
How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

author:Minghui Diary
How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

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How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year


Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica), as a nutritious and popular vegetable, has long been loved by people.

However, for many farmers and gardening enthusiasts, how to increase broccoli production becomes a challenge.

To meet growing demand and ensure stability of supply, researchers and agricultural experts have been exploring planting techniques and cultivation methods.

We will explore high-yield cultivation techniques for broccoli, focusing on cultivation methods that achieve two crops in one year.

How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

By fully understanding the growth characteristics, needs and suitable environmental conditions of broccoli, combined with modern agricultural technology and practical experience, we will provide you with some effective cultivation techniques and suggestions.

Whether as an agricultural producer or an individual gardening enthusiast, these techniques will help you maximize broccoli production and bring you the joy of a good harvest.

Key tips and strategies to boost broccoli production

Broccoli is a well-known vegetable crop, and in order to meet market demand and increase agricultural gains, farmers and gardening enthusiasts have been looking for effective tips and strategies to increase broccoli production. Here are some professional suggestions to help you get there.

  • Soil preparation and improvement: Broccoli prefers fertile, well-drained soils with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Before planting, appropriate soil testing is carried out and suitable organic and mineral fertilizers are applied according to the results. Regular soil improvement measures such as the addition of organic matter, lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH and improve soil structure.
  • Selection of excellent varieties: choose excellent varieties that adapt to the local climate and have strong resistance to pests and diseases. High-quality varieties usually have better growth potential and yield performance. Consult your local agricultural expert or grower for varietal advice for your growing area.
  • Timely sowing and reasonable dense planting: Determine the appropriate sowing time according to the climatic conditions and planting area. Usually, spring and autumn are ideal times to grow broccoli. Ensure proper spacing and row spacing to avoid competition between plants and promote adequate growth and development.
How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year
  • Precise irrigation management: Broccoli is highly hydrate-demanding, but over-irrigation can lead to root rot and disease. Employ appropriate irrigation methods, such as drip or sprinkler irrigation, to ensure that moisture is evenly distributed and not wasted. Monitor soil moisture and irrigate as needed.
  • Reasonable fertilization: According to the soil test results and the nutrient needs of plants, formulate a scientific and reasonable fertilization plan. During broccoli growth, staged fertilization is important, including basal fertilization, top dressing, and foliar spraying. Choose organic and controlled-release fertilizers to provide a long-lasting nutrient supply and reduce the risk of nutrient loss.
  • Pest control: Broccoli is vulnerable to a variety of pests and diseases, such as vegetable moths, aphids and cruciferous viruses. Implementation of integrated pest management measures, including rational crop rotation, regular inspection and monitoring, the use of biological control and selective pesticide use. Keep the field clean and remove infected plants in time to reduce the risk of pest and disease transmission.
  • Regular picking and pruning: Regular picking of mature broccoli buds helps stimulate the formation of new buds and promotes more yields. Prune withered, damaged or overly dense plant sections in time to maintain good ventilation and light conditions.

Applying the above tips and strategies, farmers and gardening enthusiasts can increase broccoli yields.

How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

However, it is important to note that growing environments and management practices vary from region to region, so it is crucial to adapt and optimize to local climate, soil and agronomic requirements.

At the same time, continuous learning and understanding of the latest cultivation techniques and agricultural scientific research will also help to continuously improve the production efficiency and quality of broccoli.

Broccoli nutrient requirements and fertilization reference table

How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

The actual amount of fertilizer used should be determined according to the specific soil quality, climatic conditions of the planting area, variety selection and soil test results. In addition, knowing the pH, organic matter content and ion exchange capacity of the soil is also an important factor in developing an accurate fertilization plan.

Scientific temperature management in relation to growth stage

How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

When broccoli is in different stages of growth, its growth characteristics and development process will be different. Here is a more detailed description of the different stages of growth of broccoli:

  • Germination stage: During the germination stage, broccoli seedlings hatch young seedlings from the soil. At first, the seeds absorb water and expand, then the root system begins to grow downwards and the stem shaft sticks out of the soil. Seedlings are sensitive to temperature and humidity at this stage.
  • Seedling growth stage: The seedling growth stage is an important stage for broccoli. The seedlings begin to unfold true leaves, the stem shaft gradually extends and thickens, and the root system continues to grow. Seedlings need the right temperature and plenty of light to promote their normal growth and development. At this stage, good nutrient supply and proper irrigation management are essential for the healthy growth of seedlings.
  • Growth period: The growth period is the stage of rapid growth of broccoli plants. The leaves gradually increase, forming tight bulbs, and the stem shaft gradually thickens. At this stage, the plant needs the right temperature and sufficient light to support its growth and development. Proper fertilization and irrigation management is also very important to meet the plant's nutrient and water needs.
  • Bulbing: The concubination stage is the stage in which broccoli forms tight bulbs. At this stage, the stem shaft continues to thicken, the knots begin to form, the head gradually solidifies and the texture becomes tight. Lower temperatures help promote the formation and development of clumps. Proper irrigation and nutrient supply are also key to ensuring pellet quality and yield.
How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year
  • Color formation: During the color formation stage, the head color of broccoli begins to form, gradually changing to blue-purple. This stage requires a lower temperature to promote the development of color. At the same time, adequate sun exposure and a moderate supply of moisture are also important for the formation of the color of the flower head.

The description of these stages can help you better understand the changes and characteristics of broccoli during growth, thus providing references and guidelines for planting

Broccoli cultivation technique of two crops a year

The cultivation technique of broccoli twice a year refers to the realization of two harvests of broccoli in one year. Here are the cultivation technology steps to achieve two ripening broccoli a year:

  • Choose the right variety: Choose broccoli varieties that are suitable for two-ripening cultivation a year, these varieties have early maturation and low temperature tolerance, and can achieve the requirements of bulging and maturation in a relatively short time.
  • Spring planting: The first planting is carried out in the spring. Nursery seedlings in advance indoors or in greenhouses, and then transplant seedlings into the field when the soil temperature reaches the right level. Make sure to provide sufficient light and the right temperature to promote healthy growth of the seedlings.
  • Careful management: Careful management of broccoli, including watering, fertilizing and weeding at the right time. According to the soil test results, organic fertilizer and mineral fertilizer are reasonably applied to meet the nutrient demand of plants. Timely weeding to reduce competition for broccoli growth.
  • Control the growth environment: pay attention to the control of temperature and humidity to provide a suitable growth environment for broccoli. According to the temperature requirements of different growth stages, rationally use shading nets, greenhouses or protective measures to control the temperature to prevent the adverse effects of excessive heating or cooling on plants.
How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year
  • Autumn sowing: At the end of summer, prepare the soil and carry out the second planting. At the right time, according to the climatic conditions and the requirements of the variety, the seedlings are transplanted into the field.
  • Pest control: Regularly inspect broccoli fields to detect and deal with pests and diseases in a timely manner. Use organic pesticides or biological control methods to control pests and pathogens.
  • Harvesting and processing: According to the growth cycle and maturity indicators of the variety, accurately judge the ripening time of broccoli, and carry out timely harvesting. Picked broccoli should be stored or processed to extend shelf life.

Through the above cultivation techniques and reasonable management, broccoli can achieve two bumper harvests in one year, maximizing yield and economic benefits.

However, please note that specific cultivation practices need to be adapted to local climatic conditions, soil texture and planting scale. Consult professional agricultural technicians in time for more accurate guidance.

Analysis of the key steps and growth period of broccoli cultivation in two crops a year

How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

Please note that these values are for reference only and actual time and temperature requirements may vary depending on factors such as geographical location, variety selection and climatic conditions. In addition, the growing period may vary depending on the variety and cultivation conditions. When cultivating broccoli, it is important to adapt and optimize according to the local climate and actual conditions.


The high-yield cultivation of broccoli is a focus for farmers and growers. By exploring the cultivation technology of broccoli twice a year, higher yields can be achieved.

In the cultivation process, key factors include timing, temperature requirements, and reasonable planting steps.

According to the timing and temperature requirement analysis, spring and autumn are the most suitable seasons for two-crop cultivation, and the temperature between 15-20°C is the best.

Soil preparation, seedlings, transplanting and management of the growing period all play an important role in the planting process.

How to produce broccoli with high yield, discuss the cultivation technology of broccoli ripening twice a year

Through management measures such as rational fertilization, appropriate watering, weeding and pest control, the growth and development of broccoli can be promoted, so as to achieve the goal of high yield.

In summary, through in-depth research and practice of broccoli two-crop cultivation technology, farmers and growers can obtain more broccoli yield and achieve economic efficiency.


1. Literature title: Key points of broccoli high-yield cultivation technology

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Published journal: "Rural Agricultural Farmers: The Second Half of the Month" No. 2, 2017

2. Literature title: High-yield and high-quality broccoli greenhouse planting technology

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Published journal: Digital Agriculture and Intelligent Agricultural Machinery, Issue 12, 2022

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4. Literature Title: Efficient cultivation technology of open-field edamame broccoli in northern Liaoning Province

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5. Literature title: Early rice-edamame-broccoli green high-quality and efficient cultivation technology in Xianyou County

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