
Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

author:Chinese family doctor

When it comes to nourishing the stomach, many people's first reaction is to drink more white porridge.

In fact, drinking white porridge not only does not nourish the stomach, but may even hurt the stomach.

White porridge will promote gastric acid secretion, for people with excessive gastric acid secretion and easy acid reflux, drinking porridge will make gastric acid secretion more, aggravating the condition.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: OneImage

So, what exactly to eat to nourish the stomach?

Today, Xiaobian will share with you a few stomach-nourishing foods that can be called "the first stomach repairer"——

It is the "first repair agent of the stomach", and it is easy to raise a "golden stomach"!

Five grains representative: millet

Millet, golden color, sweet and sticky, as the length of the five grains, its therapeutic effect and nutritional value are well deserved.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that millet is flat, slightly cold, sweet and salty, and is a good tonic ingredient, beneficial to the five internal organs, filling liquid, strengthening muscles and bones, especially suitable for people with internal heat, weak spleen and stomach, sick and weak people.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: OneImage

When there is heartburn, nausea, vomiting and other discomforts, eating millet porridge can moisturize the spleen and stomach, which will make the stomach more comfortable.

Like children with weak spleen and stomach and frequent diarrhea, they should usually drink more millet porridge, especially boiling millet into thick rice soup, drinking the top layer of rice oil, the effect is more certain.

However, it should be noted that millet is not suitable for everyone to eat, such as stagnation of qi and cold physique, should not eat too much.

If you really like to drink, you can add a slice or two of ginger to the millet porridge to correct the coolness.

Melon representative: pumpkin

Pumpkin nourishes the stomach, mainly due to its rich pectin content.

The pectin component in pumpkin can protect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract from irritation and damage caused by rough, hard foods.

At the same time, it can also promote the healing of ulcer surfaces, which is suitable for patients with stomach problems. Studies in recent years have found that eating pumpkin can prevent gastric mucosal ulcers.

In addition, the nutrients contained in pumpkin can also promote the secretion of bile, strengthen gastrointestinal peristalsis, help food digestion, help defecation, and reduce the overall burden on the stomach.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: OneImage

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" also records that pumpkin has the effect of tonifying neutral, tonifying liver qi, invigorating heart qi, invigorating lung qi and invigorating qi, and also has a certain therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach weakness, less food and bloating.

In general, pumpkin is highly nutritious and has a good diet, which is not only good for health, but also satisfies appetite.

Health recommendation: pumpkin millet porridge

Method: Peel and dice the pumpkin, wash the millet, put it in the rice cooker and cook until soft.

Efficacy: Pumpkin strengthens spleen and stomach, moisturizes lungs and invigorates qi; Millet has the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing deficiency and sleeping, and the two are cooked into porridge to help warm the stomach and strengthen the spleen, and feed back the injured spleen and stomach.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: OneImage

Rhizome represents: yam

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yam is a "high-quality medicine", which has the effects of strengthening the spleen, improving the stomach, tonifying the lungs, benefiting the kidneys, etc., and mainly treats spleen deficiency and diarrhea, thirst, sperm loss, and bringing down and other diseases.

Yam contains substances such as amylase and polyphenol oxidase, which can also help digestion and absorption by the stomach.

That is to say, yam can nourish the spleen and stomach, promote absorption, and is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and loss of appetite.

It also has an antidiarrheal effect and can be used to improve diarrhea, thin stools and other symptoms.

Here, I recommend the health recipes that Chinese medicine master Deng Tietao loved before his death——

Health recommendation: pumpkin yam cup

Ingredients: 1 pumpkin, 30 grams of Huaishan (can also be adjusted according to the pumpkin capacity).

Method: Huaishan is boiled and crushed into a paste, the pumpkin is cut off the top and placed in a bowl; Put the Huaishan paste into the pumpkin, steam it for 30 minutes, and then season it according to personal taste, salty or sweet.

Efficacy: Yam eaten with pumpkin can not only nourish the "acquired root" spleen, but also replenish the "innate root" kidney.

In addition, the pumpkin yam cup has a soft and light taste, and it is convenient for the elderly with bad teeth. When diabetics consume it, it is recommended to put no or less sugar.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: OneImage

Reminder: Yam nourishes yin and will help dampness, some people who are full of wetness and have stasis are not suitable to take. For example, patients with indigestion, bloating, and burping will aggravate their symptoms after taking yam.

In addition to diet to nourish the stomach, we can also rub the body's own "stomach nourishing points" -

The "stomach nourishing point" hidden around, it is better to rub the stomach!

1. Middle acupoint

The middle point is the recruitment point of the stomach meridian (that is, the place where the meridians have the most abundant qi and blood), and it is considered that "all diseases of the spleen and stomach can be cured".

Clinically, the middle acupoint is also an important and commonly used acupoint for the treatment of digestive diseases.

Daily kneading, acupressure, and point kneading of the middle acupoint, appetizing and improving loss of appetite; Protect the stomach, relieve stomach pain, relieve bloating, indigestion, vomiting and other symptoms.

Point: Located in the upper abdomen, anterior midline, 4 inches above the umbilicus (at the midpoint where the lower end of the sternum connects with the navel).

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: Home doctor homemade

Method: Bring four fingers together and rub the middle point with the abdomen of the fingers in a clockwise direction, twice a day, each time for 5 minutes.

Note: The frequency of kneading should not be too fast, the force should not be too heavy, and the action should not be too rude.

2. Shenque Cave

The umbilicus is where the Shenque point is located, is the main point of human health care, has the effect of warming and yang tonifying the kidney, collecting turbid qi, preventing and treating diseases, often used for abdominal pain, cold diarrhea, constipation and other evidence, and has a significant effect on the regulation of gastrointestinal function.

Acupuncture: at the umbilicus.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: Home doctor homemade

Method: The palm of the right hand is stacked on the back of the left palm, and the palm of the hand is attached to the umbilicus, first rubbing the umbilicus clockwise, and then kneading the umbilicus counterclockwise, 50 times each.

In addition, moxibustion of Shenque points with moxa strips can prevent gastrointestinal disorders caused by physical weakness.

Method: Burn one end of the moxa strip and place it 2~5 cm away from the acupoint for hot moxibustion, the specific distance can be adjusted in time according to the body feeling, so that the local feeling of warmth without burning pain is appropriate; It is better to do it from 7 am to 11 am every day, 15~20 minutes each time.

Nourish the stomach and stop obsessed with white porridge, it is the "first repair agent of the stomach"! Often eat stomach disease detour, old or "iron stomach"

Source: OneImage

Small reminder: When moxibustion, it should not be too close to the skin to avoid scalding the skin; The elderly and weak and those who need to be treated should be carried out under the guidance of a TCM doctor.

Finally, I would like to remind that "nourishing stomach points" is only used for daily preventive health care, or for emergency use. If the stomach pain recurs for a long time, be sure to go to the hospital as soon as possible.