
The 4 truths of schizophrenia, the sooner patients know, the better

author:Director of Nanchang Gao Xicui

  1. The cause of schizophrenia

  Many people say that many people with schizophrenia develop the disease because of certain stimuli or dramatic changes in their lives. It is true that some patients have certain triggers. Therefore, mental stimulation can only be counted as one of the triggers for people with schizophrenia.

  In fact, the pathogenesis of schizophrenia is formed by a combination of factors, the most important of which are genetic, biological, and psychosocial factors (including mental stimulation). Therefore, we conclude that an average person does not usually develop an illness just because of mental stimulation. Mental stimulation will only allow people who may have the onset to show symptoms of mental abnormalities faster.

The 4 truths of schizophrenia, the sooner patients know, the better

  2. The severity of schizophrenia

  Many people consider schizophrenia to be the most serious mental disorder that causes great harm to people's social functioning. But in fact, not every person with schizophrenia will show severe hallucinations, delusions, and not every patient will bring great trouble or even danger to those around him.

  Therefore, not all people with schizophrenia will have significant abnormalities of speech or behavior. Doctors do not judge schizophrenia based solely on hallucinations or delusions, but on a complete set of diagnostic criteria and a coordinated examination of the patient's emotional response.

The 4 truths of schizophrenia, the sooner patients know, the better

  3. Social adaptation of patients with schizophrenia

  People say that people with schizophrenia have no future and their lives are ruined. In fact, this thinking is wrong. Any disease is prioritized, just as a cold is a minority. Of course, the same goes for schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia may, unable to receive effective treatment and control for a long time, their condition will become more and more serious, and their thinking and behavior will become more and more out of control.

  On the contrary, if the treatment effect is satisfactory, insisting on medication according to the doctor's prescription for patients with schizophrenia can even make the symptoms completely disappear and restore all social functions. Simply put, revert to the same as before.

The 4 truths of schizophrenia, the sooner patients know, the better

  4. Drug selection for schizophrenia

  Treatment of schizophrenia is primarily pharmacotherapy. Through the action of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and 5-light tryptamine, the symptoms of mental illness in patients are improved, thereby treating schizophrenia. The choice of drug is related to treatment effect, adverse effects, and affordability. Many people think that new drugs must be better and imported drugs must be better