
How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

author:Midnight ink

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the strength of the various princely states was uneven, some strong and some weak, the weak were bullied, and the strong were hegemonic. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there were five particularly powerful princes, known in history as the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons, although the princes referred to by the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons were different, but Qin Mugong was one of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons in most versions. How did Qin Mugong become the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period? This article talks about how Qin Mugong is recorded in the "Records of History". (This article is a continuation of the previous article", "There were three civil strife after Qin was crowned as a prince, and after the third civil unrest ended, Qin began to grow stronger" to continue to tell the historical story of zhengshi.) )

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? </h1>

The State of Qin before Duke Mu of Qin had just experienced the first civil strife since the founding of the Qin Dynasty, that is, after the death of the fourth monarch, Duke Qin Ning, the eldest prince of the great shu did not set up a young son - a son, and then killed the young son to re-establish the prince, this prince was the Duke of Wu, shortly after The Duke of Wu succeeded to the throne, he killed the chief of the Great Shu, saying that they killed the son, the purpose was to create a stable system of power transfer for the subsequent Qin state, and told the later generations, don't play slippery, and honestly establish a new monarch according to the normal succession system.

Under the influence of Duke Wu, the subsequent change of power has always been normal, and it was not until the death of the 23rd monarch, Qin Huigong, that there was another civil unrest in deposing Chang Liyou, which is not mentioned in detail here, because I mentioned it in the previous article. Then he said that the influence of Wu Gong, Wu Gong laid down rules for the successors of later generations, and warned non-clan concubines to be honest. In this way, the monarch passed down from generation to generation, but after the death of Duke Wu did not establish his own son, may feel that his son is not good, he set up his own brother Degong, this is after the founding of the Qin State, but for the first time, from here, I think that The Duke of Wu passed on to his brother, which directly affected the later Succession of Duke Mu of Qin.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Qin lineage

After the death of Duke Degong of Qin, he passed on the throne to his son Qin Xuangong, who was influenced by his uncle Duke Wu of Qin and did not pass it on to his son, because Duke Xuan of Qin had nine sons, and he felt that it was not okay, and Qin Xuangong passed the throne to his younger brother Qin Chenggong. Before Qin Chenggong died, he imitated his uncle Wu Gong and his elder brother Degong, and felt that his sons (Qin Chenggong had seven sons) were not good, and did not pass the throne to his sons, but to his younger brother, that is, Qin Mugong.

In this way, Qin Mugong became the 9th monarch of the Qin state. If the same situation had occurred in other princely states or various dynasties in history, there would certainly not have been a tradition like the State of Qin, in which three consecutive monarchs chose to be wise and brother-in-law despite having many sons. In other words, in other princely states, The Duke of Qin Mu would at best become a member of the clan and would not become a monarch.

From another point of view, in this period, from the 5th monarch of the Qin State, Qin Wugong, to the 8th monarch of the Qin State, Qin Chenggong, were not faint monarchs, at least they all did things from the perspective of maximizing the interests of the Qin State. This point, from the records of the Qin Benji, can fully prove my above judgment:

The 5th monarch, Duke Wu of Qin, rebelled against the Pengxi, Yi, and Ji Rong clans, and adopted Them as the two counties of the State of Qin; set up counties in Du and Zheng (not the princely state of Zheng); and destroyed Xiao Yu.

The 6th monarch, Duke De of Qin, moved the capital to Yong, and Liang Bo and Rui Bo came to see him.

The 7th monarch, Duke Xuan of Qin, built Miqi (possibly a city) and won the battle with the Jin state at Heyang.

The 8th monarch, Duke Cheng of Qin, Liang Bo and Rui Bolai came to see him.

It was in such an excellent clan that Qin Mugong came to the stage of history.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Qin Mugong

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2. How did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? </h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian</h1>

In the first year of Qin Mugong's succession, he showed his ambition to personally attack Maojin and win. In the fifth year of his reign, the Jin state destroyed the yu and yu states, and the reason for destroying the yu state was as follows:

The State of Jin borrowed the way from the State of Yu to destroy the State of Yu, fearing that the State of Yu would not agree, the State of Jin gave bai yu and liangma to the emperor of the State of Yu, and the State of Yu agreed, and as a result, the State of Jin directly destroyed the State of Yu after destroying the State of Yu. In the Yu kingdom, there was a doctor named Baili Xi, and the jin ruler Jin Xiangong sent the captive Baili Xi to the Qin state as a dowry for The Duke of Qin Mu. Duke Mu of Qin married the daughter of Duke Xian of Jin, who was the sister of Prince Shensheng of Jin, Duke Yiwu of Jinhui, and Duke Zhong'er of Jinwen, as I will mention in my article later.

It is said that this Baili Xi escaped from the Qin state and was arrested by the Chu people on the border of the Chu state. From the above, Qin Mugong was an ambitious monarch, and such a monarch must be thirsty for meritocracy, and when he heard that Baili Xi was very virtuous, he wanted to take Baili Xi for his own use. But afraid that the Chu people would not give it, he thought of a small plan, and this little plan was like this: He sent someone to say to the Chu people, you have caught the dowry slave Baili Xi who escaped from my house, and I want to redeem him with five sheepskins to clean him up. The Chu people agreed, and they exchanged Baili Xi.

After seeing Baili Xi, Qin Mugong personally lifted the shackles on the seventy-year-old man and talked with him about major state affairs, talked with him for three days, was very happy, and let Bai Lixi handle state affairs.

Bai Lixi said that my talent was not as good as that of my good friend Uncle Jian, but unfortunately no one knew Uncle Jian's talent, and introduced Uncle Jian's talent to Qin Mugong, and after Qin Mugong listened, he immediately sent someone to greet Uncle Jian with heavy money, and let Uncle Jian become a doctor.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Stills of Bai Li Xi and Uncle Jian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2. Retain the Jin rebel Pi Leopard</h1>

In the later period of The Jin Dynasty, the elder brother-in-law of The Duke of Jin, civil unrest broke out in the State of Jin, the crown prince Shen Sheng committed suicide, the two brothers of the Duke Yiwu of Jin Hui and the Duke of Jin Wen zhong'er fled, among them, the Duke Yiwu of Jin Hui fled to the State of Qin, and after the death of Duke Xian of Jin, there was an infighting in the State of Jin, at this time, the brother-in-law of Jin Hui Gong Yiwu, who had taken refuge in the State of Qin, asked Qin Mugong to send troops to help him return to China as the king of the State of Jin, and Duke Mu of Qin agreed and asked Baili Xi to personally lead troops to escort Yiwu. Yiwu said at that time, if I could become the king of the Jin state, I would give the eight cities of Hexi in the Jin state to the Qin state.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Jin Hui Gong Yi Wu

However, when Yiwu became the king of the Jin Dynasty, he sent the minister Pi Zheng to the Qin state to thank him, but the Jin Hui Gong Yi Wu reneged on the covenant not to give the Qin State Hexi Eight Cities, jin Hui Gong Yi Wu also killed the previous rebellious minister Li Ke, Pi Zheng heard about it, very afraid, and told Qin Mu Gong that the Jin State actually did not want Jin Hui Gong Yi Wu to be the monarch, but wanted to make Zhong'er (later Jin Wen Gong) the monarch, and now the Jin State reneged on not giving hexi eight cities and killed the minister Li Ke, all of which were the ideas of the Jin minister, hoping that Qin Mu Gong would contact Zhong'er and establish Zhong'er as the king of jin.

Duke Mu of Qin agreed and sent someone to return to the Jin Kingdom with Pi Zheng, but after returning to the Jin State, the ministers who were at odds with Pi Zheng instigated the Jin Hui Gong Yiwu to kill Pi Zheng. Pi Zheng's son Pi Bao defected to the Qin state. Pi Bao said that the Jin monarch had no way and could go on a crusade, but Qin Mugong did not listen, but appointed Pi Bao. Later, the General Pi Leopard attacked the invading Jin soldiers.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3</h1>

To the east of Qin was the State of Jin, and to the west were the tribes of Xirong. One year, when king Rong of a certain tribe in Xirong heard that Duke Mu of Qin was very wise, he sent a man from Yu Yu to the Qin state, because this Yu Yu's ancestor was a Jin and could speak the Central Plains dialect.

After Yu Yu arrived in the Qin Kingdom, Qin Mugong showed off the palace treasures to Yu Yu, but Yu Yu said: "If the palace treasures are created by ghosts and gods, the ghosts and gods will be tired, and if the people are allowed to create them, the people will suffer." When Qin Mugong heard this, he became interested and said: "The Central Plains region relies on etiquette and law to govern the country, and there are often turmoil, and Rong Di does not have etiquette and law, isn't it more chaotic?" ”

Yu Yu said: Etiquette and Dharma are precisely the causes of civil unrest in the Central Plains. The reason is that the generations of wise monarchs led by example, taking the lead in practicing the law and the law only to the extent of small rule, and in later generations, the monarchs began to be extravagant and lascivious, relying on strict laws to rule the subordinates and the people, and the subordinates and the people would resent the monarch, usurp the throne, and kill. But Rong Di is different, the rulers of Rong Di often treat their subordinates and people with kindness, and the subordinates and people treat the monarch loyally, and governing a country is like managing a person, which is the real rule of saints.

After hearing this, Qin Mugong greatly admired Yu Yu and thought that Yu Yu was a rare talent, so he asked the minister, saying that if there were saints in neighboring countries, people would be worried, and now that Yu Yu is so virtuous, it is my great trouble, what should I do?

The minister said that the King of Rong had not heard the music of the Central Plains, so he might as well send him a song girl band to corrupt him, and then ask to leave Yu Yu for a period of time to alienate the relationship between King Rong and Yu Yu, and then we kept Yu Yu and did not let him return to China, the King of Rong was strange, he would suspect Yu Yu, and the song girl band could make the King of Rong greedy and entertain, so that Yu Yu could see that King Rong was no longer wise. Qin Mugong said that it was a good idea, so he sat with Yu Yu, passed the instrument and ate, and by the way, he clearly understood the national conditions of the Rong kingdom, and then sent someone to send sixteen singers and dancers to the King of Rong, who liked and enjoyed it very much. More than a year later, Qin Fang returned from Yu to China, and Yu repeatedly advised the king of Rong not to listen, and Qin Mugong constantly sent people to invite Yu to Qin, and finally Yu defected to the Qin state.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Singer Figure

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3. What are the main achievements of Qin Mugong? </h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi of Baili</h1>

After Qin Mugong obtained Baili Xi and Uncle Jian, he made many achievements in the governance of the country, not only that, Baili Xi and Uncle Jian also provided generals for the Qin state who could fight. Bai Lixi's son Meng Mingshi, Uncle Jian's sons Xi Qishu and Bai Yibing were all relatively capable of leading soldiers. Although when Qin Mugong initially asked Meng Mingshi, Xi Qishu, and Bai Yibing to lead troops to sneak into Zheng Guo, an accident (later in the article) led to the total annihilation of the Qin army and the three generals being captured, but the ability of these three generals was not bad, and the three generals were immediately reinstated as officials after returning to the Qin state.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Meng Mingshi

Soon after, Qin Mugong gave more preferential treatment to these three generals, and in the thirty-sixth year of Qin Mugong's reign, Qin Mugong reappointed these three generals to lead troops to attack the Jin state, resulting in a major defeat of the Jin army, occupying the two places of Wang Guan and Yan, as a revenge for the last defeat, the Jin army was guarded in the city and did not dare to come out.

After the victory of the Qin army, Qin Mugong personally crossed the Yellow River and came to the place where the qin army was completely destroyed last time to mourn the fallen soldiers for three days. At this time, Qin Mugong swore an oath to the whole army: Generals, you have listened well, I declare the oath to you, in ancient times, people asked the old man for advice so that they would not make a big mistake, but I did not listen to the advice of Baili Xi and Uncle Jian at that time, I had to send troops to sneak attack Zheng Guo, and as a result, the Qin army suffered shame, in order to reflect, I vowed to let future generations always remember my mistakes.

After this matter was known to many people from other princely states, many people wept for it, saying that Qin Mu was really thoughtful, so there was a victory for Meng Mingshi and so on (Oh!). Qin Miao Gongzhi and Ren Zhou Ye, died Meng Ming's Qing).

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2. Marriage to the Jin state, supporting two Jin monarchs, good diplomatic reputation</h1>

As mentioned earlier, Duke Mu of Qin married the daughter of Duke Xian of Jin and became the brother-in-law or brother-in-law of Duke Yiwu of Jin and Duke Wen of Jin. During the internal turmoil in jin, The Duke Yiwu of Jin, who fled to the State of Qin, asked the State of Qin to escort him back to china to succeed to the throne at the cost of cutting off the land, but later reneged on the agreement. Later, the Jin state was short of grain in a great drought, and the State of Qin relieved the State of Jin, but when the State of Qin was short of grain in a great drought, the State of Jin had no relief, but instead sent troops to attack the State of Qin, and was defeated by the State of Qin and captured the Duke yiwu of Jinhui, and the Duke of Qin mu released the Prince of Jin huiyiwu to return to China, and the prince of the State of Jin stayed in the State of Qin as a hostage, and the Duke of Qin mugong also married a princess-level person to the prince of the State of Jin. Although Jin Hui Gong Yiwu was a white-eyed wolf, Qin Mugong's benevolence and righteousness were exhausted. Later, Duke Yiwu of Jin died, and the crown prince escaped from the Qin state and returned to China to succeed to the throne. This time, the State of Qin was angry, so he welcomed Duke Wen of Jin to come to the State of Qin and helped Duke Wen of Jin return to the State of Jin to succeed to the throne, and gong of Jin was a relatively wise man, who had always been good with the State of Qin, and had also sent troops to fight together, and could also be said to be comrades-in-arms who had stayed in a trench with Duke Mu of Qin. In short, Duke Mu of Qin took the interests of the Qin State as the starting point and helped the Jin State Office a lot, and diplomatically, let the princely states feel that the Qin State was good and interesting.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Qin Jin position

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3</h1>

Earlier I introduced that Qin Mugong's plan was obtained by Yu Yu, the sage of king Rong, and Qin Mugong adopted Yu Yu's plan to annex twelve countries in Xirong, opened up thousands of miles of land, and dominated Xirong. At this time, Zhou Tianzi sent Zhao Gong to give Qin Mugong a golden drum to express congratulations and rewards.

How did Qin Mugong become the Spring and Autumn Five? I. How did Duke Mu of Qin succeed to the throne? Second, how did Qin Mugong love to retain talent? 1. Reuse Baili Xi and Uncle Jian 2.Retain the traitors of the Jin Dynasty Pi Bao 3.What are the main merits of The State of Ji To earn rong by Yu San and Qin Mugong? 1. Appoint a sage who is not from the Qin state such as Uncle Xi Jian of Baili 2. Marry the Jin state, support two Jin monarchs, and have a good diplomatic reputation 3. Use Yu To calculate, and merge the country twelve, expand the land for thousands of miles, and dominate Xi Rong

Counted by Yu

Two years after dominating Xi Rong, Duke Mu of Qin died. When he died, the Qin people mourned and wrote a poem "Yellow Bird" to mourn Qin Mugong. The gentlemen said that Qin Mu expanded his territory and merged with the country, defeated the powerful Jin state in the east, and dominated Rong Di in the west, but could not serve as an ally of the princes. From this point of view, although Duke Mu of Qin did not have the same alliance princes as Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin, he had enough qualifications to be selected as the Five Lords of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Well, how Qin Mugong became the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons, it is introduced here. I am midnight ink, also called scorching double-edged, thanks for watching.

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