
Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity? chatGPT may achieve network disconnection, and the cost of illegal utilization may be 0

author:Ganzhou house shopkeeper Li Qijun

350 executives in the chatGPT field jointly called for artificial intelligence AI may bring extinction danger to human beings This is not alarmist, Qijun is also full of worries about the rise of chatGPT, although the domestic related software is based on imitation, but the launch is also like changing the world, the first to become popular is actually AI to change faces, Ma Baoguo alone can perform all film and television roles, everyone is still hip hop Ma Baoguo's AI funny, did not think of the crisis and greater risk behind AI.

chatGPT is a program technology of artificial intelligence, also called chatbot, if you open any way, what will happen is unknown, but it is certain that it is a very powerful technology, it can simulate human thinking and behavior, and can continuously improve their ability through learning and self-evolution, which is already terrifying.

Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity? chatGPT may achieve network disconnection, and the cost of illegal utilization may be 0

However, as described in science fiction and movies, artificial intelligence may also become more and more powerful, eventually beyond human control, with devastating effects on human beings, Qi Jun believes that before artificial intelligence destroys or enslaves human beings, it must have several steps, if not controlled at that time, human beings will eventually destroy their own technology.

At present, although the possibility of occurrence is very small, it cannot be completely ruled out, and the army to make a few assumptions, let's see, scary is not terrible.

First of all, before chatGPT was powerful, it was likely to be the attack weapon of careerists on the earth, blackmail weapons, such as the original Chinese computer hacker virus Panda Yao, incense and other viruses that were pediatrics in the eyes of chatGPPT, all of which caused human losses to mankind.

You can imagine that if another author of panda burning incense obtains the core technology of chatGPT, it is not difficult to make a global inexplicable network outage, right? With Hitler's ambition to obtain core secrets, he can give instructions to countless mobile phones, disrupt finance, let data loss, previously restore the database or overwrite the data, then format the database, let Musk's wealth to zero, do you think it is a difficult thing?

Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity? chatGPT may achieve network disconnection, and the cost of illegal utilization may be 0

So, it's time for us to take this issue seriously and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and stability of AI, which cannot be compromised.

At the same time, we need to strengthen the regulation and control of artificial intelligence. Governments and institutions should formulate stricter regulations and standards to ensure that the development and use of AI is ethical and ethical, and does not pose any danger to humans.

The speed of intelligent ascent and the speed of the field involved in chatGPT are unimaginable to you and me, and we need to strengthen the research and development of artificial intelligence. Only through continuous research and exploration can we better understand the nature and characteristics of artificial intelligence, better control and manage their development and application, control and management is the top priority.

Musk has said that chatGPT is good and terrible, that is, good use is good, being used is very terrible, and using chatGPT to do bad things is generally hidden, impossible to track, he may have zero cost.

Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity? chatGPT may achieve network disconnection, and the cost of illegal utilization may be 0

Musk also said that chatGPT is like a flood beast as soon as it comes out, and all this is not what he wants.

We need to strengthen AI education. Only by letting more people understand the basic principles and applications of artificial energy can we better deal with the risks and challenges it may bring, Musk recently joined many scientists to say that weapons more terrible than atomic bomb nuclear weapons, perhaps chatGPT, perhaps stop research and development and stop marketing, is the wisest.

Although Musk is worried about chatHPT, he himself operates and uses chatGPT all the time, in short, the development and application of industrial intelligence is a complex and long-term process, we need to remain vigilant and cautious, and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and stability of artificial intelligence.

At the appeal meeting of 350 executives, everyone agreed that reducing the risk of extinction caused by artificial intelligence should be placed at the same height as social problems such as epidemics and nuclear wars, and prioritized.

Whether humans will use chatGPT to destroy it, or will it be replaced by chatGPT's own intelligence upgrade, and the government has issued various directives, it is terrifying to think about. (Original essay by Qijun)

Will artificial intelligence destroy humanity? chatGPT may achieve network disconnection, and the cost of illegal utilization may be 0

About author:Li Qijun, a native of Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Hakka family, known for humanistic history and psychology, keen to analyze social phenomena, professional screen name Ganzhou house treasurer, if there are inappropriate words and pictures, leave a message to delete, welcome Ganzhou fellow villagers to return to Gan to buy property. Thanks.

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