
In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

author:Digo said history

He was the young master of Lu Han, the chief of the Military Justice Department of the Five Provinces of Sun Chuanfang, and came from a bureaucratic family.

He was Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" and had contacts and contacts with the upper echelons of the Kuomintang.

He was a think tank of Tombaugh and was appointed by Him as a "Major General of the Third Front".


Despite the above prominent titles, he has worked for the party for decades in hidden records, passed on many important information for the party, and made immortal merits, he is the famous red agent Lu Jiuzhi.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Lu Jiuzhi

Originally from Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, Lu Jiuzhi was born in 1902, and soon after the family moved to Hunan with his father. His father, Lu Han, served as the prefect of Chenzhou in the Qing Dynasty, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he successively served as the director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance and the director of the National Tobacco and Alcohol Monopoly Bureau. After Yuan Shikai's death, Lu Han served as Sun Chuanfang's chief of the Military Justice Department of the Five Provinces Coalition Army, and his power was very large.

Lu Jiuzhi was the eldest son of Lu Han, who hoped that he could inherit his father's business and honor his ancestors, but Lu Jiuzhi was very disgusted with this rich and powerful warlord family, and he was influenced by the new ideas of the "May Fourth" movement when he was a teenager, loved to read progressive books and periodicals such as "New Youth", began to look forward to a revolutionary life, and set the ambition of "revitalizing China".

Lu Jiuzhi knew that his father had a habit: as soon as he sat down on the toilet, he liked to pick up a book and flip through it. So he put progressive publications such as New Youth at his father's toilet in advance. As the days went on, Lu Han was also affected by some, and he no longer restricted Lu Jiuzhi's progressive ideas too much.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

The New Youth

At the age of 18, Lu Jiuzhi was admitted to the Shanghai Baocheng Spinning Factory as an apprentice, and later came to Hangzhou to study in four industrial schools. In 1926, through the introduction of his friend Xu Meikun, he met the underground party member Cai Shuhou, the two were very close, and soon after they founded a "Shaodun Electric Company" in Shanghai, under the cover of repairing motors, household appliances, and installing electric lights, which was an important secret liaison station of the Communist Party.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Uncle Cai Hou

Later, Lu Jiuzhi became an auditor at Shanghai Studies, and was taught by Yun Daiying, Qu Qiubai and other communists of the older generation, which further stimulated his yearning and enthusiasm for revolution.

But just when Lu Jiuzhi was working hard, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" coup d'état in 1927 and hunted down and killed Communists. In view of the situation at that time, the party organization arranged for Lu Jiuzhi to infiltrate the enemy under the cover of being a "trade union investigator" (a secret service organization of the Kuomintang), secretly tracking and spying on intelligence.

However, most party members did not understand the situation, believing that Lu Jiuzhi had betrayed and that a bureaucratic young master like him should have been purged of the revolutionary ranks long ago. In this way, Lu Jiuzhi endured humiliation and burdens and silently worked for the party.

After the Nanchang uprising, Chen Geng came to Shanghai for treatment due to a broken leg, and was discovered by a secret agent of the investigation team, who reported to his superiors: "Chen Geng often appeared at the Niu Huilin Doctor Clinic at the chengdu intersection of Aidoya Road. But the enemy stood guard next to the clinic for a long time, but he didn't see Chen Geng's shadow.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Chen Geng

On another occasion, a secret agent discovered the hiding place of Xiang Zhongfa, then chairman of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, but by the time the searchers arrived, Xiang Zhongfa had escaped in time.

Behind this was that After receiving the information, Lu Jiuzhi quickly issued an alarm to his comrades through underground channels, so that they could quickly escape.

After the enemy repeatedly found that the tracked prey had escaped, they knew that there must be someone inside who had a problem, and they became suspicious of Lu Jiuzhi, but they had no evidence, so they had to fire him in 1928.

After Lu Jiuzhi was dismissed, he used his status as a bureaucratic young master and his connections to serve as the secretary of the China Merchants Bureau and concurrently served as the editor-in-chief of the Semi-Monthly Magazine of the Aviation Industry, continuing to work underground in Shanghai.

Later, Lu Jiuzhi proposed to Zhou Enlai in Shanghai to join the Communist Party of China, but Zhou Enlai said: "If you ask to join the party, Zhao Shiyan and I can be your introducers." But you don't join the party more important than joining the party, you can play a greater role, we can contact one-line! ”

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Zhou Enlai

Soon after, Riku his identity was revealed during an operation and had to flee Japan, where he studied in Japan for seven years, earning diplomas from the Japan Railway Academy and Waseda University, becoming a "Japan Pass".

After the "July 7 Incident", Lu Jiuzhi returned to the occupied areas of Shanghai and organized and arranged for him to stay here to spy on Japanese and false intelligence.

In 1940, a naval attaché Whomano, whom Rikuyuki had known in Japan, invited him to nanjing to become an official in the Wang puppet government, but he replied: "I have no intention of becoming an official, but I have the intention of running a newspaper." ”

The other party asked him, "What do you mean by that?" ”

Lu Jiuzhi said: "When China and Japan go to war, they are not familiar with each other, so it is difficult to become friends, so they will fight each other." If your country advocates 'Sino-Japanese goodwill', then we should turn the work into a jade veil, which depends on the pen pole, and I am willing to do my best to do this. ”

Okino was overjoyed after hearing this: "You managed to recruit newspaper personnel, and we raised funds." ”

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Greater Shanghai during the Japanese and Pseudo-Japanese periods

Therefore, Lu Jiuzhi set up the "Huamei Morning Post" in a dignified manner, funded by the Japanese, and all edited and operated by Lu Jiuzhi, who used the cover of "Sino-Japanese goodwill" to publicize the anti-Japanese resistance and collect Japanese and false intelligence. But after waiting for several months, the Japanese never found a pro-Japanese article in the newspaper, so they asked Lu Jiuzhi what the reason was.

However, Lu Jiuzhi replied: "Sino-Japanese goodwill is a century-old plan, and we must not be too hasty, frozen three feet, and cannot seek the merits of the day." ”

While running a newspaper, Lu Jiuzhi also used his personal connections to infiltrate the "Haian Company", which had close ties with the Japanese Navy, as a manager. At that time, the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu and Shandong was in urgent need of a large number of candles, fire oil, paper and other materials, and Lu Jiuzhi obtained a permit from the naval manager's department to continuously transport these materials to the Liberated Areas.

However, the wise man was worried that there would be a mistake, and the matter of transporting supplies was eventually discovered by the Japanese, and Lu Jiuzhi was arrested by the Japanese gendarmes and imprisoned, and was severely tortured, but he never admitted that he had contact with the Communist Party, insisting that this was an oversight of his work, and finally he was successfully released by virtue of his good popularity in the Japanese military circles.

After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in August 1945, Chiang Kai-shek, in order to seize the fruits of victory, immediately sent his concubine Tang Enbo, commander of the Third Front Army, to Shanghai as a reception officer, and Lu Jiuzhi was also appointed by Tang Enbo as a "Major General counselor of the Third Front Army" and became his guest of honor.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party


It turned out that Tang Enbo and the Lu family were family friends, and when he was unhappy in his early years, it was through Lu Han's introduction that he met Chen Yi, an important member of the Kuomintang, and under Chen Yi's promotion, he was reused by Chiang Kai-shek, so Tang Enbo always regarded Lu Jiuzhi as a brother.

Soon after, Lu Jiuzhi, under the introduction of Tang Enbo's secretary-general Hu Jingru's wife, met Chen Yaoguang, the daughter of Chiang Kai-shek's third wife, Chen Jieru, and married her, so some people later jokingly called him Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law."

However, Chen Yaoguang was not Chen Jieru's biological daughter, she and Chiang Kai-shek had not given birth in the years, so she adopted Chen Yaoguang, and at that time Chen Jieru had already divorced Chiang Kai-shek for many years, if Lu Jiuzhi was Chiang Kai-shek's real "son-in-law", it was still a bit far-fetched.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Chen Jieru

When receiving Shanghai, Lu Jiuzhi suggested to Tang Enbo: "The ancients had clouds: 'It is easy to go to the thief in the mountains, but it is difficult to go to the thief in the heart.'" If you can run a Japanese newspaper to publicize and educate Japanese prisoners and Overseas Chinese, eliminate the poison of their militarist ideology, and instill the knowledge of democracy and progress, they will be deeply impressed with you, Commander Tang. ”

Tang Enbo was overjoyed after hearing this: "Insightful, insightful! He immediately asked Lu Jiuzhi to go all out to set up a newspaper, which was specifically responsible for the propaganda and education of Japanese prisoners and Japanese overseas Chinese.

Therefore, Lu Jiuzhi named this newspaper "Reform Daily" and used it to actively expose the crimes of Japanese militarism, publicize the new ideas of peace, democracy and progress, and at the same time reaffirm the domestic situation and demand that the Kuomintang government abide by the principles of the Kuomintang-Republican peace talks and peacefully resolve domestic problems. The newspaper also actively published articles by progressive writers such as Guo Moruo, Xia Yan, and Tian Han, with a very good circulation of up to 360,000 copies per day, which well publicized the party's principles and policies.

However, after the Kuomintang-Communist negotiations broke down, the Reform Daily was hated by the Kuomintang military and central unification, who accused the Reform Daily of being the mouthpiece of the Communist Party and demanded that Lu Jiuzhi be arrested, but Tang Enbo, hindered by decades of friendship with Lu Jiuzhi, only dissolved the newspaper and did not blame him.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

At the beginning of 1949, most of the country had been liberated, and the central authorities hoped to be able to peacefully liberate Shanghai, the largest city in the Far East, and to take over Shanghai peacefully, it was necessary to rebel against The Then Commander-in-Chief of the Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Garrison, and the East China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the East China Military and Political Committee entrusted this task to Lu Jiuzhi.

But to plot against Tombaugh, the stakes are enormous. Earlier, Tang Enbo's "military master" Zhou Tianmu was not only unsuccessful in persuading him to lead a troop uprising, but was assassinated by him. Tang Enbo's mentor Chen Yi also believed that "the Kuomintang was corrupt and declining, the general trend was gone, and there was no way to recover", and advised him to revolt to conform to the people's hearts, but he sent a secret report to Chiang Kai-shek, so that Chen Yi was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek in Quzhou. Lu Jiuzhi thought twice and decided to go directly to Tang Enbo's official residence and persuade him to revolt.

After Tang Enbo returned home, Lu Jiuzhi advised him: "I am very worried about the current situation, if the peace talks break down, the communist army will definitely immediately cross the river to fight and go straight down to Beijing and Shanghai. ”

Tang Enbo was very shocked after hearing this, but still forcibly and cunningly argued: "The communist army has no aircraft and no warships, so how easy is it to break through the natural dangers of the Yangtze River?" Even if the communists crossed the river, the fortifications in Shanghai were so strong that they could negotiate with the communists. ”

Lu Jiuzhi continued to persuade: "At present, the people's hearts are tired of war, the army's morale is scattered, and the general trend has gone, if we do not obey the people's hearts and continue to fight, we can only kill ourselves." ”

Tang Enbo pondered for a long time and said a meaningful sentence: "Shanghai was received by me from the Japanese, I will not bear to destroy it, I will hand over Shanghai to the people of Shanghai in its entirety." ”

Lu Jiuzhi knew that Tang Enbo's thoughts had been shaken, so he continued to insist on doing ideological work for him. On April 27, Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Shanghai with his sons Chiang Ching-kuo and Chiang Wai-kuo and personally supervised the battle.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Chiang Kai-shek father and son

After Lu Jiuzhi learned of this, he hurriedly said to Tang Enbo: "Your brother's opportunity has come, and now you can become famous in one fell swoop, you can be the second Fu Zuoyi, but it will be more advantageous than him, because the three fathers and sons of the Jiang family are in your hands." ”

Tang Enbo was shocked when he heard this, and he waved his hand and said, "Don't be blind. ”

At this time, Jiang Weiguo suddenly walked in, and Lu Jiuzhi and Tang Enbo looked at each other, and could only say something like "the weather is really good" to deal with him.

Later, Chiang Kai-shek's father and son summoned Tang Enbo to the warship, and Lu Jiuzhi never saw Tang Enbo again, and his reaction against him had to be interrupted. Soon after, Tang Enbo left Shanghai and flew to Taiwan, and he sent a message to Lu Jiuzhi: "There is a seat left for you on the plane. ”

But Lu Jiuzhi refused, saying, "I'm waiting for you to come back here." ”

Lu Jiuzhi was very sad that he had not been able to complete the plot against Tang Enbo, but the head of the Shanghai Bureau, Sha Wenhan, advised him: "Although the work of plotting against Tang is not completed, you have done your best to contribute to the liberation of Shanghai." ”

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party


After the founding of New China, Lu Jiuzhi accepted a new task in 1950: to go to Tokyo, Japan, to plot against Zhu Shiming, head of the Kuomintang military delegation in Japan.

So Lu Jiuzhi smuggled himself to Japan via Hong Kong and quickly contacted Zhu Shiming, who said to Zhu Shiming: "I am not doing business or tourism in the east this time, but I have come to talk about the future future of the regiment leader. ”

Zhu Shiming was shocked after hearing this: "For me? ”

Lu Jiuzhi said solemnly: "The CHINESE Communists hope that you will take the lead in the uprising among the Kuomintang envoys stationed abroad and lead the regiment to abandon the dark and turn to the light." Now that New China has been born, if you can return, the CCP side will wholeheartedly welcome it. This is the mission of my visit to Colonel Zhu in Japan! ”

Zhu Shiming's thinking was also somewhat shaken, but he still said that this matter needed to be considered in the long run, and he needed to consider it for a few days.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

Zhu Shiming

However, the Taiwan side seems to have sensed Zhu Shiming's movements and sent Vice Foreign Minister Dong Xianguang to Chase Down to Tokyo. Zhu Shiming was afraid that the matter would be exposed, and he hastily informed Lu Jiuzhi that he would not contact him again in the future.

Lu Jiuzhi knew that it was not too late, and he hastily contacted Xie Nanguang, Zheng Ding'an, and other officials of the delegation, all of whom expressed their willingness to revolt. In the end, they decisively broke away from the delegation and returned to Beijing via Hong Kong, where they were warmly welcomed by the people's government. However, Zhu Shiming, fearing the assassination of Kuomintang agents, did not act with them and fled to the United States alone.

Because Lu Jiuzhi did not have a passport, he had to find a cargo ship when he returned to China and smuggled back to Hong Kong, but due to the great wind and waves on the way back, he was violently thrown off the bed by a huge wave in the middle of the night and fell into a concussion. After that, although he was healed and escaped from danger, he left a lifelong sequelae, his head could not look left and right, and his right hand often trembled.

Although Lu Jiuzhi made great contributions to the revolution, he was also shocked and criticized during the Cultural Revolution, and he was not acquitted until after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. In 1996, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China finally came to a conclusion, affirming his entire revolutionary history, participating in the revolution from 1926, when he followed Zhou Enlai, and granting him the retirement treatment of the rank of vice mayor.

In 1928, Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law" wanted to join the party, but Premier Zhou said: You play a greater role outside the party

In their later years, Lu Jiuzhi and Chen Yaoguang

In his later years, Lu Jiuzhi was always reluctant to call himself Chiang Kai-shek's "son-in-law," saying: "Chiang Kai-shek is Chiang Kai-shek, I am me, and we must not be curious to confuse me with him." I'm so old, I didn't want to touch him before, and I don't want to be famous because of him now. Fame and fortune don't matter to me! ”

On February 12, 2008, Lu Jiuzhi died in Shanghai at the age of 106.

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