
What is the effect of ultrasonic thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill and its subsequent refrigeration characteristics? Antarctic krill is an important marine resource, and its thawing and refrigeration processes have a positive impact on its quality and edible value

author:Little Shin Theory Horizon

What is the effect of ultrasonic thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill and its subsequent refrigeration characteristics?

Antarctic krill is an important marine resource, and its thawing and refrigeration processes have an important impact on its quality and edible value. In this paper, the effects of ultrasonic assisted thawing on the quality and subsequent refrigeration characteristics of Antarctic krill were discussed, and the mechanism was analyzed.

I. Introduction

Antarctic krill is a high-protein, low-fat seafood with rich nutritional value and unique taste, which is widely used in seafood processing and catering industries. However, due to its low-temperature preservation and transportation properties, the thawing and refrigeration process can have a non-negligible impact on its quality and taste. Therefore, finding an effective thawing method that can maintain the quality of Antarctic krill and extend its refrigeration life is of great significance to improve product quality and market competitiveness.

Second, the influencing factors of Antarctic krill thawing

1. Thawing speed

The thawing rate is an important factor affecting the quality of Antarctic krill. Too fast thawing speed may cause the texture of shrimp meat to become rough, lose elasticity, and easily cause damage to cell structure, affecting the water retention and taste of shrimp meat.

2. How to thaw

Traditional thawing methods mainly include natural thawing and water bath thawing, but these methods have the problems of uneven thawing and loss of nutrients from shrimp meat. Therefore, new thawing techniques need to be explored to improve thawing efficiency and maintain the quality of shrimp meat.

3. Ultrasound-assisted thawing technology

Ultrasound-assisted thawing is a technique that uses the physical effects of ultrasonic waves to facilitate the thawing process. Through the mechanical vibration of ultrasonic waves, the thawing speed can be increased and the thawing uniformity can be improved. In addition, ultrasonic waves also have a small cavitation effect and temperature rise effect, which can promote the migration and heat conduction of water molecules, and further improve the thawing efficiency.

Fourth, the effect of ultrasonic assisted thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill

1. Nutrient content preservation

Studies have shown that ultrasound-assisted thawing can effectively maintain the nutritional content of Antarctic krill. In traditional thawing methods, a long thawing process leads to the loss of nutrients from the shrimp meat. Ultrasonic-assisted thawing can reduce thawing time and nutrient loss through rapid thawing and uniform heat conduction.

The study found that under the condition of ultrasound-assisted thawing, the loss of protein, fat, vitamins and other nutrients in Antarctic krill was less, and the high edible value was maintained.

2. Improved texture and taste

Ultrasound-assisted thawing can improve the texture and taste of Antarctic krill. In the traditional thawing method, due to the uneven thawing speed, the shrimp meat is prone to partial overfreezing or too soft, which affects the uniformity of taste and chewability. Ultrasonic assisted thawing can improve the thawing speed and uniformity, effectively prevent the loss of texture of shrimp meat, make shrimp meat more tender and elastic, and taste better.

5. Refrigeration characteristics after ultrasonic assisted thawing

Ultrasound-assisted thawing also had an impact on the refrigeration properties of Antarctic krill. It was found that refrigeration after ultrasound-assisted thawing could effectively reduce the water loss and oxidation reaction of shrimp meat and extend the shelf life of shrimp meat.

Ultrasound-assisted thawing improves the tissue structure of shrimp meat, enhances the water retention of shrimp meat, and enables it to better maintain freshness and quality during refrigeration.

6. Analysis of impact mechanism

The effect of ultrasonic assisted thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill is mainly related to the physical effect of ultrasound. The mechanical vibration of ultrasonic waves can break the ice crystals and accelerate the melting of ice; The tiny cavitation effect of ultrasonic waves can produce condensation beads that promote the migration of water molecules; The temperature rise effect of ultrasonic waves can increase the thawing rate and uniformity. These effects work together to make ultrasonic assisted thawing have better thawing effect and quality retention ability.

VII. Conclusion

Ultrasound-assisted thawing is an effective technical means that can be applied to the thawing process of Antarctic krill. Ultrasound-assisted thawing can significantly improve the quality and taste of Antarctic krill through rapid thawing, uniform heat transfer and nutrient retention. In addition, ultrasonic assisted thawing can also promote the preservation effect during refrigeration and extend the shelf life of Antarctic krill.

However, it is important to note the complexity of the influence of operating parameters on thawing effect and quality during ultrasonic-assisted thawing. The selection of parameters such as thawing speed, ultrasonic power and processing time needs to be optimized on a case-by-case basis to achieve the best thawing effect and quality retention.

In addition, there are some challenges and limitations in the practical application of ultrasound-assisted thawing technology. These include aspects such as equipment cost, operational complexity, and the feasibility of scale-up production. Therefore, future research can continue to explore the optimization and application of ultrasound-assisted thawing technology in the field of Antarctic krill processing and refrigeration.

In summary, ultrasonic assisted thawing technology has potential in the thawing and refrigeration of Antarctic krill. By increasing thawing efficiency, maintaining nutrient content and improving quality, ultrasound-assisted thawing can provide a viable thawing method for the Antarctic krill processing industry. Further research and practice should be devoted to solving technical challenges, promoting the application of this technology, and contributing to the improvement of the quality of Antarctic krill products and the enhancement of market competitiveness.

What is the effect of ultrasonic thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill and its subsequent refrigeration characteristics? Antarctic krill is an important marine resource, and its thawing and refrigeration processes have a positive impact on its quality and edible value
What is the effect of ultrasonic thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill and its subsequent refrigeration characteristics? Antarctic krill is an important marine resource, and its thawing and refrigeration processes have a positive impact on its quality and edible value
What is the effect of ultrasonic thawing on the quality of Antarctic krill and its subsequent refrigeration characteristics? Antarctic krill is an important marine resource, and its thawing and refrigeration processes have a positive impact on its quality and edible value

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