
The top ten snakes in the world

author:Xiong Haha Entertainment

The most venomous snake in the world

1. Belcher Sea Serpent:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical features: Belcher sea snakes have dark brown or black body color, a flat head, small eyes, and a slender body, reaching a length of about 2 meters.

Habits and behavior: The Belcher sea snake prefers to inhabit shallow waters around the continental shelf and islands, and although it is highly toxic, it is quite gentle and will not bite unless treated with strong hostility.

Habitat and distribution: The Belcher sea snake is mainly distributed in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, and is commonly found in shallow coastal and estuarine areas in Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and other places.

Conservation status: Belcher sea snakes are not currently listed on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Protected List, but are protected in some areas.

The largest snake in the world

2. Amazon Forest Grasshopper:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical features: Amazonian senpai has a cylindrical body, a relatively small head, and obvious brownish-black spots and oval patches on its back, which can be up to 10 meters long and weigh up to 250 kilograms.

Habits and behaviors: Amazonian senpai are naturally watery, usually inhabiting shallow water on muddy shores, preying on water birds, turtles, capybaras, caimans, tapirs, etc.

Habitat and distribution: The Amazon is mainly found in the Amazon basin of South America, living in water environments such as rivers, swamps, lakes, and riparian woodlands.

Conservation status: The Amazon is currently listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) as a protected species.

The most expensive snake in the world

3. Blue Snake:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical characteristics: Blue snake is a kind of blue mutation of green tree python, the snake body is densely covered with blue spots, each time after peeling blue spots increase and expand, adult blue snakes up to 6 meters long.

Habits and behavior: The blue snake is non-venomous, gentle and prefers to live in the rainforest, feeding mainly on rodents and birds.

Habitat and distribution: Blue snakes are found in the rainforests of Indonesia, New Guinea and Australia.

Conservation status: The blue snake is a precious mutant snake, which has been listed on the protection list of relevant countries and is relatively rare in the wild, so it has also been hunted by lawbreakers.

The country with the highest number of venomous snakes

4. Snakes in Australia:

Physical characteristics: Australia is one of the countries with the richest species of snakes in the world, with a wide variety of snakes and different physical characteristics, including slender bodies, broad bodies, colorful spots, etc.

Habits and behaviour: Most Australian snakes are nocturnal and rarely spotted during the day. They are usually reptiles on the ground, but some are arboreal snakes that look for prey in trees.

Habitat and distribution: Australian snakes range from tropical rainforests to deserts, mountains, forests and cities.

Conservation status: Some snake species in Australia are already protected, such as the Calboda brown snake, orange-headed pit viper, etc.

The most aggressive snake

5. Black Mamba:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical features: The black mamba has a gray or olive body, a flat head, a slender body, up to 4.5 meters long, a very agile body and extremely fast movement.

Habits and behavior: Black mambas are extremely aggressive and often attack humans, feeding on small mammals, birds, lizards, and other snakes. They prefer to live in dry environments and often hide in abandoned termite pounds, dead tree holes or rock crevices.

Habitat and distribution: The black mamba snake is found in sub-Saharan Africa on the African continent, living mainly in dry wildernesses, grasslands, deserts, and jungles.

Conservation status: Black mambas are not listed as endangered species, but need to be treated with care because they are aggressive and pose a threat to humans.

The most venomous snake on land

6. Fine-scaled taipan snake:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical features: The fine-scaled Taipan snake has a gray or brown body, a triangular head, and small scales.

Habits and behavior: The fine-scaled taipan snake is the most toxic of the terrestrial snakes, killing 200,000 mice in a single venom. They are usually reptiles on the ground, feeding on small mammals, birds, lizards and other snakes. When threatened, they become very shy and the body moves off the ground.

Habitat and distribution: The fine-scaled snake is found in and around the Victoria Desert in central Australia, living in deserts and dry wilderness.

Conservation status: The fine-scaled taipan snake is not listed as an endangered species, but due to its extreme toxicity, it needs to be alerted.

The country with the largest number of species of venomous snakes

7. Chinese Viper:

Physical characteristics: China has a variety of venomous snakes, their appearance features are different, with different colors and spots, such as king cobra, five-step snake, bamboo leaf green and so on.

Habits and behavior: Most Chinese venomous snakes prefer to live in places such as grasses, bushes, and rock piles, feeding on small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They are usually nocturnal and hide in the shade during the day.

Habitat and distribution: China's venomous snakes are widely distributed, from the subtropical regions of the south to the temperate regions of the north.

Conservation status: Some snake species in China have been protected, such as the South China red snake, Chinese pit viper, etc.

The fastest crawling snake

8. Black Mamba:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical characteristics: The black mamba is one of the largest, fastest, and most dangerous terrestrial venomous snakes in Africa. Its body is long in shape, generally olive or brown, and can reach a length of up to 4.3 meters.

Habits and behaviors: The black mamba is an extremely aggressive snake that can quickly attack its prey in a very short period of time. It feeds mainly on small mammals, but also preys on lizards and small birds.

Habitat and distribution: Black mambas are mainly found in sub-Saharan Africa and are commonly found in shrubland, grasslands, mountains, and coastal areas.

Conservation status: The black mamba is not currently threatened, but because it is extremely aggressive and venomous, people need to be vigilant.

The snake with the greatest amount of detoxification

9. King Cobra:

The top ten snakes in the world

Physical features: The king cobra is a large snake up to 2 meters long, its head is triangular, its body is black or dark brown, there are some white or yellow spots, and there is a prominent white or yellow ring markings around the eyes.

Habits and behaviors: The king cobra is an extremely aggressive and dangerous snake that detoxifies a lot and often causes serious consequences once it bites a human.

Habitat and distribution: King cobras are mainly found in South and Southeast Asia, preferring to live in places such as grasslands, forests, and mountains.

Conservation status: The king cobra is not currently threatened, but because it is extremely aggressive and venomous, people need to be vigilant.

The most peculiar looking snake

10. Penis snake: (picture self Baidu)

Physical characteristics: The penis snake is a peculiar snake that resembles a male penis and is about 20 cm long.

Habits and behavior: The penile snake is an underground snake that usually lives in sandy or muddy formations and feeds mainly on insects.

Habitat and distribution: Penile snakes are mainly distributed in the Amazon region of South America and are still in the stage of discovery and research.

Conservation status: The penis snake is not currently threatened, but due to its special appearance, it may be hunted and hunted by humans in the wild.

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