
Curriculum vitae of General Xiao Jinguang, the father of the People's Navy

author:Stone Reading History

Xiao Jinguang, a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, was born and died from January 4, 1903 to March 29, 1989, a great proletarian revolutionary, a great proletarian military figure, and the main founder of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy.

Curriculum vitae of General Xiao Jinguang, the father of the People's Navy

General Xiao Jinguang went to Moscow to study at the Eastern University in 1921, joined the Communist Party of China in 1922, and served as a revolutionary mentor Comrade Lenin during his study in the Soviet Union in 1924. In 1927, General Xiao Jinguang went to the Soviet Union again to study military affairs, and in 1930 he returned to China to serve as the political commissar of the Red Seventh Army and other positions, and in 1934 he participated in the Long March.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, he successively served as the commander of the Left Behind Corps of the Rear Guard Office of the Eighth Route Army, and after the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 1945, he went to work in the northeast, successively serving as deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army and chief of staff, commander of the First Corps of the Northeast Field Army Chinese commander of the Twelfth Corps of the Fourth Field Army of the People's Liberation Army.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, he was ordered to form the People's Navy, and made outstanding contributions to the magnetism and growth of the People's Navy, serving as vice minister of national defense in 1954, Comrade Xiao Jinguang was awarded the rank of general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in September 1955, stepped down as commander of the Navy in 1980, and died in Beijing on March 29, 1989.

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