
What is ChatGPT, do ❓ you understand #科技


What is ChatGPT?

Recently, ChatGPT has flooded the Internet. What exactly is ChatGPT? It is a chatbot program developed by a company in the United States called OpenAI. OpenAI is a company that has been researching artificial intelligence for decades, early founded by tech mogul Musk, and now Microsoft invests more than a billion dollars in ChatGPT every year. Even Bill Gates says ChatGPT is one of two revolutionary technologies he's encountered in his lifetime. The previous time was the invention of the Internet, not to mention the Internet, its emergence completely changed people's lifestyle.

What is ChatGPT, do ❓ you understand #科技

In the interview, Buffett also likened ChatGPT to an atomic bomb, and its appearance will completely and dramatically change our lives. When we use ChatGPT, it is like chatting with a WeChat friend, who knows astronomy and geography. The technology behind it has two big data and artificial intelligence, big data we are familiar with, and all aspects of life must be inseparable from big data.

What is ChatGPT, do ❓ you understand #科技

For example, when buying something online, big data will push the goods you like; For example, brush short videos, big data will be pushed to the type of anchor you like; For example, I want to learn entrepreneurship. I will buy some high-rated books on entrepreneurship and study them myself.

What is ChatGPT, do ❓ you understand #科技

OpenAI integrates the massive amount of data grabbing around the world on the Internet through technology, allowing ChatGPT to understand and learn these data to generate its own thinking. Dialogue with humans by learning the way humans think, dialogue, and interact according to the context in which you chat with him, really chatting and communicating like a human.

Chatting like a human is just his most basic ability, he can also help us write emails, write video scripts, write copywriting, write code, write poetry, and so on. It is like a huge treasure waiting to be discovered and applied.

What is ChatGPT, do ❓ you understand #科技

The advent of ChatGPT ushered in the era of artificial intelligence. When a cross-era new technology emerges, when it breaks out, we ordinary people must be able to actively understand and embrace it, so as to obtain the dividends brought by the new technology. Follow and forward comments.

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