
Zhejiang 23-year-old girl took X-rays, and her mother looked crazy! Many people flock to see this disease during the summer vacation!

author:Henan Metropolis Channel

Ms. Lin, 48, of Shaoxing, Zhejiang,

I saw a news article on the Internet and was terrified.

In the most recent year,

Took her daughter to run a number of hospitals in Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou,

Spent more than a hundred thousand.

Zhejiang 23-year-old girl took X-rays, and her mother looked crazy! Many people flock to see this disease during the summer vacation!

The news is about a 23-year-old girl, with scoliosis, waist can not stand up straight, after pregnancy, lumbar spine deformation is more severe, on the day of delivery, is carried to the hospital by her husband and relatives, after giving birth, both legs are numb, walking can not walk.

Ms. Lin's daughter is also 23 years old, a senior in Shanghai, and also has scoliosis, the top is pulled up, the left side of the waist is significantly higher than the right side, and in the X-ray, the spine shows a C shape. "Say it is a problem of adolescence, now it is too late to correct it, if you open the knife, you have to hit a nail on the spine, and be 'nailed' by the nail for a lifetime, it is too sinful!" 」

Summer vacation is the peak of scoliosis visits. Recently, Zhongshan Hospital in Zhejiang Province received more than a dozen people every day, 50% more than usual, most of them aged 10-15. In the youth's medical team, Ms. Lin's daughter seemed a little out of place.

The spine is C-shaped

Miss the best period of correction

Ms. Lin regretfully said that her daughter had high and low shoulders when she was in junior high school, but it was not obvious, and we thought that she sat on her shoulders every day and only broke it. When I knew to seek medical treatment, I found that the problem was serious.

After Ying Xiaoming, deputy director of the Tuina Department of Zhongshan Hospital in Zhejiang Province, listened, he called the little girl standing next to him, "I put a pen on the ground, and you slowly bend down to pick it up." ”

This is a physical examination for Ms. Lin's daughter to do anterior flexion, requiring both feet together, knees straight, hands naturally drooping, hands together, forward 90 degrees, Dr. Ying Xiaoming observed the lateral bend deformity from behind.

"The left side of the waist is high, and the spine is bent to the right." He looked at the X-ray more closely, and then said, "The degree of the little girl's side bend is still relatively strong, and the Cobb angle has exceeded 30°." ”

Zhejiang 23-year-old girl took X-rays, and her mother looked crazy! Many people flock to see this disease during the summer vacation!

Scoliosis refers to one or more segments of the spine that are curved laterally with three-dimensional deformities of the vertebral rotation.

At present, the Scoliosis measurement mostly chooses the Cobb angle, if it exceeds 10 °, it needs to be paid attention to.

Ms. Lin nodded vigorously, and her daughter's face was calm, she was very anxious, "The doctor said that the treatment was the most ideal before the age of 14, the time was definitely missed, and now she should not return to things, because the symptoms are not serious, that is, waist pain, waist pain." Surgery does not want to be done, is there any other way to correct it? ”

Dr. Ying Xiaoming replied that the treatment time is definitely still late, 8-14 years old is the human body's vigorous development period, intervention is the best, wait until the age of 18 is well developed, and then correct it is difficult, and the older the age, the greater the difficulty.

12-year-old girl with short legs

The left and right legs are 2 cm apart

The reporter interviewed Dr. Ying Xiaoming's outpatient clinic on the morning of the same day, and it lasted until 12:30 before it was basically over.

The reporter calculated that in addition to Ms. Lin's daughter, there were 4 scoliosis patients, 3 girls, 1 boy, aged 12-14 years old, but scoliosis is not severe, Cobb angle between 10 degrees and 20 degrees, and I have not seen other hospitals before.

Dr. Ying Xiaoming said that in recent years, many parents' awareness has improved, and they have found that their children's shoulders are high and low, the shoulder blades are protruding a lot, or the long and short legs, and the shoes of one foot are worn badly, and they will bring them to see.

A 12-year-old girl came in the morning and the symptoms were typical. It's summer, the clothes are less worn, at a glance you can see that her right shoulder is a little higher, the walking posture is also a little unnatural, measured, the left and right legs are 2cm apart.

Long and short legs, high and low shoulders, as well as hunchback and pelvic tilt, are all effects of scoliosis on the appearance of puberty that is not corrected. With the increase of age, scoliosis may also cause dislocation and disorder of the small joints of the spine, and the onset of lumbar disc herniation is often earlier and more severe, and serious scoliosis will also affect the function of internal organs such as heart and lungs. After some women give birth, the degree of lateral bending will be aggravated, which may affect walking.

Speaking of which, Ms. Lin's daughter is still lucky, if you don't put your clothes up, from the appearance, there is no obvious abnormality, and the person is also very beautiful, 1 meter 68, and the figure is well-proportioned. But only 23 years old, waist pain and waist pain came early.

Dr. Ying Xiaoming suggested that she choose conservative methods such as chiropractic and combination of scoliosis-specific exercise therapy, and treat it for a period of time first.

"If puberty is used in a manual way, take advantage of the summer vacation intensive treatment, once a day or every other day, and cooperate with scoliosis specific sports training, two months down, the situation is generally more gratifying." But Ms. Lin's daughter, complete correction is not realistic, but it is expected to alleviate symptoms.

Four hazards of scoliosis

1. Affect the appearance of the body

Scoliosis is generally difficult to detect early, and many children are not found until there is a significant deformity, a curvature of the spine, an asymmetrical bulge of the back, and a "razor back". At this time, the child's body shape has been significantly affected, and self-confidence is often frustrated, which is not conducive to mental health.

2, short stature, not long

Once scoliosis occurs, how can a child who grows in a "curve" of the back grow taller? Professor Shen Tong of Longjikang Medical Clinic said: "We have found clinically that many children with scoliosis are lower in height than their peers. ”

3. Affects cardiopulmonary health

Many people think that bone problems do not affect the internal organs, but this is not the case. Because scoliosis occurs in the thoracic and lumbar segments, severe curvature will lead to thoracic rotation deformity and decreased volume of the thoracic cage, affecting cardiopulmonary development and then experiencing symptoms such as decreased activity endurance and shortness of breath.

4, affect the life expectancy

Children with severe scoliosis of the spine will have a greatly impaired level of health. In the long run, there is also a risk of paralysis, and the average life expectancy is shorter than normal.

Zhejiang 23-year-old girl took X-rays, and her mother looked crazy! Many people flock to see this disease during the summer vacation!

1 minute spinal health screening

Doctors appeal to parents: "No matter how busy, if your child is older than 4 years old, take a minute a year to do a small scoliosis screening for your child." ”

The screening method is simple and is carried out in 6 steps:

1. See if the shoulders are of equal height

2. Whether the shoulder blade is protruding on one side

3. Whether the lower end of the shoulder blade is of equal height

4. Whether the bilateral back is raised asymmetrically

5. Whether the waist on both sides is raised asymmetrically

6. Use your middle and index fingers to pinch the spinal process downward to see if it is a straight line.

If you feel that there is a problem, go to the hospital and simply take an X-ray, you can be sure. Cobb angle within 10 ° of the patient, according to the patient's situation is generally every 3-6 months to carry out follow-up examination, in order to reduce the radiation of the film, now scoliosis screening generally has a special spinal convex meter for examination, > = 7 ° for further imaging.


Shoulder bag is too heavy, writing obliquely lying down, long-term one-sided sleep, cocked legs

both may cause scoliosis

According to conservative statistics, the incidence of scoliosis in adolescents is 3 to 5%, of which 80% occurs in girls.

Dr. Niu Xuekang of the Rehabilitation Department of Zhongshan Hospital in Zhejiang Province concluded that there are more girls with scoliosis than boys, and it is more common in tall, thin girls, especially around the time of menarche, and some girls' scoliosis will even increase by 10 ° in a year.

The International Scoliosis Research Society proposes: using Cobb angle measurement, the lateral curvature of the spine of the standing orthostatic X-ray is more than 10 degrees for scoliosis, and greater than 25 degrees must be treated with braces, and when it is greater than 40 degrees, it has surgical indications.

Some parents have given their children a "good back". In this regard, the general evaluation of doctors, trying to correct spinal deformities by wearing "back and back", is unlikely, and it is more scientific to wear braces.

The brace is customized according to the child's body, using a molded plastic material, like a corset worn on the body, you have to wear it all day, eat, sleep can not take off, until the end of the development period. After wearing it, it can not be twisted at will, it will also hurt, and it is not breathable in the summer, which is indeed painful.

In this regard, Dr. Niu Xuekang was helpless. He stressed that instead of intervening when you are sick, it is more important to take precautions and find out the cause of the disease. Even if the child who is already treating the lateral bend is already treated, the parents have a great responsibility to correct the child's poor posture and daily habits.

In addition to genetics, scoliosis is currently mostly unknown. However, from a clinical point of view, it is often necessary to carry an overweight school bag on one shoulder, read, write obliquely or hunched over, sleep on one side for a long time, and stilt legs, etc., all of which may cause scoliosis.

Prevent scoliosis

You can try to do exercise training

Dr. Niu Xuekang pointed out that when dealing with scoliosis, parents should correct their mentality. First, it's not scary because less than 1% of scoliosis patients need surgery. Second, we cannot expect to fight "short and fast" battles through ridge adjustment and traction, but we should adhere to "protracted battles" and continue to do sports rehabilitation training.

So, how to exercise in prevention and control? He also gave his opinion.

From the perspective of prevention, it can be done to do parallel bars, balance beams, jump boxes, pad sports, gymnastics, etc., to strengthen the waist, back, abdomen, shoulder muscles, in order to achieve spinal health care.

If scoliosis has been detected, there are many corresponding training methods, and there are 2 kinds of simple introduction:

Do one-arm horizontal bar overhang for 10-15 seconds on the low shoulder side. If the force allows, you can do pull-ups 8-15 times, pay attention to the force on the side of the low shoulder;

Hold the dumbbell on the side of the low shoulder, lift it flat before, bend the arm back and raise your hand to touch the shoulder, and do it 6-8 times.

Source: Qianjiang Evening News


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