
The top 10 birds in the world


The farthest bird in the world

1. Arctic tern

The top 10 birds in the world

Physical characteristics: Arctic tern is medium-sized, with a body length of 33-39 cm and a wingspan of 76-85 cm. Its plumage is predominantly grey and white , the beak and feet are red , the forehead is white , the top of the head and nape are black , and the cheeks are white. Its grey wings are 305 mm and its shoulder feathers are brown.

Habits and behavior: Arctic terns are migratory birds that travel more than 40,000 kilometers from their northern breeding areas south to the ocean near Antarctica and then north to their breeding areas for two summers a year. It is the seabird with the longest migration route among known birds.

Habitat and distribution: Found in the Arctic and nearby areas.

Conservation Status: The Arctic tern is currently assessed as least concern.

The largest bird in the world

2. African ostrich

The top 10 birds in the world

Physical characteristics: African ostrich is huge, adult individuals can reach 2.5 meters in height, male ostrich weight up to 150 kg. The African ostrich has a small head supported by a snake-like slender neck with a short, flat triangular beak of several sheaths. The main feature is that the keel process is not developed, can not fly, and is also the only two-toed bird in the world's living birds, on each big toe of its feet there are dangerous toenails about 7 cm long, and the hind limbs are thick and powerful, suitable for running.

Habits and behavior: African ostriches are land-dwelling birds that cannot fly and are adapted to running. During the breeding period, the male builds a nest and takes on responsibility for incubating eggs and brooding.

Habitat and distribution: Distributed in vast grasslands, deserts and semi-deserts of the African continent.

Conservation status: The African ostrich is assessed as least concern, but in some areas it is still threatened by overhunting and habitat loss.

The fastest bird in the world on long-haul flights

3. Sharp-tailed swift

The top 10 birds in the world

Physical features: The sharp-tailed swift has long wingtips and short feet, folded wings after landing, and the wingtips are long beyond the tail end. The beak is short but the beak lobes are wide, flying most of the time, often hunting insects in the air, and having long wings and weak legs and feet. It has sickle-like wings and short feathers.

Habits and behavior: The sharp-tailed swift is the fastest bird on long-haul flights, flying at 170 km/h in normal times and up to 352.5 km/h at the fastest. He often hunts insects in the air and has superb flying skills.

Habitat and distribution: The sharp-tailed swift is found all over the world, inhabiting mountains, forests, swamps, shores, etc.

Conservation status: The sharp-tailed swift is assessed as a least concern.

The highest flying bird in the world

4. Black and white vultures

The top 10 birds in the world

Physical characteristics: The black and white vulture is a large African vulture with a body length of 85-107 cm, a wingspan of 230-260 cm, and a weight of 6.4-9 kg. Males and females are similar , and like other condors, they cut a distinctive silhouette in flight, with broad wings and a short square tail.

Habits and behavior: Black and white vultures are highly social birds and live in large flocks. They can fly at speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour to forage for food up to 150 kilometers away from the nest. The black and white vulture is the tallest known flying bird, capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 meters.

Habitat and distribution: Found in sub-Saharan Africa.

Conservation status: The black and white vulture is currently assessed as a vulnerable species and faces threats such as habitat destruction, hunting and poisons.

The bird with the longest wingspan in the world

5. Wandering albatrosses

Physical characteristics: Drifting albatrosses

The top 10 birds in the world

It is the largest species of albatross, with an average wingspan of 3.1 meters and a maximum of 3.7 meters.

Habits and behavior: The huge wingspan of drifting albatrosses gives them good gliding ability, allowing them to stay in the air for hours without waving their wings. Drifting albatrosses mostly live in the southern hemisphere, at 40 degrees south latitude, 27 days a month is the days when the strong westerly wind sets off huge waves, which is the ideal and paradise for albatrosses.

Habitat and distribution: Wandering albatrosses are mainly found in and around Antarctica, with a small number in the Arctic.

Conservation status: The wandering albatross is currently assessed as least concern, but still faces threats such as killing, marine pollution and climate change.

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