
In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Earlier seven episodes praised the first gong of "Riding the Wind 2023", believing that Yigong is the existence of Yigong second only to the first season in four seasons, and most of the stages are remarkable, which is enough to make the reputation of variety shows high.

With the stage effect of Yigong, it can completely make the old audience sigh that "Sister Lang's level is finally back", but only a week apart, the seven episodes were "created" in the first half of the second gong of "Riding the Wind 2023", which took a sharp turn in level.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

The average level of the four stages in the first half is quite difficult to evaluate, because there are no highlights.

Looking at the four stages, it is not only very different from the perception of Yigong, but even regarded as the worst level in the four seasons and the second gong stage, and there is no stage out of the circle for more than 8 hours after the broadcast, and the effect can be seen.

"Take Me to Find the Nightlife", keywords: chaos, Mei Yi Li Bud

The "Take Me to Find the Nightlife" stage, contributed by Liu Xijun, Cai Shaofen, Li Caihua, Mei Yiliya and Li Shaminzi, was the stage with the largest number of people in the first half, and the comprehensive strength of several sisters can also be regarded as the strongest in the first half.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Liu Xijun and Mei Yi Liya are professional singers who are famous for their singing skills, although Li Caihua does not pay much attention, but she is also a singer, and the only two pure actors Cai Shaofen and Li Sha are also relatively excellent singing skills in the actor's sister.

In terms of dance, at least three of the five sisters are above the average line, such a combination is supposed to be the choice of a girl group with more advantages, but the stage finished product they give is only one "chaotic" word.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Dance chaos.

The multi-person group's most stunning dance to the audience was danced both soft and uneven, and the combined dance was inaccurate, without a professional stage perception of the girl group, more like a group of amateurs jumping on themselves, completely failing.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Style mess.

The sisters' costume design is late-night bungee, but the stage is a white super luxurious bed, black and white together with a good top-down effect, especially suitable for sisters to lie down and take photos at the beginning and end, the beauty is there.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

But when the sisters move between these two elements, the sense of nonsense comes, just like a group of sisters who have been drinking high in a nightclub are temporarily pulled to the pajamas, completely unable to see the highlights, only forcibly screaming.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Perhaps the program team also realized that this stage was not effective, or perhaps it was shocked by the high popularity of Yigongmei Yiliya, and the most memorable content of "Take Me to Find Nightlife" was the small beauty content of the practice process.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

The whole practice process is cut with Mei Yi Li Bud as the main line, her efforts, frustrations, self-blame to get along with her sisters are quite complete, and the surprisingly high proportion of Xiaomei should make two-dimensional fans happy.

"I Leave Myself", keywords: heart, big vocal

Huang Liling and Zhu Zhu's two-person stage "I Leave Myself" is the only highlight of the first half of the second gong, and the pure vocal stage is not easy to shine in the works of the girl group, but the two sisters impressed the audience with sincerity and strength.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

The whole song was sung by them very heartfelt, Quan Kai Mai performance was full of sincerity, Huang Liling's big vocal strength made the audience's ears extremely suitable, and the combination of string orchestras enriched the stage level.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

In terms of visual effects, "I Leave Myself" is also the most harmonious and advanced in the first half, the color matching is simple and clean, and the charm of the water stage has been used to complement each other for the first time.

Actor sister Zhu Zhu made the audience usher in an unexpected surprise.

The brilliance of Yigong's "Problem" can also be said to be Zhu Zhu's use of excellent typhoon and charming temperament, and Ergong's "I Leave Myself" can be a perfect partner with Huang Liling, purely relying on her singing skills.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

The typhoon is clear, the singing skills are solid, and the actor's high appearance and expressiveness are added, and the all-round Zhu Zhu sister has a high probability of becoming the real "dark horse" of "Riding the Wind 2023" and is worthy of a big fire.

But although Zhu Zhu and Huang Liling's "I Leave Myself" is the best in the first half of the second gong, it is difficult to get out of the circle.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

First, this song is relatively unpopular, which can make the audience empathize when watching, but it is difficult to produce continuous resonance; Second, the vocal stage itself is more difficult to get out of the circle in Sister Lang, and Yigong's "Sea of Flowers" is already rare.

"The happiness of suffering together", keywords: faint, appearance

A singer has three actors, and the three actors are not outstanding types, and the guest pairing of "Happiness of Suffering Together" is destined to be difficult to perfectly control pure vocal works, but on the other hand, what they give is pure vocal music.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

In the opening of Qiu Cera Xuan's sister with an accent, when the audience hears that the sisters are not fully open, this group has actually lost, and the most infectious part of the entire work may still be the emotional freeze that the three actors are good at.

Captain Chen Jiahua has worked hard to help several sisters integrate and make the team's work more harmonious, but the vocal music for this team is actually too obvious, and there is no proper dance and more infectious scene design bonus.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

This makes the effect of the entire stage dull, how beautiful the faces of the high-value actors' sisters are, how chicken the stage is, and Chen Jiahua and the team of "Jingle Bell" are completely different.

"The Veil", keywords: Xena, first

Three of the four stages in the first half failed to pass, but only "The Veil" was scolded on the hot search, the key reason is that it was the first in the first half of the votes, but the fundamental reason is because the captain is Xie Na, who has a polarized reputation.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Like "Dragon Fist", "Veil" was also complained by the audience for being too hard, and Xie Na's more embarrassing physique did not change at all, she was present, and many viewers could hardly ignore the gap between the number of votes and the actual effect.

But just looking at the first half of the work, the stage completion of this group of sisters is actually on the high side.

They really worked hard, but they didn't paddle, the basic requirements for singing and dancing were met, they were the only stage that could match the girl group in the first half, and after experiencing the disappointment of the first singing and dancing stage, it was actually normal for this group to get high votes.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

The problem is that the sisters work very hard, but the stage given is not stretched and silky enough, she pays too much attention to the presentation of basic things, and neglects how to present the infectious power of enjoying the stage while completing the basic requirements.

At this point, the arrangement and dance have to carry a cauldron, and the captain Xie Na may indeed have to carry a small cauldron.

Compared with the captain, this sister may be more suitable for being the squad leader, she is very good at adjusting the atmosphere and encouraging the team, but she has less appreciation in controlling the stage characteristics, singing and dancing style and the typhoon of the team members.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

Objectively speaking, Xie Na's typhoon and relaxation in the first stage work "Pineapple and Jackfruit" are far better than her performance in the team's works, and it is very important for her to find the feeling of enjoying the stage at this stage.

Four stages, three have slots, one brilliant but difficult to get out of the circle due to type problems.

This makes the overall perception of the first half of the second gong extremely poor, if the second half of the stage cannot show the effect of surprising the audience, "Riding the Wind 2023" is likely to smash the good reputation of the stage that Yigong has created with great difficulty.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

However, a problem can also be seen from the first half of the work.

When the second and third seasons of "Sister Lang" were broadcast, the audience generally felt that the vocal music was too weak, and without music director Zhao Zhao, the entire program group's ability to select songs, arrange music and even mature sister's style appreciation declined sharply.

And the fourth season proved to the audience that Zhao Zhao also had mistakes, and a Zhao Zhao could not directly return the show to the level of the first season, and even, without Zhao Zhao's old partner A KEN (dance director of the first three seasons), the stage quality was also declining.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

As early as the Yigong period, the audience could actually see that the dance design and presentation effect of this season were generally poor, but because the topic of "paddling" was hotly discussed at that time, most of the audience thought that it was caused by the sisters not training well.

When you get to the second gong, you will find the pot, most likely in the dance director.

Liu Xijun's "Take Me to Find Nightlife" is a typical proof.

The soft big bed stage laying is not only difficult to make the sisters exert their strength, but also eats a lot of dance effects, the formation is easy to stand, it is obvious that the program group designed the big bed, but did not cooperate with the big bed design more suitable dance.

In the first half of "Riding the Wind 2023", the level took a sharp turn, and it was really difficult to evaluate

In this case, how can the sisters' singing and dancing be brilliant? The same is true of Xie Na's "Veil", where the impression left by the exotic stage is only an exotic soundtrack, and the dance characteristics cannot be remembered at all.

Singing is important, dancing is also important, dance and music are perfectly matched to give the perfect effect.

Only the arrangement is good but there is no cooperative dance assistance, how can you play the charm of the girl group, at least, the works of the singing and dancing group, it is impossible to play it perfectly, the problem of the dance design falling off the chain, I hope the program group can change in time.

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