the heart and spleen, replenishes qi and blood, and calms the nerves, and is suitable for people with deficiency of qi and blood and poor sleep.

Note: Fruits are cold and wet or humid and hot, so they should not eat more.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against


Red beans

In ancient times, Li Shizhen called red beans "the valley of the heart", which can not only clear the heart and fire, but also replenish the heart and blood, reduce swelling and diuresis, replenish blood, strengthen the heart, and strengthen the spleen.

Today's summer solstice|These are a few things you have to guard against

Source: CCTV Life Circle