
Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

author:Wu Xiaobo Channel
Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

She was Chen Wenqian, who was called "the smartest woman in Taiwan" by Li Ao, so Wu Xiaobo pulled her into the "Big Head Gang". She said she joined the Big Head Gang to fulfill her last wish — to join the gang.

Text/Chen Wenqian

In the past, there was a TV program in Taiwan, called "Li Ao Big Brother", the time was 9:00-10:00 pm, my program was in 10:00-11:00, so the name of the program set by the production unit at the beginning was "Wen Qian Big Sister Big", but I did not rely on it, I said Li Ao was 16 years older than me, I absolutely did not want to do "Wen Qian Big Sister Big", I wanted to do "Wen Qian Little Sister Big" - women for age is a matter of contention.

And now my age is only a little bit different from Li Ao's age when I did "Li Ao Big Brother".

Brother Li Ao was a very important enlightener when I was young. At that time, every young person wanted to live out his own life. These four strokes are rarely easy to write, but in the entire history of China, and even in the Western tradition, there are too few people who have lived out their own lives. Family, class, nationality, skin color... Our shells are appendages of these symbols, our heads are puppets manipulated by these symbols, and we are never "ourselves."

When I met Li Ao, I was only in my twenties, and I learned to throw away these things one by one.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

Young Li Ao, young dimples

Li Ao was a literati who had been completely banned from Taiwan at that time. You can't publish books, you can't go on TV, so as long as you see Li Ao's article, everyone will cut that article out of the newspaper and read it repeatedly. At that time, I was working at the largest newspaper in Taiwan, and I invited him to write a column, and as soon as his article appeared in the newspaper, someone came to the top, "Li Ao's article is not allowed."

But Li Ao will never allow himself to become a poor literati, he has his own way of survival - and this way of survival, at first glance, you will feel strange, such as selling second-hand air conditioners. At that time, Taiwan was very poor, and the air conditioner was very expensive, and only the US military advisory group living in Taiwan would use it. Li Ao "colluded" with some people in the regiment to transport the air conditioners out and sell them.

Many successful entrepreneurs in Taiwan have been blackmailed by Li Ao. Li Ao set up a telescope and ran to the opposite side of the rich family's house to arrest them for illegal construction. But he wouldn't expose the rich to the authorities, he would first tell them: I'm going to blackmail you. This is li ao's characteristic.

Li Ao made some small money by doing so. Later, he met a professor in the philosophy department of National Taiwan University, Yin Haiguang (a liberal), a truly backbone intellectual. In his forties, Yin Haiguang had stomach cancer, and Li Ao paid for him to go to the noble hospital at that time.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

I waved my sleeve and took away all the clouds

Many people don't like the way Li Ao makes money and think he is despicable. So, is the way other capitalists make money noble? A group of people who dare not do anything, or even collude with the powerful factions in the system to obtain wealth and social status, but turn back to a person who is willing to become the mouthpiece of contemporary people, willing to fight for freedom for an era, and be completely banned against the regime of the time?

Frankly, I don't know what is called mean. All I know is that Li Ao is a person who has always been loyal to himself.

In 1999, an old friend of the cultural circles, Deng Weizhen, specially helped Li Ao hold a lecture, "Li Ao Came to Taiwan for 50 Years.". This theme is boring, Li Ao said, should be changed to "Li Ao Disaster Tai 50 Years". In my memory, that was the first time Li Ao was allowed to give such a large speech.

That year, Li Ao was 64 years old, but he was articulate, quick to react, and there were no words from the beginning to the end, which was much better than me now.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

The legendary "50 Years of Li Ao's Disaster"

(The following is based on Li Ao's speech "50 Years of Li Ao's Coming to Taiwan")


I didn't invite any guests to my talk today, because everyone present was a guest. In the past, I never brought a manuscript with me, because today I was a little nervous, so I wrote a manuscript. (To the host Wen Qian) Wen Qian, please sit down, I am afraid that you will grab my microphone.

10 days ago, on this podium, there came a foreign devil, management master Michael E. Porter, the scene was full of 3,000 people, each of them charged 8,000 yuan to listen to the lecture. Today I regret not charging tickets.

Seven days ago, Song Chuyu stood here to give a speech, saying he was standing in a "modern hall." Do you know how much this "modern temple" will cost to rent? My good friend Mr. Deng Weizhen was a guest and spent 200,000 yuan to rent. This hall is under the control of Lin Zhenguo, the former minister of finance, who asks for money for everything he does, and he needs extra money for drinking a cup of water; today, Miss Zeng, who presided over this venue, gave me a lot of water and gifts. Originally, I was going to overthrow Lin Zhenguo, but now I am exempt.

In the past, during martial law, I wrote more than a hundred books, 96 of which were banned. When the bookstore couldn't sell, we went to the stalls of the Linjiang Street Night Market and sold them together with the yellow books and periodicals, and there were a lot of yellow photos printed on the cover. As a result, many people bought it wrong and now become my readers.

He Feipeng, president of BusinessWeek, published a newspaper saying that the audience who attended the speech could participate in the lottery, and he came to provide the prize money. His kindness may make my audience confused whether they came to listen to my speech or to receive the prize. Maybe a small group of people here today came for the prize money, but in the end they also became my audience.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

The venue on the day of the presentation was full


I have had two mother-in-law in my life, the first time was Hu Yinmeng's mother, and the second time was the current mother-in-law. My first mother-in-law once said a famous saying: This Kuomintang is too lenient, how to release Li Ao.

I think this sentence makes a lot of sense, the Kuomintang is not only lenient, but also let us pinch our necks. My old classmate, former legislator Xie Congmin, proposed that the KMT pay us reparations for political prisoners. If you are shot, you will lose 6 million; if you go to jail long enough, you can get 6 million; like me, you can probably get 2 million.

I happily told my wife the news. My wife, who had a great sense of humor, said, "Is it too late to shoot?" ”

The mother-in-law finished speaking, and the wife finished speaking, talking about my son. My son is a child prodigy.

Once we were in Yangmingshan Park, a caterpillar crawled on me, I dusted the caterpillar to the ground, and my son came over and tried to trample the caterpillar to death. My wife said, no, we have to protect the little insect, we can't trample it to death, hear no? My son said, heard. As soon as my wife turned around, he stomped the caterpillar to death.

His mother turned back and said, I warn you, just this evening, the little caterpillar will come to you to settle the account. My son said, no, the little caterpillar doesn't know the address of our house.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

"Talented" and "Child Prodigy"


I believe in the Philosophy of Israel, called Tooth Eye, which is for Tat, Eye for Eye. I don't believe in the Christian philosophy, "Forgive your enemies." I think the enemy can be forgiven, after you punish him. We all say "roi on investment", I changed that word a bit, "investment revenge rate", I will spend a lot of money to avenge.

There is also an "eye", which is the "Dharma Eye", that is, the eyes of the bodhisattva, "the Dharma Eye sees life". So what are we going to see with the law? Look at the many opportunities in life.

My good friend, former mayor Shi Sex-chung, said that his father told him a philosophy: If you accidentally fall on the road, don't get up immediately, see if you can pick up something, don't let this fall in vain. I love this opportunism.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

Guest of the first issue of "Kangxi Lai" in 2004

Now, "Kangxi" has come to an end, and he is still here


I would like to conclude with three more points.

First, don't believe what the new Women in Taiwan say, they're a bunch of monsters. Male and female love is the best relationship, because it is a cooperative relationship, but the new woman encourages women to oppose men and fight against men. I think that the real woman is to dress up beautifully, to show off, to bully men, to enslave men, to take advantage of men, is the highest realm.

Second, Taiwan must also take advantage of the mainland. Those who oppose the westward expansion and advocate no haste and forbearance are completely ignorant of the benefits that the mainland brings to Taiwan, and they are a bunch of idiots. The really smart people want to take advantage of the mainland, and this is the best Chinese policy.

Third, the audience here today should take advantage of Li Ao. What are you taking advantage of me? I have read so many books, suffered so much, and obtained such a little bit of painstaking effort, and today you have come to this conclusion without spending money. So, you took advantage of me.

Finally, I quote a poem by the great Song Dynasty poet Lu Fangweng, "The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I die and the kings think of me madly." I'm joking and putting on a show with you in front of you, and you don't laugh at me, because when I'm dead, you'll think I'm going crazy.

Li Ao: The previous drama of the bottle is not laughing, I am dead and the kings think of me

Wen Qian once taught the media how to "deal" with Li Ao: don't let male reporters interview him, send a beautiful sister, preferably a beautiful sister with long legs, so that Li Ao will never attack them too hard, and the interview task can be completed.

After Li Ao knew, he said to Wen Qian, "With a friend like you, do I still need enemies?" ”

The old friends who like to hate each other also have an in-depth conversation, and the complete recording content is included in the fifth lesson "Philosophy of Adversity" of "Wen Qian's Happy School". In addition, there are wonderful in-depth conversations with Cai Kangyong, Luo Dayou, Jiang Xun, Ang Lee, Kai-Fu Lee and others, and Wen Qian's own daily feelings.

This is "Wen Qian's Happy School", which does not provide scientific principles, only living life experiences, and life thinking after years. Hopefully, their attitude towards life will give you some inspiration about adversity, choice, reconciliation, death...

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