
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger

author:Three meals a day

The heart is like the "engine" of the human body, which is responsible for pumping blood to various organs of the human body to maintain the normal operation of the body and plays a vital role in the human body.

The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger

As the saying goes: "The heart determines life", only by nourishing the heart can we have a long-lived physique. In the hot summer, it is the most suitable time to "nourish the heart", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly friends do not be too frugal, usually eat more of these 3 "heart-nourishing vegetables", the more you eat, the younger you get!

1. Pumpkin

Recommended recipe【Pumpkin cake】

The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Prepare a piece of pumpkin, cut off the skin, divide it in two, scrape off the pumpkin seeds and put them in a large bowl, put them in the steaming grid, cover the pot, steam for 15 minutes after steaming, take it out and pour it into a large basin, add 20 grams of sugar, and press into a pumpkin puree.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Add 250 grams of cool white boil, 5 grams of yeast powder and stir well. Add 250 grams of flour and 150 grams of tapioca flour to another large pot, stir well, and pour a small amount into the pumpkin puree several times.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Stir into a sticky state, seal with plastic wrap, put in a warm place, rise to twice the size, then add 5 grams of baking powder and 25 grams of corn oil, stir well.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Brush the prepared mold with a layer of cooking oil, pour in the stirred pumpkin paste, put it in the steamer, cover the pot, let rise for 10 minutes, steam for 30 minutes on high heat, and simmer for another 5 minutes.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. After steaming, take it out and let it cool, invert and demold, cut into small pieces and put it on a plate, a plate of fluffy and soft, sweet and delicious pumpkin cake is ready.

2. Fish

Recommended recipe【Casserole grass carp】

The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Prepare some cleanly processed fish pieces, put them in a large basin, add green onion, ginger slices, a little salt, sugar, a spoonful of pepper, two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, half a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and soy bean paste.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. After grasping and mixing well, cover and marinate for half an hour. Prepare some coriander and spring onions cut into long pieces, half an onion shredded, a piece of tofu cut into thick slices, and put in a bowl for later use.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Prepare a casserole, heat a little oil, add ginger, garlic and a few peppercorns, stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in onions, stir-fry for aroma, and then put tofu slices and enoki mushrooms in the pot.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Finally, put in the fish, pour in the remaining sauce, add an appropriate amount of beer, cover the lid, boil and simmer for about ten minutes, open the lid, add some millet pepper, spring onions and coriander.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. A very tasty casserole grass carp is ready. The grass carp stewed in this way, the meat is tender, delicious and delicious, the ingredients are simple and tasteful, and friends who like it can collect it and try it.

3. Chicken

Recommended recipe【Braised chicken thighs】

The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Boil a few eggs first, cook under cold water, cook for about six minutes, take out and let cool. Reboil water in a pot, add ginger slices, a spoonful of cooking wine, pour in chicken thighs, and when cooked, put them in another pot for later use.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Peel off the shell of the egg, change the surface with a flower knife, put it in the pot, add ginger slices, green onion, dried chili, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet noodle sauce, two small spoons of salt, a packet of five-spice marinade, and then pour in water to pass the ingredients.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. Bring to a slow boil over high heat. Then stir-fry a sugar color, pour two spoonfuls of white sugar into the pot, stir-fry until bubbling jujube red, pour a bowl of water, stir and melt, then pour the sugar color into the chicken thigh, turn on medium-low heat and cook for 40 minutes.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger
  1. The marinated chicken thighs are ready, take them out and put them on a plate, and then drizzle them with marinade juice, a delicious color and aroma, and the marinated chicken thighs are ready.
The heart determines life! Suggestions for middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, and eat more and get younger

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