
I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

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"The Age of Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Mankind", will you kowtow to your computer?

There have been many books on artificial intelligence recently, and some people say that this is not another wave of media hype? I got this book in my hand and told you that it wasn't. Who is the author of this book? Henry Kissinger, a very remarkable man, is ninety-eight years old, and he can write a book about artificial intelligence and the future of mankind at such an advanced age, because he used his life's wisdom to judge that artificial intelligence is really important.

He directly wrote in the book: The impact of artificial intelligence on the human world should be greater than the invention of nuclear weapons. Wang Xiaowei, an associate professor at the School of Philosophy at Chinese Minmin University, said that after writing a reading article, it is too smelly to call the virtues of technology and the advent of the machine god. But I agree with him saying that. He said the last part of the book discusses artificial intelligence and the future of humanity.

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

With the development and adoption of artificial intelligence, the freedom and dignity of human beings will be re-examined. You can think about the plot in The Matrix. If an advanced intelligence can accurately predict the development of everything, banish all impermanence, and bring everything under its control, then the world will be revived, and the machine god will descend on our human minds. Development, starting with animism, more discussion, and then into monotheism.

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

And then go through this scientific belief, and scientific belief is atheism. Of course, you are willing to think of Newton and Ford as gods, it doesn't matter, we are still mainstream atheism, but soon we will step into the era of machine mythology, human beings are like this, in front of the strong, will always unconsciously grovel. When this strong person is too strong, we will mythologize it and worship it, this is human nature.

This Professor Wang said: I basically agree with the observation of Kissinger and others on this re-enchantment phenomenon. For this reason, in the era of artificial intelligence, human beings urgently need to develop a new technological virtue to manipulate technology and anchor life. What is technical virtue? Are we going to re-examine what we mean for the planet?

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

In the past, we have always said that human beings are the spirits of all things, and now there is a machine god. Where is the human position?

The book is especially tasteful by philosophers - interpretations. After I took this book, I decided to recommend it to everyone, it is very in-depth. Kissinger said in the book that because he was the US Secretary of State, this is the real master. He said that in the future, artificial intelligence will make diplomacy different from before.

In the past, each country had a foreign ministry, that is, there was a group of people who specialized in studying the cultural heritage of other countries, and the communication between people was actually a buff of their own national culture. If you want to communicate on an equal footing, you need to understand the buff added to each other, and remove their original appearance to have equal and accurate communication, which is to be learned.

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

But with AI it is not needed, in the future, for example, which country I want to visit, I say what should the country pay attention to, or please express the message I passed on to them, express it in the most appropriate language under their culture, and then just follow this idea, is it difficult? It's not difficult, I think it's almost realized. The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of the human world is really too great, so that it has alarmed old people like Kissinger to come out and write a book.

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

I visited Microsoft's Beijing headquarters on Friday to see some of the possibilities that the combination of artificial intelligence and healthcare can bring. I also asked for some opinions like some of my iron fans who are doctors, and I will ask them questions online and online. Man must embrace change, or he will fall before the machine god in the future. Think about the scenes of The Matrix, a very long time ago, I had a very thoughtful college classmate who told me that the relationship between man and machine has actually been discussed in many movies, which is nothing more than three.

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

The first one, machines enslave humans, you are like the Terminator, and the Matrix, are all people, are enslaved by machines, ruthlessly suppress humans.

There is also a kind of human beings who use machines as pure as tools, which is also the default of many people, and human beings are not much more beautiful. In many science fiction films, machine artificial intelligence is completely a tool in the hands of humans.

I went to Microsoft China headquarters today to experience AI, and I was really moved

Another stuck in between is that machines are also divided into good people and bad people, good people are willing to cooperate with humans, and bad people just want to destroy humans and good machines together. You know what I'm talking about? Then Transformers, now it seems that I feel that humans are purely going to enslave machines, and this possibility I think is less and less likely.

I don't know what the future holds, but if you want to better cope with the future, read more books, think and think more, if you don't embrace change, you will be swallowed by change.

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