
Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Nolan's films never lack heat.

Like himself, those who like it are regarded as gods, and those who dislike are abandoned as obedience.

The same is true of Oppenheimer, humans do not thank logic, so do humans thank Oppenheimer? Are such values correct?

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

The story of "Oppenheimer" is told leisurely, and Nolan's mastery of the script is still skillful.

Although narrative techniques tend to be grand narratives, there is no ethereal perception, no shying away from Oppenheimer's negativity, nor exaggerating its positives.

This kind of writing from an eye-level perspective is rare, after all, in the face of the biographical proposition of the main theme, magic reform is impossible, nihilism is unrealistic, Nolan chose to experience Oppenheimer's deeds with the audience.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody
Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

The two lines of black and color make "Oppenheimer" by no means a flat and straightforward narrative, but a gradual and gradual unfolding of a Prometheus-like fire thief.

But because Oppenheimer's life itself is legendary enough, it is not difficult to adapt the script, and Nolan only needs to shoot it truthfully to be wonderful, in fact, Nolan did.

The narrative structure is no longer bells and whistles, stubbornly sticking to fragmentation, and doing the magic of time, but using simple flashbacks, plus different perspectives to restore a rich and three-dimensional Oppenheimer.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Nolan is very real, honestly speaking Oppenheimer, and the atomic bomb does not have much ink.

Making the atomic bomb is more like MacGuffin, the film is based on it, but it is not laid out in detail, and anyone who watches it for this gimmick will definitely be disappointed.

In the film, the Manhattan Project led by Oppenheimer began the Trinity nuclear test after several seminars, and after the successful explosion, it was released to Japan, and the streets of Hiroshima and Nagasaki became acquaintances.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody
Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Unlike "Born in the Sky", it shows the difficulty of making an atomic bomb from different angles.

The withdrawal of the Soviet Union, the threat of the United States, the blockade of technology, the turmoil of the domestic situation, the dilemma of lack of food and clothing, the shortage of equipment and talents, and the struggle against the sky, with people, and with the country.

The part of "Oppenheimer" that really describes the atomic bomb is only more than twenty minutes, and the rest of the time is about personnel, because the background of the times in China and the United States at that time is very different, so the theme of the same theme is completely different.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

It is a pity that the American main theme has gradually formed an assembly line in the process and can be mass-produced.

However, the domestic main theme slowly lost itself, like the American main theme approached, but forgot the truth and love of the foundation, the difference between collectivism and individualism, and blindly imitated to lead to unearthly and unearthly.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody
Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Oppenheimer's story focuses on human feelings, political factors, and moral anxieties.

It was because the only domestic and foreign difficulties of the United States at that time were the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, and there was no need to worry about the economy, food and clothing, and people had fewer concerns about survival and thought more.

At that time, China was worried about internal and external troubles, the people did not have enough to eat, did not have warm clothing, the country was in ruins, and the outside world was looking at the tiger, so the whole country was united as one, and it was necessary to do great things to eat chaff and vegetables, so that the waist pole could stand up.

After that, we can build the country with more peace of mind and consider other issues, so there will be no reflection on morality and human nature, and some will also make the motherland strong and let the people be masters of the country.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody
Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

This is the essential difference between "Born in the Sky" and "Oppenheimer".

But now the main theme of domestic production does not understand "Born in the Sky", but imitates "Oppenheimer" one by one, and everything that is obviously localized has become Westernized.

Using American ideas to shoot the Chinese core, the movies that come out will naturally be spurned by the audience, it is difficult to draw dragons and tigers, we have our own bones, learn from Hollywood's dragons and tigers, such integration can make the domestic main theme better and better.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

But "Oppenheimer" is not flawless, and there are still many shortcomings.

Compared to the previous Nolan, "Oppenheimer" is a comprehensive decline in audiovisual language this time.

The soundtrack is noisy, giving the impression that Nolan did not want to shoot Oppenheimer's story, but used Oppenheimer to do an experiment on sound.

Unlike Interstellar, where story, visual, and aural spectacles are a feast, but here Oppenheimer, there is only frequent and sometimes anachronistic soundtrack.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

The tension of the plot is all driven by sound, but the story itself does not have this atmosphere.

Like an atomic bomb test explosion, the sound of the explosion temporarily disappears, only the rapid breathing sound and the ambient sound, and then the explosion sounds, giving people a strong impact.

Nolan added Oppenheimer's original voice to the silence, "I am now the Grim Reaper, the destroyer of the world", hoping to trigger speculation and set off Oppenheimer's contradictions.

But the audience's current thoughts will not be thought about it, but will temporarily stop thinking due to the sudden sound, and intuitively make a natural physical response, which is not what Nolan expected.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody
Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

There is also a sound trick, and Nolan also miscalculated.

After the atomic bomb was successfully developed, Oppenheimer went to give a speech, and the applause and applause of the audience were all gone.

Oppenheimer seems to be in a space where he can only hear his inner thoughts, the noise of the outside world and his own "deafness", which makes him re-examine himself, and then his voice reappears, and the surroundings return to normal.

The contrast between a quiet and a moving movement is obviously highlighting the relationship between science and the world, the connection between justice and politics, and the trade-off between destruction and protection, but the vacuum and noisy operation feels more noisy, and Nolan's abacus has failed.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Oppenheimer loses the visual spectacle that Nolan used to be proud of, and the story doesn't have to bother, and the sound replaces Oppenheimer.

The three elements of evaluating a film are content, skill, and thought, and "Oppenheimer" only thinks about this, and whether it stands up is the basis for whether the film is worth a high score.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

Nolan inserted philosophical concepts, existentialism, universal values, and human choices in Oppenheimer.

What does it look like to explore the nature of the world with political tools and McCarthyism? And what are the fundamental laws of the development of war? How is the fundamental relationship between human thinking and existence connected?

From the dialogue between Oppenheimer and Einstein, it triggered the idea that science and scientists have national boundaries, and that science exists to change the world and benefit mankind, or to serve politics, destroy the world, and create hegemonism.

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

These questions, Nolan gave answers in the movie.

But Nolan is not a take-ism, simply turning interrogative sentences into rhetorical questions and declarative sentences, but taking the audience to think together, you can agree with Nolan, and you can also put forward your opinion.

Nolan puts the dominance in the hands of the audience, allowing the audience to strip away all the issues mentioned in the film, as long as the logic is self-consistent, not over-interpreted, is the understanding of "Oppenheimer".

Overblown, Nolan's "Oppenheimer" is not worth 8.8, but it is still stronger than the domestic main melody

From this point of view, "Oppenheimer" can still be called a "good film", but it is not so classic.

Nolan may be the closest to the Oscars this time, but no Asians, no blacks, no minorities, only white men, and only won the approval of one group, which may make the road to the Oscars less smooth.

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