
How can regional wine companies put an end to "involution"?

author:China Liquor Magazine

In the current round of the growth cycle of the wine industry, the brand drives the category, and the category drives the production area, after the production area, the development and maintenance of the regional common market has become a new topic, and the common market is also one of the products of the era of wine industry competition.

What is the Common Market? Taking the role played by Moutai in the sauce aroma fever as an example, from the perspective of goods, consumers first pay attention to the Moutai brand, and then pay attention to the sauce wine category, and then begin to pay attention to other alcohol brands in Zunyi, where Moutai originates, to this step, the alcohol brands in Zunyi have formed a certain sense of "offensive and defensive alliance", advancing with the same advance, retreating with the same retreat, on the other hand, they have taken "Qianjiu" as a collective label, facing the market together, and under the catalyst of the sauce aroma fever, the national market is the common market of Qianjiu.

Under this group label, the enterprises in the region face the common market, taking Sichuan wine and Yujiu as an example, they are strong and seek to plan the whole country, and weak to operate a region.

Sichuan wine is a national line, and the strong is trying to conspire to the whole country

Sichuan wine production capacity occupies half of the country's liquor production capacity. In the first half of 2022, the output of liquor from breweries above designated size in the country reached 3.751 million kiloliters, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%; The output of liquor enterprises above designated size in Sichuan reached 1.917 million kiloliters, a year-on-year decrease of about 3%, that is, in the first half of 2022, Sichuan liquor production accounted for 51.1% of the country.

How can regional wine companies put an end to "involution"?

In terms of the number of enterprises, the number of registered wine enterprises in Sichuan Province also ranks high in the country. At present, the registered capital of liquor enterprises in Sichuan Province is mainly distributed below 1 million, and the number of enterprises is 3631; It is followed by 1-2 million enterprises, with 301 enterprises. On the whole, more than 90% of liquor enterprises in Sichuan Province have a registered capital of less than 5 million, and only 6% of enterprises have more than 10 million yuan.

In the current regional distribution of the average registered capital of liquor enterprises in Sichuan Province, the average registered capital of liquor enterprises in Yibin City is the highest, reaching 18.575 million yuan, in addition, the average registered capital of liquor enterprises in Luzhou City is higher, reaching 10.085 million yuan.

In terms of revenue, in the annual report of listed liquor companies in 2022, four listed wine companies, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, Shede Liquor and Shuijingfang, handed over an excellent report card as representatives of Sichuan wine. In 2022, the four Sichuan wine listed wine companies will achieve a total revenue of 109.918 billion yuan and a net profit of 39.955 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.96% and 18.29% respectively; Among them, the revenue increased by 13.467 billion yuan and the net profit increased by 6.179 billion yuan, which is equivalent to creating another 10-billion-level wine enterprise. Compared with the total revenue of 351.799 billion yuan and the total net profit of 130.472 billion yuan in the annual reports of 19 listed liquor companies in 2022, the revenue and net profit of the 4 listed liquor companies accounted for 31.24% and 30.62% respectively, continuing to maintain one of the three parts of the world among listed wine companies.

In terms of market share, due to historical reasons, the market share of strong flavored liquor represented by Sichuan liquor has dropped from 70% at the peak to about 60% at present, and the strong flavor liquor is still in an absolute advantage. Therefore, the common market for Sichuan sake is national and even global.

How can regional wine companies put an end to "involution"?

The liquor industry is the most distinctive traditional advantageous industry in Sichuan and the top priority of the food textile industry. Sichuan wine has outstanding resource endowments, long brewing history, and profound cultural heritage, which has formed unique brewing techniques after thousands of years of inheritance, condensing the spirit of excellence and craftsmanship, and containing the long-standing Bashu culture.

On April 21, the 2023 "Sichuan Wine National Tour" Wuhan Station activity and online promotion activity with the theme of "One River and One Pulse, Sichuan and Hubei Toast" kicked off, and the star lineup of Sichuan wine gathered, Sichuan and Shu wines gathered, setting off a whirlwind of Sichuan wine in the land of Jingchu.

According to "China Liquor Industry", in the past 7 years, the "Sichuan Wine National Tour" has held 12 stops in full swing across the country, starting from the autumn of 2017, the "Sichuan Wine National Tour" has traveled through Changchun, Guiyang, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Xi'an, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Wuhan. Looking back at the history of the development of Sichuan liquor, in order to open up the national common market of Sichuan liquor, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government attach great importance to the development of the liquor industry, and have successively introduced a number of policies and measures to promote the transformation and upgrading of the Sichuan liquor industry from the dimensions of industry, production capacity, brand, market, talent, innovation and other dimensions to promote the transformation and upgrading of the Sichuan liquor industry and high-quality development.

As Liu Quansheng, Deputy Secretary-General of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, said in the Wuhan Station of the "Sichuan Wine National Tour", at present, the overall scale of the Sichuan wine industry ranks first in the country, and for every two bottles of liquor Chinese drunk, one bottle comes from Sichuan; Sichuan has two world-class distilled liquor production areas in Yibin and Luzhou, as well as national advantageous liquor producing areas such as Chengdu (Qionglai), Deyang (Mianzhu), Suining (Shehong), and "Six Golden Flower" famous brands such as Wuliangye and Luzhou Laojiao have led the famous wine of Sichuan wine "Yanjin" to be well-known at home and abroad, and are exported to more than 60 countries and regions around the world.

Yujiu is weak in the original line and the weak first cultivation of a region

Different from the strength of Sichuan wine, the current Yujiu group is difficult, and the common market of Yujiu is to preserve the Central Plains.

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, Yujiu also had a highlight moment: with its own cultural and historical accumulation, it was included in the "Du Kang" of the state banquet wine, and Song He and Baofeng, which were rated as the seventeen famous wines of the country; From 1998 to 1999, Yangshao, whose production and sales volume ranked third in the country and ranked among the top ten in the country in terms of sales revenue; Zhang Gong, who left the imprint of the "originator of low-alcohol wine"...

Today, Yujiu's position in the industry is not the same as in the past. According to statistical estimates, in 2022, the main product sales of 16 key wine production enterprises in Yujiu will be 9.445 billion yuan, and as a major alcohol consumption province, the market volume of Henan liquor consumption is as high as 60 billion yuan.

Among the 9.445 billion yuan, Yangshao Wine Industry rode the dust, accounting for 34.07% with 3.218 billion yuan, ranking first, continuing to lead Yujiu, far exceeding the second ranked Du Kang Holdings with 1.505 billion yuan, the two enterprises are also the only enterprises in the statistical enterprises whose main product sales exceed 1 billion yuan, and the gap between the first and second places is nearly 2 billion yuan.

Baofeng Liquor and Songhe Liquor ranked third and fourth with 909 million yuan and 844 million yuan respectively, and the sales of main products are approaching the 1 billion mark; The main product sales are also more than 500 million enterprises, there are 781 million yuan of credit store old wine, 733 million yuan of Wugu Spring wine industry, Huanggou ranked seventh with 470 million yuan, Yujiu's status in the wine industry is very inconsistent with Henan's status in China.

If we trace the roots, the decline of Yujiu is the result of "internal and external difficulties". The financial crisis in the late 90s caused Yujiu to suffer a wave of heavy blows. Since then, Yujiu has not caught up with the golden period of the wine industry from 2002 to 2012, and at the same time, the institutional reform of Yujiu has also reached a deadlock during this period, and many wine enterprises have adopted leasing operation methods, which has led to the separation of management rights and property rights, which seriously restricts the subsequent development of enterprises.

How can regional wine companies put an end to "involution"?

Just when Yujiu was declining, famous wine enterprises outside the region, such as Moutai, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, Yanghe, and Gujing, drove straight in, but Yujiu still failed to hold its base, and the market was gradually encroached.

In the "Henan Province Liquor Industry Revitalization and Development Action Plan (2022-2025)" released by Henan Province in June last year, it was mentioned that by 2025, the scale of local liquor in Henan Province will strive to reach 26 billion yuan, of which Yangshao Liquor Industry will strive to exceed 10 billion yuan.

In terms of the overall strength of Yujiu at present, to achieve the revenue target of 26 billion, Yangshao Wine Industry must be an important support. Whether it is the creation of the production area of Yujiu or the improvement of the brand image of Yujiu, Yangshao Wine Industry is an extremely important part of it.

The wine industry is a leading industry in agricultural industrialization, a characteristic industry of regional ecological resources, and a biomanufacturing industry relying on biotechnology, which has played a very important role in increasing local fiscal revenue, accelerating the transformation of agricultural products, providing employment opportunities, and driving the development of related industries.

From the data alone, the current annual consumption scale of liquor in Henan Province is about 60 billion yuan, which is a major province in the production and marketing of liquor in the mainland. However, local liquor companies account for less than 30% of the market, and many liquor brands regard Henan as a second market.

Since Henan Province proposed the revitalization of Yujiu in 2017, the promotion model of "Yujiu Zhongyuan Travel" has gradually taken shape. This year is entering the second 5 years, and the first stop is in Shangqiu, the location of Huanggou Wines.

Yao Yanling, a first-level inspector of the Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, said in an interview: "Henan is a major liquor consuming province, but the market share of local liquor enterprises is not high. The local promotion of Yujiu Zhongyuan is in the hope that Yujiu enterprises can form a joint force and develop as a group."

2023 is a key year for the revitalization and development of Yujiu, as an important platform to focus on displaying the brand culture of Yujiu, the "Yujiu Zhongyuan Tour" activity is an important measure to accelerate the transformation and development of Yujiu, vigorously publicize and promote Yujiu, let consumers taste Yujiu closely, understand Yujiu, create an atmosphere of "Yujiu merchants sell Yujiu" and "Henan people drink Yujiu", and it is also an important measure for Yujiu to defend the local market.

Whether it is the "national trip" of Sichuan wine or the "Central Plains line" of Yujiu, it is the original intention of opening up and maintaining the common market, taking the region as the group label, the strong is to seek the whole country, the weak is to guard the local together, involution is not a long-term solution, determine the common market under the group label, advance and retreat together, is a better solution for regional coordinated development.

(This article is selected from the 6th issue of China Liquor Magazine in 2023, Xu Yiming)