
The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

author:Take a ride in Tibet

#挑战30天在头条写日记 #

From the county seat of Meduo to the south, down the Brahmaputra River, about 10 kilometers, is the viewpoint of the big bend of Guoguotang. Perhaps because of the main development of tourism, the county is full of active drivers, with starting prices ranging from 15-20 yuan. I randomly found a car and asked how much to go to Guoguotang, the other party gave me a quotation of 120 round trips, which felt a little expensive, but I had learned with the owner of the hotel before, it was probably this price, is there any other bus in the county, I don't want to walk over, I can only accept this price. 10 km distance, quick drive to arrive. It is said to be an observation deck, in fact, it is on the side of the highway, but there are fewer people and fewer cars in Meto, and it is not in the way to view and take pictures on the highway. The Great Bend of Guoguotang is a natural wonder formed when the Brahmaputra River flows through Meto, and due to the topography, the river is blocked by a mountain peak, so it makes a 180-degree turn around the peak. Viewed from the viewing position, the big bend looks like a green lollipop, hence the name Guoguotang Bend.

The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

The big bend is like a green lollipop

Looking down from above, there are farmland, there are residents, there are houses in the "lollipop". Around the bend, the Lhoba people who believe in animism have been living for generations, and they have almost no communication with the outside world, forming a unique primitive culture and forest culture in an extremely closed environment. Witchcraft and divination were also derived from this unique culture. Killing chickens and looking at liver is the traditional divination technique of the Lhoba people, who use this ancient traditional technique when they travel far away, go into the mountains to hunt, and conduct business transactions. After the wizard kills the chicken, he will judge the problem according to the color, concave, thickness, straightness, etc. of the chicken liver.

The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

The special environment has formed the unique primitive culture and forest culture of the Lhoba people

The Lhoba, Menba and Tibetans are the main ethnic groups in Meto, but if you meet a Lhoba here, he will tell you that they are the indigenous people of Meto and have lived here for generations. At the beginning of the 18th century, Meto was indeed only inhabited by the Lhoba people, living a primitive hunting life, in exchange for salt, daily necessities and other necessities, every year in the spring blossom season, hiked to Nyingchi, Milin, Mensu, Bhutan and other places for exchange, but also let the outside world know that Meto is such a place of Buddha scenery.

The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

Tools used by the Lhoba

At that time, the Monba people, under the cruel exploitation of the Lord King (now Bhutan), could not resist and were bloodily suppressed, so they longed for a good place without oppression, so they moved to Meto. Most of the Tibetans here are descendants of aristocrats who moved to Meto after the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1959. Before liberation, Tibet was under serfdom that integrated politics and religion. In 1959, the People's Liberation Army entered Tibet, and the local aristocracy was afraid of shaking their status, so they fled to India through Meto, but due to physical strength, environment, injuries and other factors, many people could not continue to move forward, and could only stay in Tibet and multiply.

The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

The Lhoba people, the indigenous people of Meto, have lived here for generations

After taking a few photos in Guoguotang, I took the car back, and I asked the driver to drop me off in Dexing Township. On the way, the driver told me that she was from Sichuan, had been here for ten years, and had come before the Meduo Road. At that time, there was not even electricity, and mobile phone charging could only be in the car. When I asked her why she came to Meto, she said that the competition for business here was not as fierce as in the mainland, when they first came, there were no locals doing business here, and the government's support policy for locals was very good, so even if the locals simply did farm work, they would not have to worry about life, and they did not need to do any more business, and 80% of the business here were mainlanders.

The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

Before the opening of the Meto Highway, there was not even electricity here

Then he said that if he saw a very old mainlander in Meto, most of them had committed an accident in the mainland and ran over. In the past, Meto was an absolute frontier, a place for exile, where the emperor was far away, a place where the law could not reach, people committed crimes, as long as they had the ability to run here, no one would pursue you again.

The Brahmaputra River flows through the bend formed by Meto, and the environment is closed, from which witchcraft and divination are derived

Once upon a time, Meto was an absolute frontier, a place of exile

Follow @RideTourTibet and share with you 180 days of a Beijing girl riding alone in Xinjiang, Tibet.