
Farewell, Diego

Source: China Youth Daily

According to foreign media sources such as Argentina's "Horn" newspaper, on November 25, local time, Argentine "ball king" Diego Maradona died of sudden cardiac arrest at home at the age of 60.

Subsequently, the Argentine national team officially confirmed the news: "Farewell, Diego." You will live forever in our hearts. ”

Farewell, Diego

Maradona just celebrated his 60th birthday last month, according to the BBC and other foreign media reports, earlier this month, Maradona just underwent head surgery due to cerebral hematoma, this operation is very successful. Unfortunately, only two weeks after the operation, the news of Maradona's death came, which became the bad news that shocked the world football.

According to foreign media reports, Argentine President Fernandez announced that Argentina will mourn for 3 days in memory of Maradona.

However, Maradona is not just an Argentine football hero, his precise footwork and creativity on the green field make him an absolute soul at the club.

Countless fans took to the streets, and the stars sent tributes

In the Italian city of Naples, Maradona's shirts and humanoid standing cards are all over the streets, and he has become the hero of the city because he led Napoli from a relegation team to a Serie A champion.

Knowing the news,

Countless Napoli fans took to the streets

Light candles, set off fireworks,

Farewell Maradona!

After his death, Argentine star Lionel Messi posted a tribute on social media:

"It's been a very sad day for all Argentines and the football world. Diego left us, but perhaps not, because Diego is eternal. I will treasure all the good times I had with him and wish his family and friends a day of mourning. May he rest in peace. ”

Farewell, Diego

Bailey said, "It's sad news that I've lost a great friend and the world has lost a legend." Although I still have a thousand words, for now I only hope that God will give strength to his family. I hope that one day, the two of us will be able to play in paradise together. ”

Farewell, Diego

The so-called "ball king" will never go out of style

Argentines love him, not the same as fans all over the world love him. In Argentina, he was a civilian leader, and he was a national hero who used football to ignite the light of hope for Argentines when the country lost the war and the economy was depressed - Maradona led the team to defeat England in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, leaving two miracles of "God's Hand" and "Like Entering No Man's Land", which became the best revenge for the defeat of the Tsushima War in the hearts of the Argentine people.

Fans all over the world love him and love his devotion to football.

Maradona created his own era on the pitch, he was the motivation and faith of the children to pick up the football and rush out of the house, and his training and game videos are still constantly spread on the Internet today and are worshipped - but on the pitch, there is almost no imitation of him by children: the reason is that his actions cannot be copied, even after Maradona's retirement, the argentine national team's successive midfielders, at most, can only let fans faintly see Maradona's shadow from them for a short time, such as Ortega, Saviola, even Messi...

Many football skills can be imitated, but talent and temperament belong only to individuals, and Maradona is a genius who cannot even make others imitate his skills.

Maradona, 60, left this world, but the wealth he left for the world was enough to pass on for another century.

Maradona also said on his birthday not long ago that he did not want any birthday gifts, and his only wish was for humanity to defeat the epidemic.

"I just hope that this devastating epidemic will disappear soon – especially in poor countries and poor families, who are unable to even protect themselves."

But now, a generation of ball kings has left first...

@Duan Xuan: At my age, I began to try to accept the fact that the people around me were gone: relatives, small hair, classmates, colleagues. Tonight it's Maradona. He's not the greatest player on the planet, I don't care that much. All I know is that he is my enlightenment teacher, my friend, the spiritual pillar, the big brother... Goodbye, youth.

@ Xu Yang: The saddest day in the football world, the king of the ball, go well.

@Lukilin: It's all too sudden, Maradona is a generational football memory regardless of what outsiders say about him.

@Yuan Ye: The language is blocked, I really can't say anything.

@Li Xuan: Can't believe it! My football started in Maradona!

@Zuo Haitao: The hand of God is really going to Go to God's side.

@Miao Lin: God finally withdrew his hand.

@Hamam: Just arrived in Barcelona and received bad news, Gustavo, the royal photographer of the Argentine national team, told me in tears. Always miss him and always remember every minute with him! Thank you, great Diego!


Source: China Youth Daily client (reporter Liang Xuan, Guo Jian), Green Hornet. Finishing: Chen Qian, Zhang Xiaosong.

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