
Intern. This woman is a top workaholic, in order to be budget-saving, she rides a bicycle in the office until late at night, and when she returns home, she can't take care of her husband and children, and her mind is full of work

author:Sister Hui Film and Television


This woman is a top workaholic, in order to be budget-saving, she rides her bicycle in the office until late at night, and when she returns home, she can't take care of her husband and children, and her mind is full of work. In the end, her husband cheated on her, talking about Anne completely disintegrating and not wanting to live alone at an older age.

Feeling the oppression of his family for the first time, Bert tells him that he should do what he needs and boldly go for a career, but Anne wants to let go and let someone else take over the position of president, which may ease the relationship between the family. At night, Burt looked at the picture on the TV and remembered the tears in his deceased wife's eyes. He also faced unemployment and life dilemmas before, but now at the age of 75, he has experienced the feeling of working again, and his life has no regrets.

The next day, Anne finished interviewing the president, and she was satisfied and ready to hand over the work. When she returned home to face her husband, she did not directly break it, and the atmosphere between the two became very heavy. Anne was in a daze in the bathroom, with bitter words in her heart, and her husband was also feeling ashamed in the room, and Anne did not know what to do.

She went to Bert, and Bert confided his heart to Annie: The company can be as magnificent as it is today, it is all your own effort, is it a dream, isn't it? And you have to give up on him and expect your lover to stop acting outside, I don't see how to be against each other. Her persuasion impressed Anne, she came to the company, and her husband appeared in front of her, persuading her not to give up her dream and hard work. As long as you love it, do it, and her husband apologized to her deeply, and the two reconciled.

She realized that work is not everything, and she also needs to spend time with her family when she is not working. Anne withdrew the idea of submitting the company, and had to plan her career and life on her own. And at this moment, Bert also found the pursuit before. Everyone encounters various difficulties at work, but these obstacles are just small episodes in life, and at the age of 75, he has always retained the original intention in his heart.

Intern. This woman is a top workaholic, in order to be budget-saving, she rides a bicycle in the office until late at night, and when she returns home, she can't take care of her husband and children, and her mind is full of work
Intern. This woman is a top workaholic, in order to be budget-saving, she rides a bicycle in the office until late at night, and when she returns home, she can't take care of her husband and children, and her mind is full of work
Intern. This woman is a top workaholic, in order to be budget-saving, she rides a bicycle in the office until late at night, and when she returns home, she can't take care of her husband and children, and her mind is full of work
Intern. This woman is a top workaholic, in order to be budget-saving, she rides a bicycle in the office until late at night, and when she returns home, she can't take care of her husband and children, and her mind is full of work

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