
#图文伙伴计划铂金钻是一种独特且低维护的室内植物, dark green leaves are covered with yellowish stripes, each with a unique pattern. It's out

author:Small source flowers

#图文伙伴计划 Platinum Diamond is a unique and low-maintenance houseplant with yellowish stripes on dark green leaves, each with a unique vein. Its brocade is unstable, and as the plant grows, one or more leaves may be pure green, and some may look like its parent plant, which is known to turn into almost all white leaves or with a hint of pink.

Golden diamond green velvet maintenance method :

1. Potting soil:

It is not very demanding on the soil and is suitable for growing in sandy loam soils rich in humus and well drained; Peat and perlite can be mixed with nutrient soil.

2. Moisture:

It likes a humid environment, watering once through, high temperature weather to often spray water around the leaves to humidify and cool, winter to control watering, keep the potting soil moist.

3. Temperature:

Its growth temperature is 20~28 °C, not tolerant to cold, and it is best to keep it at about 15 °C in winter.

4. Lighting:

Do not give it too strong sunlight, it is best to bright and gentle scattered light, winter can shine more light, summer need to pay attention to shade cooling.

5. Fertilization:

In the growing season of May ~ September, fertilizer water is applied twice a month, and the frequency of fertilization is reduced in other seasons, and thin fertilizer is applied frequently, which should be carried out in combination with watering. #Platinum Cranberry #Floral Green #办公室 #室内绿植

#图文伙伴计划铂金钻是一种独特且低维护的室内植物, dark green leaves are covered with yellowish stripes, each with a unique pattern. It's out
#图文伙伴计划铂金钻是一种独特且低维护的室内植物, dark green leaves are covered with yellowish stripes, each with a unique pattern. It's out
#图文伙伴计划铂金钻是一种独特且低维护的室内植物, dark green leaves are covered with yellowish stripes, each with a unique pattern. It's out
#图文伙伴计划铂金钻是一种独特且低维护的室内植物, dark green leaves are covered with yellowish stripes, each with a unique pattern. It's out
#图文伙伴计划铂金钻是一种独特且低维护的室内植物, dark green leaves are covered with yellowish stripes, each with a unique pattern. It's out

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