
In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes

author:Instructor Crew

In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes.

Her name is April, the coach is experienced, skilled, and a beautiful woman! You may be asking, "Can a female coach handle it in the sea?" "I can shout and promise, April absolutely can! My first impression of this goddess-like coach was that she was more elegant than a dolphin!

The lifeguards you see while snorkeling in Palau may be muscular brothers, but I'll tell you that instructors like April are just as strong and professional. Imagine you see an oversized fish at the bottom of the sea, and then she signals you that it's a stinglecoin fish. Do you think it's better to receive this news when you continue to take pictures with your mouth open, or to hear this news during a pick-up conversation?

A coach who can slam his mouth shut in the sea and turn around as quickly as possible requires sufficient observation, reaction and skill. Solid expertise, unique ambitions, and a witty sense of humor make April an unforgettable snorkeling instructor.

In Palau, if you're looking for a female snorkeling instructor who can take you around the tropical seas, it has to be April. Not only is her extraordinary technique, but her spiritually playful personality also allows people to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea like old friends who know each other well. #潜水 #游泳 #帕劳 #运动女孩 #旅游

In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes
In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes
In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes
In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes
In your imagination, are the coaches all big uncles? To be honest, I thought so until one day I came to Palau and met this female snorkeling instructor who opened my eyes

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