
The Mystery of eternity: Cheng Tang, Xia Jie was defeated without a fight

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Cheng Tang was defeated without a fight

"Lü Shi Chunqiu. Shen Da" "Yi Yin told Tang that shang was dry, and Tang Yu sent his master to believe in Yi Yin's alliance, so he ordered the east to go out of the country and the west to advance." Without a blade, he walked away, and went to the sand, his body scattered, killing for the world. ”

The Biography of the Daughters of The Column. Xia Jie Mei Xi" "The princes rebelled. So Tang was ordered to cut it down and fight against Naruto. Ji Shi did not fight, Tang banished And Ji was exiled, and Ji and Concubine Xi were in the same boat in the sea, and died in the South Nest Mountain. ”

"Huainanzi", "Bamboo Book Chronicle", "Taiping Imperial Chronicle", "Imperial Century" "Tang Lai cut down the Jie, with the Yi Di Ni fought in the field of Naruto, and was defeated without fighting." Tang chased after the big involved, so the birds were in Jiaojiao, and the Mountain was released, but Yu Meixi and the concubines floated in the same boat and ran to the South Nest Mountain and died. ”

Although Cheng Tang had 27 marches, it was not for the sake of cutting down, but for the son to get his father's soldiers and fight for his father. With the subject of the king, the following is the opposite of the upper name: felling, and the son of heaven is under, is known as: sign.

Historia. The "Chronicle of Justice" all believe that There is a Chao Lake in Luzhou, that is, it is wrong to cut down the soup in the south nest. Because of "Huainanzi": "Cheng Tang was defeated in Lishan (Zhangqiu), and he and his sister Xi were in the same boat on the floating river to run to the south nest mountain." It was Cheng Tang who escorted Xia Jie to the town of Nanchao Sanbing.

Cheng Tang Cut Jie, Battle in Yi Di, The Year of the Fire, is for the Year of Nong Peng; King Wu Cuts Silk, Cheng is in Jiazi, and The Age is in the Quail Fire, which is for Xin Wei Nian.

"Kong Biography": "The capital of Xiayi, Tang Shengdao came out of his mind from Theo, the Sun is in the south of the River Curve, and the Mingtiao is in the west of Anyi".

This Mingtiao is not the Mingtiao Mountain of Yuncheng, Shanxi, but in the south of Kunwu. "Kunwu Xia Jie" Yao Shi Shi Shen, the capital of Xia Jie, is for Emperor Qiu. Shangqiu, the capital of Yao shi Fu Bo, Shi Shen, Fu Bo, Zhao Zhi Shu Zi, brothers discord, Zhao Qian Shi Shen in Bactria and Qian Fu Bo in Shang Qiu, Shang Zhi for Shang, is because Cheng Tang originated in Shang, from the princes of Shang land to become the Emperor of Tianzi, has nothing to do with Shang Qi, he is after the Xia people of Jiezi. Cheng Tang was not in Xia Yi, but in Naruto in the south of Kun Wu.

"Shu" Yun: "An Yi is in Boxi, Tang Dang is going to cut the scenery, and those who rise from the Sun are from the bottom up, (from the Road from Dingtao to The Road), and the Qidang is the name of the mountain, the adventure is roundabout (hui), and it is unexpected." "Sashi should be there still shi, patience also!

Historia. Yin Benji "Tang Naixingshi, led (the princes) of the (masses), Yi Yin from Tang, Tang Zizhi, to cut Kunwu, sui to cut Xia Jie,......。 Tang (gui) Xia, want to move its society can not be, as "Xia She", Yi Yin Bao (Tang), so the princes are obedient, Tang is the son of heaven, pacify the sea. Tang Gui as for the Tai roll pottery, the middle base as a curse, not only Xia Life, but also the "Tang Zhen". ”

Tai, Taishan, Curly Pottery, Xue Guo, Ding Tao, Former Xia Dynasty Che Zheng Xi Zhong Fiefdom, Hou Zhongyu Residence; Zhonglei, Lei Ze, Puyang.

Book of Zhou. The prologue says: "Tang Gui, since xia to the big kiln, Zhongyu as a curse." "There is a town in Chao County.

The above documents seem to be similar, but in fact there are still some differences. The Spring and Autumn of the Lü Dynasty, the Biography of the Daughters of Lie, the Chronicle of the Bamboo Book, and the Century of The Emperors believe that Vakunwu and Vakunwu were the same battle. In particular, "Century of Kings" is more obvious. Only Sima Qian's "Records of History" "first cut Kun Wu, then cut Xia Jie". Ji is in Kunwunan.

"The division does not fight, and the defeat is achieved without a fight", why is there a contradiction in "fighting in the ming strip"? War is desire, no war is the result. First, the people think that Cheng Tang is a saint, and third, what do the soldiers think is between your father and son? Fourth, the two armies could not fight, wounding a thousand men and wounding themselves eight hundred. The opposite eye is the enemy, the father and son are so embarrassed, so there will be Xia Jie's defeat without a battle, Cheng Tang also opened one side, did not do anything, left a back road for Jie, escorted to Nanchao, three years later, Ji died of illness, Cheng Tang buried him for three years, and ordered the people to "ban string singing and dancing" to show mourning.

What is the point of not fighting? Because Cheng Tang had a peaceful dialogue with his father in Puyang, Ludi County, about the aspirations of the people.

"Yi Zhou Shu": "The soup will be released in Nakano, the people will smell the soup in the wild, all will entrust the goods to help the old and the young to run (soup), and the middle of the country (empty) is empty." Please Ask Tang Yue: The reason why the country is for the country is to have a home, 'the reason why the family is the family is that there are people.' There is no home in this country. There are people who are king, please send to the king of the country. Tang Yue: No, Emperor Xi made the Tao, and the Ming priests and people. Now the king has destroyed the tao and the people are confused. I am Wang Mingzhi.

Shi Min Fu (Gui), (Tang) to Yu Yue: With the dwelling of the Bo Jun, the cruelty of the people, why should the Jun be more? The five hundred people who belonged to ji and the five hundred people in the south stopped at the uneven, and the people rushed to the soup in Nakano. Please soup, words and gentlemen. Tang Yue: No, I am the monarch Mingzhi.

Shimin reinstates (returns) and (桀) asks for it again. Jie and his subordinates migrated to Lu (Shandong Zhangqiu), and The Lu shimin fu ben tang. Jie you also know: The kingdom, the king has also. I am an outsider, and I have words, and I will do it if I think my way is evil. Tang Yue: What is the entrustment of this king's soldiers and people? Soup can't stop. ”

Kun Wu is not a whin, the ancients combined World War II into one. It is misunderstood as a war on the same day. Because of the mistake of "merging the two wars into one" in the previous history, there were disputes between the two sites of Mingtiao and Nanchao in later generations.

Now it seems that Cheng Tangfa Kunwu first set out from Shangqiu, Puyang to the north, through Dingtao Xueguo to the west, and then fought against Kunwu Nanmingtiao, xia Jie was defeated without a fight, and then exiled to Woniu Mountain in Chao County, Anhui Province, to be sent to Wang Gang. The geese have a sound, people go to leave their names, the land is named after people, people are passed on by the ground, chao county has Tangshan, Tangwang village.

Cheng Tang, the son of Xia Jie, and his mother, Xia Jie's yuan concubine, later abandoned Tang Mu because she had a new joy, and Tang Mu threw herself into Luo Shui and died

The Mystery of eternity: Cheng Tang, Xia Jie was defeated without a fight

Beijing: National Museum of Ancient Cultural Relics Exhibition 009

, so into a soup! Because of the love of father and son, he did not do anything to the extreme, and did not whip the corpse of the King of Zhou Wu like King Wu. That's why ancient historians will have: "Cheng Tang Cut Jie, gradually have shame; Wu Wang Cut Silk, did not see the good is!" ”

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