
Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

The author of this article: Chuan Meimei

The Korean film "Witness" was directed by director Lee Han and filmed in 2019, and after its release in South Korea, the story of the film was talked about in the streets, which was adapted from real events. Its opening and ending songs, background music and actor lines are presented to everyone in the form of Korean language, and finally become a good and wonderful movie.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

The film revolves around the story between lawyer Yang Soon-ho (played by Jung Yu-sheng) who is in charge of the murder case and Lin Ji-woo (played by Kim Heung-ki), a witness with autism, which seems to be a bit old-fashioned, but the insistence of the male protagonist and the female protagonist for justice and ideals that will never be kitsch and never give up, in order to reveal the truth, even if they are despised by the court, even if they lose their job to make a living, they will never shake the good intentions of human nature, which touched countless audiences and won the box office championship.

There are several lines in the story, which go hand in hand in a divergent manner, narrating the relationship between lawyer Yang Chunho and the mother and daughter of witness Lin Zhiyou, and collecting evidence; confrontation with prosecutor Li (played by Li Kuijiong) outside the court and at the scene of the trial; the delicate relationship with his boss, Representative Lee; The love line with Xiangyin, the current single mother of a college classmate, and the father-son relationship with the old father, see the spirit in the subtleties, and it is a warm film that is very healing.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

Some people say that Korean directors can be said to be among the best in the world in the treatment of such films that reflect social reality, and I deeply believe so. The story is not complicated, Mr. Jin, who is under the care of the suspect's maid Wu Meilan (played by Lian Huilan), suddenly committed suicide, and she is naturally unable to escape from the same household. When Lawyer Yang went to the detention center to investigate the maid, she shed tears of grievance in front of Lawyer Yang. As she said, "I work in his house, I get along like a family, he provides me with food and lodging and wages, why should I kill him?" ”。 I was also blinded by her vulnerable tears, and I couldn't help but wonder, the 15-year-old girl is still an autistic person, and she is identified as a murderer, is her testimony reliable?

But you follow the plot to watch, the director has enough control ability, presenting multiple clues in front of you one by one, so that this suspenseful case is stripped of the cocoon and slowly reveals the truth, you can't help but marvel, the mechanism is too clever, and it missed Qing Qing's life. You would never have imagined that it was his own son Representative Jin who led the entire father-killing incident.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

I like the male protagonist Yang Lawyer in this movie, firstly, he is handsome, and secondly, the Korean drama "Athena" that I once brushed, he is the male protagonist Lee Jung-woo, he has always loved the double-faced spy Yoon Hye-in, just like in this film, he has always liked college classmate Xiangyin, even if she has children, he can love together. During the first trial, this cannibalistic lawyer complied with the intention of Chief Representative Li, found out the flaw of witness Lin Zhiyou as an autistic patient, and concluded that "the witness suffers from mental illness, and the testimony cannot be accepted as evidence", making the court believe that the servant was wronged, and her self-statement and the efforts of Mr. Jin, who tried to rescue Mr. Jin, who tried to commit suicide at the scene, won the sympathy of the audience and the jury, and she was acquitted on the spot.

But one detail reminded lawyer Yang Chunho, that is, the maid was acquitted and smiled at each other in court with the deceased's son, a scene that did not escape Lawyer Yang's keen eyes. According to the normal train of thought, killing the father and the enemy, isn't that the hatred and anger that the eyes will bleed, this is a bit abnormal.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

So, Lawyer Yang began to put his efforts on autistic student Lin Zhiyou, he waited for her on the way from school, gave her a book of guessing, and agreed that 5 pm every day was the time for the two of them to guess, and the careful Lawyer Yang even wrote down Zhiyou's hobby of eating blue jelly, and sent her to the hospital when her companion Shinhui bullied her, gaining the trust of Zhiyou's mother.

Originally, prosecutor Li of the prosecution had already done a good job and did not allow Zhiyou to come forward to testify in court. But the kind and innocent Zhiyou told his mother, "I want to be a witness", "I want to be a lawyer, but I have autism, I may not be a lawyer for the rest of my life, but I can be a witness" This child is simple and kind to make people feel distressed.

Lawyer Yang's softest place in his heart was touched, and he thought that he was also telling his father at this age that he would grow up to be a lawyer, be a good person, and help those who needed help. Perhaps when he was young, he was as simple as Zhiyou's idea, to be a good person, to be kind to others, and to help others. But now that he's in the business, he knows how deep the water is. In the case he handled before, the perpetrator asked him directly, he would be sentenced to a few years, and he wanted to spend his money worth.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

We know that it may be the duty of a lawyer to obtain the best judgment for the client, but there will also be a definition of justice and law, that is, he cannot violate morality, ignore the facts, and be driven by interests, and favor criminals, which is intolerable to his original intention and conscience.

But the problem came, his boss, Representative Lee, hinted that he had to accept "contamination," and Mr. Kim (the son of the deceased) wanted them to go to the conclusion of suicide. And his boss intends to promote him to be a partner in a law firm, which means that his income will increase significantly, and his father needs money to pay off his debts.

That day, the suspect Wu Meilan was released on the spot, and the chief was very satisfied, and went to a nightclub party with several of his colleagues, and actually called a few beautiful women to accompany him. He personally watched a colleague pull a certain woman upstairs alone to mess around, and he cursed a "scum" in his heart. The chief signaled to the woman in red to seduce him, could he not understand, but he knew in his heart that this was not the life he wanted. He went to his college classmate, Xiangyin, a single mother, who is a media person with a sense of justice, she heard about the case he sponsored, and clearly told him that we are not all the way, you go, there is no need to meet again.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

This collided with the conscience in his heart, whether to be complicit with the worldly vested interests, or to stick to the original intention of justice in his heart. It seems that two Yang lawyers are in conversation: a donkey goes downhill and follows the will of the chief with a conscience, the future of the lawyer's partner is in front of him, and the beautiful car of wealth will roll in; One is Zhiyou's child's big godless eyes and ask, "Is uncle a good person?" ”

There is no doubt that the capital person in his heart has the upper hand, he found professional autism books for in-depth study, he knows that autistic people have abnormally sensitive hearing, and Zhiyou on the way to school reacts greatly to the barking of the little yellow dog. She repeatedly said the number 52, and Lawyer Yang seemed to understand that there must be direct evidence at the crime scene, that is, what the criminal or the deceased had said, and he was very encouraged.

In the second trial, he came to a field experiment, let the bailiffs by the door report their home, name and age, voice does not need to be loud, let Zhiyou repeat it, and the result is that Zhiyou is right word for word.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

In addition, he knew that Zhiyou not only had sensitive hearing, but also absolutely powerful vision, and before he reported 267 small circles on his tie, he wanted everyone in the audience to witness this extremely accurate miracle. He took out a blue handkerchief, which he had just bought on the way to court, and asked Zhiyou to name the number of small circles on the handkerchief, and Zhiyou glanced at the handkerchief and said, "196!" "The court immediately asked the staff to count 196 circles on the spot!

Before it was over, Lawyer Yang cordially connected with Zhiyou, "We have guessing time at 5 o'clock every day, what you heard the maid say that night, please repeat it." There are 52 words, and the court is asked to review. The miracle reappeared, Xiao Zhiyou unhurriedly recounted the maid's words that night after Mr. Jin was suffocated by a plastic bag, "Oh, it's so sad, why don't you cooperate, you have money to donate, it's better to give it to me, you won't die..." The court was as silent as death, and the auditor reported: Remove the punctuation, exactly 52 words!

Burst! The evidence is overwhelming, and Lawyer Yang's argument is very timely to declare to the court: "Everyone is different, please consider her communication style, she is very special, her observation and hearing are superpowers." Yes, Zhiyou recorded all the actions of the maid at the scene, including dialogue and actions, just like taking pictures and recording videos. Who is the murderer? "Who ordered you to kill Mr. Kim"?

The maid collapsed, she burst into tears, and turned her eyes to the audience "It's him", Mr. Kim's son, President Kim, his funds are about to be frozen in the next few days, and he urgently needs a sum of money. We can make up the real plot in our heads, President Kim has financial difficulties, asks his father for money, his father does not allow it, he has his own charity. The son became murderous and used the servant to also need money to treat his righteous son. Conspiring to kill the elderly, they can all benefit, and disguising suicide to evade the punishment of the law can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

They never imagined it. There are ears to the window, and a pair of sharp eyes, it is a 15-year-old Zhiyou, her clean heart cannot be tarnished, she can only say what she has seen and heard with her own ears. The action of covering her mouth in court, childish and realistic and so cute, these evidences have undoubtedly verified the fact that the old man was homicide, not suicide!

"You are the most powerful witness in this case." Lawyer Yang affectionately came to a large confession: "In my legal career, she is the most accurate witness I have ever met, and from the beginning she only told the truth, but it was us, and we did not know how to communicate with her." "Thank you Zhiyou, you did your best".

Because of Zheng Yusheng, and the grown up "Suyuan", this film makes people have to love

There was a riot in the courtroom, and Lawyer Yang's boss, Representative Li, was furious: stop the trial immediately, this trial is invalid! You you you, Yang, you are a defense lawyer, how can you... He was incoherent and angry, and he was taken out of the trial by the bailiffs.

Heck, I like this ignorant middle school student, autistic Lin Zhiyou too much, her little lips are red and upturned, and she blinks with a pair of innocent big eyes when she speaks, she usually does not dare to raise her head and talk to herself. She has a very high IQ, if not autism, she is completely a sunny beautiful, smart and cute little girl, even if she is deeply involved in the discrimination of the world, she lives in her own world, and is still pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and finally she made the most incisive and accurate conclusion for this murder case with the key 52 words - homicide.

My eyes are moist, in order to adhere to the truth, not afraid of the shame of others, tell the truth of the wise friend; Lawyer Yang, who did not hesitate to lose his great future, even if he lost his lawyer's job. The light of justice and morality finally triumphed over the expansion of personal selfish desires and interests, and what kind of storm the game between the two had stirred up in the chest of Yang Da's handsome man. Some people say that the heart of the Virgin is needed, life is long, opportunities to test human nature will appear from time to time, and the price of being a good person is sometimes heavy.

In this sense, director Li Han is a good director with romantic feelings, and he has beautiful expectations and yearning for human nature. Because, walking in the middle of the vast sea of people, if you encounter such a big life test as lawyer Yang Chunhao, how will you choose? Perhaps, most people will think that he is too ridiculous and a little silly, and I dare not give a loud answer, how about you?

I suddenly remembered the popular Japanese movie "Human Witness" in the late seventies of the last century, and the film "Witness" is inverse, both saying that human nature is a game of good and evil, and how the "Straw Hat Song" once poked our numb hearts: "Mom, do you remember / The straw hat you once gave me / Lost a long time ago / It floated to the mountain col of thick fog...

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