
Historical odd anecdotes - Kim Sung Sigh

author:Talk overnight

Mr. Jin surname, name, if the word, Wu County Zhusheng also. Be a man of great wonder and look down on everything. Good drinking, good at weighing literature and commentary, and discussion have never been published before.

- "The Legend of Jin Sheng"

Jin Shengsi was born in the 36th year of the Ming Wanli Calendar and died in the 18th year of Qing Shunzhi (April 17, 1608 – August 7, 1661), the name Cai, the character Ruocai, after the death of the Ming Dynasty, changed to the famous Rui, the character Shengsi, alias Kunpeng Sanshi. One said that the original surname is Zhang, the name is 喟. A native of Wu County, Suzhou. He died on December 53 (aged 54). Literary scholar and literary critic of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

Historical odd anecdotes - Kim Sung Sigh

Born on March 3, 1608 (April 17), Kim Sung-si lived a prosperous life at an early age, after which his parents died early and his family fell into the middle of the road. He was wild and uninhibited, able to write poetry, and was deposed because of the grotesque composition of the old test, and later took the subject test. Changed his name to Jin Ren Rui kao first, but he was determined to make progress and took pleasure in reading and writing. Commentary on a lot of classical, wizards also. Legend has it that there was a crown tomb in present-day Fucheng County, Hebei Province.

Jin Sheng sighed extensively, talked about "Yi", and also talked about Buddha, often interpreting Confucianism and Taoism with Buddha, and thesis was attached to Zen. There are many reviews of ancient books. It is called "Zhuangzi", "Departure from Sorrow", "History", "Du Shi", "Water Margin", and "Xi Xiang" as "Six Talents Book", and intends to be annotated one by one, but only two kinds of works have been completed, and "Du Shi Xie" has not been completed and he was killed. According to the narration of jin chang, his writings include the "Outer Book of Singing scriptures", including the Book of the Fifth Caizi, the Book of the Sixth Caizi, the Book of Tang Caizi, the Book of Must-Read Talents, the Interpretation of Du Shi, the Interpretation of Zuo Chuan, the Interpretation of ancient transmission (twenty songs), the interpretation of Xiao ya (seven songs), the solution of Mencius, and the "Twelve Songs of Ouyang Yongshu"; "Singing the Inner Books of the Scripture Hall", including "Hundred Questions of The Fahua", "Customs of xicheng", "Fahua Samadhi", "Baojing Samadhi", "Holy Self-Consciousness Samadhi", "Zhou Yiyi Case Full Banknote", "Thirty-Four Gua Quan Banknote", "Nanhua Jing Banknote", "Tongzong Yi Theory", "Quotation Class Compilation", "Sage Thousand Cases"; "Miscellaneous Passages of the Singing Scriptures", including "Casual Passage" and "Complete Collection of Poetry and Texts of the Singing Scriptures". Most of them are unfinished manuscripts, or only fragments, or full copies. Some of his works are included in the "Compilation of the Books of the Talents of the Singing Scriptures" in the present biography.

Historical odd anecdotes - Kim Sung Sigh

Jin Shengsi's main achievement lies in literary criticism, and his commentaries pay great attention to the elaboration of ideological content, often playing on topics and discussing political affairs, and his social outlook and outlook on life are clearly visible. He rebuked "committing a crime of rebellion", interpreted the name of "Water Margin" as "evil to the point, burst to the point, not with China", and opposed "giving it with loyalty and righteousness"; However, he also sympathized with the people's livelihood and suffering, hated the officials who fished and fleshed the people and the officials and soldiers who were like thieves, and realized that under the "one high-ranking couple" there were also "one hundred high and honest", "Qianyin Zhige" and their fox and dog party, forming a social force that brought calamity to the country and the people, and 108 people "had no choice but to enter the water" was "chaotic and self-inflicted", thus affirming the resistance of the heroes of Liangshan. He believes that "dwelling in his state, not discussing the gains and losses of his doctors, and curing evil wounds", "writing books that are not saints, books that are not broken, books that are not written by the Son of Heaven, books that are broken by their books, and rule by broken paths and rules, are cross-cutting"; However, he also admitted that there is no way in the world, and the people dare to discuss, "the discussion of the people is also history." He preached Confucian moral norms such as "loyalty and forgiveness" and "filial piety"; However, he also exposed the destruction of human nature by etiquette, praised the rebellious behavior of Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng, ridiculed Dong Baoxiu's "West Chamber" as an obscene book, and pushed "West Wing" as "Heaven and Earth Mysterious Text". He accepted the Buddhist idea of nothingness and regarded life as a dream, the so-called "dream of heaven and earth", "the dream soul of all sentient beings"; However, he faced reality head-on and diligently wrote about it, thinking that "life and death are rapid, human life is impermanent, wealth is difficult to seek, and if I am in my favor, I will not write books and how can I live?" It can be seen that Jin Shengsi's thoughts are full of contradictions. The brilliance of Jin Shengsi's literary criticism lies in the artistic analysis of the works. His poetry criticism is more common, such as the strong division of the law of poetry as a two-solution, and the use of the eight strands of text to carry forward the method of combining the poems, which is quite criticized by people.

Historical odd anecdotes - Kim Sung Sigh

Commenting on the "Water Margin" Liangshan good han nine people as the superior characters

Jin Shengsi divided the 108 good men of Liangshan into several grades, including lower and lower characters, lower middle characters, middle and middle characters, middle and upper characters, upper middle characters, and upper characters.

Among them, the "upper and upper figures" are the most outstanding and outstanding Liangshan good men in the eyes of Jin Shengsi, while Song Jianghe and Shi Qian are directly defined by Jin Shengsi as "lower and lower figures", with the lowest grade. Yan Qing, Liu Tang, Xu Ning, Zhang Shun, etc. were rated as "middle and upper figures" by Jin Shengsi, and Zhu Tong, Lu Junyi, Hu Yanzhuo, Qin Ming, and Shi Jin were "upper and middle figures". Lu Junyi, the unparalleled fierce general in the world, is only a "upper-middle-class figure", so what are the high-grade "upper-class characters" in Jin Shengsi's eyes?

The blue-faced beast Yang Zhi and the great knife Guan Sheng, the two good men of Liangshan who were evaluated by Jin Shengsi as "superior figures". Jin Shengsi commented on them as "superior figures", but the reason was very unique. Jin Sheng sighed and said, "Yang Zhi wrote that he was a disciple of the old family, and Guan Sheng wrote it all in the guise of Yun Chang. That is to say, Yang Zhi was rated as a "superior figure" because he was a descendant of the Yang family general and belonged to the Zhonglie. And Guan Sheng is because Shi Nai'an wrote him as a weakened version of Guan Yu, a weakened version of Wu Sheng, so Guan Sheng is the superior character.

The living Yan Luo Ruan Xiaoqi and the black whirlwind Li Kui were also rated by Jin Shengsi as the "superior characters" in "Water Margin", and Jin Shengsi commented on Ruan Xiaoqi: "Among the one hundred and eight people, Ruan Xiaoqi must be admitted to the examination, really count as the first fast person, the heart is fast, so that people are right, and the dirty things are sold out." Translated, Jin Shengsi said that Ruan Xiaoqi, a young man, was very real, he was straight-talking and never hid it. Li Kui was evaluated by Jin Shengsi as a "superior character" in "Water Margin", how did Jin Shengsi evaluate Li Kui? He said: "Li Kui is a superior character, and his writing is really innocent to the end. ”

Xiao Li Guanghuarong, he is a good man in Liangshan who is evaluated by Jin Shengsi as a "superior figure". Jin Sheng sighed and commented: "Hua Rong is naturally a superior figure, written by Gongdi Wenxiu. That is to say, Hua Rong is a creamy character in jin Shengsi's eyes, but he also has a good martial art, and is a heroic white horse general, a bit like Zhao Yun and Ma Chao in the Three Kingdoms.

Wu Yong is also a "superior figure" in "Water Margin", Jin Sheng sighed and commented on Wu Yong, saying: "Wu Yong is definitely a superior character, he is as treacherous as Song Jiang, but he is more upright than Song Jiang.

Leopard head Lin Chong, walker Wu Song, flower monk Lu Zhishen, and the three of them were rated as "superior figures" by Jin Shengsi. Lu Zhishen is the least controversial, he is the most able to call the "good man" and "chivalrous" of the 108 good men of Liangshan. Lu Tizhiyi lived a frank life, did not have any fly camp dogs in his heart, was full of righteousness and iron arrogance, and drew his sword to help each other when the road was uneven, and was a model and benchmark for "chivalry". Jin Shengsi commented on Lu Zhishen: "Lu Da is naturally a superior figure, writing with a thick heart and a broad physique. ”

Lin Chong and Wu Song are two characters who are very different. In "Water Margin", Lin Chong has been enduring, and it is a little painful to endure. Lin Chongkong has a unique martial art, but he can't save his wife and family. Wu Song has been erupting and has never stopped. From the beginning of the Jingyang Gang fight against the tiger, Wu Song fought all the way in blood, angrily beating Ximen Qing, drunkenly beating Jiang Menshen, making a big fuss about Fei Yunpu, splashing mandarin duck towers with blood, and splitting flying centipedes with knives, and every time Wu Song fought, people's blood boiled.

Jin Shengsi commented on Lin Chong: "Lin Chong is naturally a superior figure, and he is only too fierce to write. Seeing that he can calculate, survive, hold firm, and do it thoroughly, all make people afraid. From this point of view, what Jin Sheng admired was Lin Chong after the outbreak. After that night at the Fengxue Mountain Temple, Lin Chong was no longer the head of lin jiao who couldn't bear it before, he became a frightening "leopard head".

What about Wu Song? Wu Song is a "heavenly person" in the eyes of Jin Shengsi, and is the highest-grade "superior figure". Jin Shengsi commented on Wu Song and said, "Among the one hundred and eight people, Wu Song will be on the top. I think That Ruda is already the top of the people, and Wu Song is a god. ”

Historical odd anecdotes - Kim Sung Sigh

Leave a 16-character suicide note for his son before the beheading

In 1661, Suzhou Wuxian County ordered greed, chased back the tax arrears, whipped the people, and lost the grain that was often flattened, which aroused the anger of the readers in Suzhou. Because the readers were powerless to resist, they could only run to the confucius temple tablets, weep bitterly, and vent their resentment and complaints! Among them, Jin Shengsi is one of the leaders! As a result, Jin Shengsi and more than 100 readers were arrested for "gathering crowds to make trouble"!

Later, in order to deter the jiangnan readers, plus Shunzhi had just died, the Qing court urgently needed Li Wei, so Kangxi ordered that 7 of them be beheaded! To put it bluntly, Chinese readers have become only promises, mainly starting from the Qing Dynasty! At the time of the Ming Dynasty, the readers were arrogant and messy, and the imperial court could only tolerate this kind of thing when encountered.

Before Jin Sheng sighed before his death, he left a lot of legends, and there were three points about this matter!

1. When Jin Sheng sighed and saw his family, he said, "Lotus is bitter in her heart, and Pear's belly is sour." "Everyone who hears it weeps!"

2. Before the execution, calm and self-assured, he also asked the prison officer for a drink and drank it soundly, and while drinking, he said: "Cut off the head, it hurts; drinking, fast things; cutting off the head and drinking first, happy and happy!"

3, before he died, he also left a suicide note to his son, only 16 words, "Wu'er remember, dried beans and peanuts are eaten together, there is a taste of ham!" Later generations followed this recipe, but they did not eat the taste of ham.

What is even more speechless is that after Jin Shengsi was beheaded, two paper balls fell from his left and right ears, and everyone opened them to see only two words, namely: "good" and "pain"! Before dying, Jin Sheng sighed and humored!

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