
The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

author:Knight of Don Quixote

After the eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, tens of millions of Chinese sons and daughters of our country selflessly paid for this, and just after Japan's unconditional surrender in 1945, our country entered another period, that is, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

In fact, before the eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, there was a ten-year civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, basically the Kuomintang was in an overwhelming position, the Communist Party was forced to carry out a difficult Long March, in the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, there was not only an open artillery dispute, but also a secret spy conspiracy, and Zhao Wei was an intelligence officer installed by the Communist Party within the Kuomintang.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" graduated from Huangpu >, and his position is important</h1>

Zhao Wei was born in 1919, his hometown is in a remote village in Wen'an County, Hebei Province, Zhao Wei's family conditions are average, but Zhao Wei's parents are relatively highly educated and ideologically advanced, so Zhao Wei has received education since he was a child, with a relatively high level of education and advanced thinking.

When Zhao Wei was 20 years old and graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy, when the students from Huangpu were all sought-after by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Zhao Wei entered a Certain Kuomintang combat unit under the recommendation of a Kuomintang officer.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

After entering the army, Zhao Wei did not enter the front-line combat unit, but used his own knowledge to help the troops train new soldiers, such a day is very boring, and Zhao Wei's dream in his heart is to go to the battlefield, not to do logistics in the army.

Unable to bear it, Zhao Wei decided to go to the squad leader during his studies in Whampoa, where he wanted to be an officer or even a soldier fighting on the front line. However, his squad leader directly rejected him and sent him back to the original unit. Zhao Wei still felt that he was not suitable for logistics work, and he decided to go to Zhu Jianguo, a good friend he had when he was studying in Huangpu.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

Zhu Jianguo was proud of the spring breeze in the army, and was a red man around the commander, Zhu Jianguo, after learning of Zhao Wei's intentions, immediately transferred Zhao Wei to his side for a piece of official affairs, which also made Zhao Wei finally satisfied, but what Zhao Wei did not expect was that a business affair with Zhu Jianguo would change the direction of his life.

Because Zhao Wei was born in Huangpu, and because he had a high vision and a large pattern, he made suggestions and suggestions in the army and straightened out military discipline, and it can be said that both military and political were very outstanding, and Zhao Wei's position was promoted all the way up, and even within a few months he was promoted to lieutenant. In the war against Japan, Zhao Wei won many battle merits, and even received Chiang Kai-shek's re-examination and commendation.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > hears and turns to light</h1>

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese Period, Zhao Wei spent time with Zhu Jianguo day and night, but what Zhao Wei did not know was that his old classmate was actually an intelligence officer installed by the Communist Party in the Kuomintang.

Zhu Jianguo's residence had several red books obtained from the Communist Party, and Zhao Wei read them from time to time, and the contents and ideas in them had a great influence on him.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

After the victory of the War of Resistance, Zhu Jianguo knew that the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communists was about to begin, so Zhu Jianguo thought of wooing Zhao Wei.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhao Wei felt that both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were the backbone of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, but after the victory of the War of Resistance, Zhao Wei felt that the ideas and interests of the Kuomintang were very different from his ideas, and then at this time Zhu Jianguo suddenly came to him to reminisce about the past.

After seeing Zhao Wei, Zhu Jianguo pulled Zhao Wei back to Zhao Wei's residence in a hurry, and after confirming that there was no one nearby, Zhu Jianguo directly said that he was a communist and hoped that Zhao Wei would also join.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

Seeing Zhao Wei was not too surprised, Zhu Jianguo then said that the Communist Party was fighting for the interests of thousands of toiling masses, while the National Name Party took its own interests as the primary condition, and after talking with Zhao Wei for a while.

Zhao Wei mao suddenly opened, the Communist Party and his ideas coincided, so Zhao Wei decided to join the Communist Party.

Zhu Jianguo introduced Zhao Wei to Xiao Jinguang, the commander of the Communist Party, and after the two met, they had a very happy conversation.

Zhao Wei proposed to join Xiao Jinguang's troops, but Xiao Jinguang felt that Zhao Wei was now in a high position in the National Names Party and could be an intelligence officer, so that he could make greater contributions, and Zhao Wei gladly agreed, so he became an honorable communist underground worker.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

After Zhao Wei returned to the army, with his excellent personal ability, he soon occupied a high position in the army and has been secretly providing intelligence.

During a meeting between Zhao Wei and the intelligence officer, the intelligence officer expressed the hope that Zhao Wei could get all the strategic information about the 13th Army of the Kuomintang, so as to facilitate strategic deployment.

Zhao Wei completed the task very easily, and when he met with the intelligence officer, the intelligence officer told Zhao Wei that it would be better if he could know the combat time node of the 13th Army, but the intelligence officer understood that it would be difficult to complete this task, but Zhao Wei resolutely agreed, because he understood the importance of the Liaodong battlefield.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

After Zhao Wei went back, he thought of a good way, that is, to find an old classmate of the 13th Army to reminisce. After arriving at the 13th Army, Zhao Wei and his old classmates exchanged ideas for a while, and then they wanted to invite the old classmates to dinner and drink, and wanted to drink and talk after drinking.

After the two arrived at the restaurant, before the dishes were served, the old classmates were called away by the headquarters. After a while, the people did not return, and Zhao Wei saw that time was running out, so the sword took the side.

Zhao Wei drew up a fake order in the name of the headquarters, informing the commander of the 13th Army to go to the Lanshan area for strategic deployment. After receiving the order, although the commander of the 13th Army had some doubts in his heart, the soldiers took obedience to the order as their natural duty and immediately sent troops to the Lanshan area.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > identity is exposed and flees all the way</h1>

Zhao Wei informed the intelligence officers of this situation, and then our army decided to advance the troops in the Lanshan area, planning to eat the 13th Army in one bite.

Because the Lanshan area is surrounded by mountains on three sides, if you occupy the Lanshan Highlands, you will get a good place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but before it is occupied, it is ambushed by others, that is, the turtle is caught in the urn.

Sure enough, after the whole army entered the Lanshan area, the 13th Army had not yet made adjustments and deployments, and a signal bomb appeared in the air. The 13th Army was simply too late, and it was confused and forced to defend. As a result, the 13th Army was captured and killed in battle, and the defeat of the 13th Army directly led to the defeat of the Liaodong region and affected the direction of the war.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

The war was won, but it also laid hidden dangers for Zhao Wei's exposure. A few months later, when Zhao Wei contacted the intelligence officer, he found that the intelligence officer had been unfortunately arrested, and according to conversations with other old classmates, his good friend Zhu Jianguo had also been exposed and arrested.

At this time, his superiors told him that Chairman Jiang was going to summon him, and Zhao Wei felt that something was wrong, and that he might have been exposed. In the conversation with the chief, Zhao Wei used words to test, more convinced that he had been exposed, so Zhao Wei fled on the pretext of packing up his things.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

Zhao Wei ran all the way, but fortunately the Communist Liberated Area was ahead. After Zhao Wei entered the Liberated Area, he was found by the sentry, who found him wearing the clothes of a Kuomintang officer and took him back to the army.

After being captured, Zhao Wei told the soldiers that he wanted to see their commander because his identity was 029. The soldier was suspicious and summoned his company commander, but the company commander did not know him.

The major of the Nationalist army took the initiative to "surrender", reported the top secret code number 902, and Commander Xiao Jinguang personally received Whampoa graduates, and his status was important, and he abandoned the secret to expose his identity and fled all the way

So the company commander went to the regimental commander again, and the regimental commander looked for the division commander, and finally found the headquarters all the way. What was shocking was that Commander Xiao Jinguang of the headquarters actually came to meet Zhao Wei in person, and some generals suddenly realized that Zhao Wei was a senior intelligence officer.

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