
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

author:The fourth division can be a media in Kedala City

Comprehensive reporting by Shishi Rong Media Center

Flowers honor heroes, and the sky and earth are preserved. On September 30, the eighth Martyrs' Memorial Day in the country, the 4th Division of the Xinjiang Corps, Kokdala City, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day at the Huiyuan Martyrs Cemetery in Huocheng County. Xie Qiang, secretary of the municipal party committee and political commissar of the fourth division, attended the ceremony to deliver a memorial speech. Jiang Zhendong, deputy secretary of the party committee of the division and commander of the fourth division, presided over the public ceremony. Division leaders Gu Aiping, Guo Yaofeng, Halim Baidora, Jiang Shuxia, Zhao Yidong, Tang Zhigang, Liu Zhenjiang, Chen Bing, Lei Haijun, and Zhang Heng attended the ceremony.

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

At 12:00 a.m., the ceremony began, the national anthem of the People's Republic of China was sung on the spot, and the soldiers stood around the martyrs' monument, and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn. After the national anthem was sung, all the personnel held a moment of silence to mourn the revolutionary martyrs who made sacrifices for the Chinese Liberation War and the people's revolutionary cause, and deeply remembered the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs. Accompanied by the affectionate "Flower Offering Song", 16 salute soldiers carried flower baskets and walked steadily and powerfully to the Martyrs' Monument and placed the flower baskets on the pedestal of the monument.

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

The Huiyuan Martyrs Cemetery buried 102 martyrs, including 83 martyrs of the 50th Regiment of the 66th Regiment of the 4th Division, the predecessor of the 4th Division and 66th Regiment Chinese of the 17th Division of the 1st Field Army of the People's Liberation Army, and Liu Guanghan, the former regimental commander of the 50th Regiment and the first secretary of the Ili Prefecture Committee of the CPC.

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

Xie Qiang pointed out in his memorial speech that today, when we commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, we should take them as an example, uphold the legacy of the martyrs, carry forward the spirit of the martyrs, strengthen ideals and convictions, focus on duties and missions, make all-out efforts to overcome difficulties, forge ahead in a down-to-earth manner, and create historical achievements worthy of the martyrs and the times. Looking back at the arduous course of the Fourth Division's 67 years of reclamation and reclamation, it is a glorious red history, and it is also a history of heroes and exemplary figures, and a number of heroic and exemplary figures who can sing and cry, are admirable, touching, and inspiring, and have emerged, they are the song chaos martyrs who rescued the kazakh drowning children who heroically sacrificed themselves, the "combat hero" Comrade Mao Zhicheng of the old Red Army, the "special explosive hero" Comrade Qian Zhiyou of the old Eighth Road, and Comrade Xu Chuntang, who dedicated his life to the study of lavender planting technology. There are also comrades Ding Ji and Wang Hua, outstanding communist party members of the New Era Corps and outstanding cadres aiding Xinjiang, who are always worthy of our commemoration and respect.

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

Xie Qiang stressed that the new era undertakes a new mission, the new era calls for new responsibilities, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must always remember the heroic names and feats of the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs, carry forward the revolutionary traditions, gather the strength to forge ahead, closely integrate the current party history study and education, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party founding, the spirit of the corps, the spirit of the poplars, and the spirit of the veterans, with a higher fighting spirit, a more solid style, more energetic energy, do not eat the old roots, and then make new contributions. Strive to create new achievements in promoting the development of various undertakings in Shishi City, and strive to write a new chapter in the modernization of Shishi City!

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

After the speech, the leaders of the division and the city presented flowers to the martyrs in turn and stopped to gaze. Subsequently, the leaders of various departments of the division and municipal organs and the Young Pioneers walked to the martyrs' monument in turn and gently placed the chrysanthemums they held in their hands in front of the monument to show their high respect for the revolutionary martyrs.

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

After the ceremony, the leaders of the division and the city and all the personnel visited the martyrs' tombstones, general pavilions, and party sex education bases in the Huiyuan Martyrs' Cemetery.

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day
The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

Members of the Standing Committee of the Kokdala Municipal People's Congress and the leading body of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference[ CPPCC ] , principal leaders of various departments of the division and municipal organs , and representatives of retired cadres of the division and city attended the ceremony.

The picture of this article was taken by Li Hui Yang Junqin Dina

Source: Xinjiang Corps 4th Division Kokdala City Rong Media Center

Edit: Dang Yanli

Review: Cui Kai She Guanghui

The city of Kokdala, the fourth division of the Xinjiang Corps, held a public memorial ceremony for the 2021 Martyrs' Memorial Day

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