
Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

author:Origin popular science
Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

Text/Origin Science

Editor/Origin Science

Inventory the ten foods that contain the most parasites, boiling water may not be able to kill, you may eat every day.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

The first type bullfrog

Speaking of bullfrogs, presumably everyone is no stranger, this is an invasive species from North America, can no longer be described as bumping, it is simply terrifying, bullfrogs originally wanted to kill in the mainland, but the fact is that they snapped in the face, were eaten so that even their pants were not left, their large meat fat, fresh and tender in the mouth, delicious to the point that they could not stop, but you may not know, because of the harsh growth environment of bullfrogs, their bodies contain a large number of parasites, especially the parasite of schizophreus, which must be killed with a high temperature of more than 100 degrees, Be careful when eating.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

The second type of live beads

The first time I saw it, there was an indescribable feeling, completely unable to be associated with food, this is Nanjing's specialty snack, in short, hatching failed chickens, although the appearance is no different from ordinary eggs, but inside there is a lot of things, but this is a senior foodie, the sky floats five words, that is not a thing, live beads are rich in protein and amino acids, nutritional value is dripping, eat a bite, and then eat is addictive, although live beads are good, but should not eat more, in the case of not fully cooked, Predisposes to bacterial and parasitic infections.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

The third type of Fushou snail

This is a very dangerous invasive species, hearing its name, it has been unable to resist, the mainland originally introduced it for the purpose of eating, but the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, a mouthful, more than 6,000 parasites, light to live in the ICU, heavy is sent away in place, one person eats snails, the whole village eats the banquet, just ask if you are afraid, which leads many people to talk about snail color change, even invincible foodies can not avoid.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

Never expected, the Fushou snail that was blackened by us has become the favorite of the third brother of India, and it will not be tired of eating, in fact, it is not difficult to understand that the third brother is not even afraid of the water of the Ganges, a mouthful of the periodic table, a small Fushou snail, are not enough for them to stuff their teeth, not to mention that Indian food is "everything can be paste", no matter how arrogant the parasites are boiled and even the dregs are not left, so you can eat it with confidence.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

The fourth type of sashimi

When it comes to sashimi, many people probably think of Japanese sashimi first, which is a taste engraved in the bones of small Japan, and they panic if they don't eat it, but you know what? Japanese sashimi was introduced from the mainland, the earliest originated in the Tang Dynasty, to this day, sashimi is also extremely popular in the mainland, are said to be high-end ingredients, often only need the most simple cooking method, in order to retain the deliciousness of the fish, even cooking is saved, to take a bite, the taste is not too cool, the crotch is on fire - of course, sashimi carries a lot of parasites, especially liver flukes, liquor can not completely kill it, so this high-risk food or eat less.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

The fifth type duck intestines

Chinese love to eat animal offal, in addition to nutritional value, but also because the offal is really delicious, it is worth mentioning duck intestines, oil pan so stir-fried, the taste will come up, so delicious that the six relatives do not recognize it, to say that the most popular way to eat, is shabu-shabu, can be described as a table must point, in order to pursue the ultimate taste, many people only ten seconds to show, but do not know that parasites will be exploited, such as toxoplasma and solitary nematodes, if not specially treated, it is difficult to completely extinct.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

Sixth type of pork liver

There is an old saying in China called "what to eat to make up for what", as for the true or false, we can't be sophisticated, but it does not affect the love of foodies for pork liver, which is rich in iron, nutritional value of pork a few streets, has the effect of tonifying blood, coupled with the price of conscience, a pound only a few dollars, so a lot of foodies, usually the way to eat is to stir-fry pork liver, well-deserved rice artifact, at this time the little friends are estimated to rush to answer, parasites are also a lot of it, congratulations on your answer, pork liver is the largest detoxification organ on the second senior brother, The degree of dirtiness can be imagined, if the cooking time is too short, the parasite can be happy.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

Seventh species of yellow eel

Although it doesn't have the word "fish" in its name, it belongs to tropical fish, and the silt environment is its sanctuary, even if I say there are no parasites, will you believe it? Presumably everyone has heard of jaw line disease, the lethality is a bar, once it enters the human body, if there is no accident, it must be an accident, so it is best to fry it when cooking yellow eel.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

The eighth type of water chestnut

This is the fruit of the annual herbaceous aquatic plant rhombus, living in wet mud all year round, full of ginger flakes worm, when we were young, we were directly broken open and eaten raw, which led to a lot of parasites in the body, to rely on insect drugs to clean up, it can be seen that although water chestnut raw is crisp, it is best to cook and eat it in salt water, after all, compared with deliciousness, safety is the most important.

The ninth species of the African giant snail

This is an invasive species from Africa, is the world's largest snail, Chinese foodies in front of it, not rampant at all, the reason is estimated to have guessed, this goods is the host of parasites, more arrogant Guangzhou strongyloides, if unfortunately infected, may cause meningitis, and even have a fatal risk, unexpectedly, this goods escaped the Chinese table, but planted in Africa, was eaten even pants left, according to incomplete statistics, Africa to show off 15 million kilograms of large snails every year, It's really heifer on a plane - the cow is in the sky.

Tenth species of crayfish

Finally, we are familiar with this, crayfish can be called the most humiliating invasive species, originally wanted to flood in China, but was eaten to doubt life, to rely on artificial breeding, really laughing, crayfish since the popularity, the heat has been increasing, every summer, barbecue stalls can see its figure everywhere, pigs, cattle and mutton crayfish, late in the morning and late at night do not disperse, speaking of this, indisputable tears flow from the corners of the mouth, crayfish has a strong vitality, whether it is a silt environment or a smelly gutter, Can be alive in it, how can there be no parasites, the origin is in this friendly reminder, although the crayfish is delicious, but it is still moderate, be careful to eat for a while, eat the crematorium.

Inventory the ten foods with the most parasites, high temperature may not be able to kill, are you still eating?

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