
When presiding over the dispatch meeting of the "One Office and Eleven Groups" of the Municipal Leading Group for joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Wang Xu stressed that further highlighting the problem orientation and implementing various prevention and control measures in detail

author:Pingliang release
When presiding over the dispatch meeting of the "One Office and Eleven Groups" of the Municipal Leading Group for joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Wang Xu stressed that further highlighting the problem orientation and implementing various prevention and control measures in detail

On the afternoon of October 25, Wang Xu, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor and head of the municipal leading group for joint prevention and control of the epidemic, presided over the dispatch meeting of the "one office and eleven groups" of the municipal leading group for joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, listened to the reports of the municipal prevention and control office and various special groups, and redeployed and re-dispatched the epidemic prevention and control work. She stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the requirements of provincial and municipal deployment, consolidate responsibilities, strictly enforce discipline, further highlight the problem orientation, and implement various prevention and control measures in detail.

Ye Jianfang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, Ma Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, Wang Linxi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Kuntong District CPC Committee, Wang Jin, Ding Fuqiang, Kou Zhengde, yang Gong, vice mayors, Zhang Hong, secretary general of the municipal party committee, and Gong Weibing, secretary general of the municipal government, attended the meeting.

Wang Xu pointed out that in the face of the urgent and severe epidemic prevention and control situation, all levels and departments of the city have conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the central government, provinces and municipalities, and have done a lot of solid and meticulous work in terms of external prevention of import and export, internal prevention of rebound and proliferation. At the critical juncture of the current epidemic prevention and control, the leading group "one office and eleven groups" should effectively enhance the sense of mission and urgency of the work with an attitude of being highly responsible to the party and the people, estimate the problems and difficulties more fully, prepare the prevention and control measures more thoroughly, strengthen scientific research and judgment and supervision and dispatch, and resolutely fight the epidemic prevention and control battle.

Wang Xu demanded that we should pay close attention to the weak links in the prevention and control of the epidemic, take action to really touch the hard, learn from each other, grasp rectification and reform quickly and quickly, and implement various measures in detail and meticulously. It is necessary to further improve the coordinated operation system of prevention and control, strictly implement control measures, continue to improve the ability of epidemic prevention, testing and treatment, and continuously enhance the awareness of mass prevention and group control. It is necessary to pay close attention to the work of external prevention and import, strictly investigate and sort out the key control groups, do a good job of closed-loop management of personnel in high-risk posts, focus on improving nucleic acid testing capabilities, prepare sufficient epidemic prevention materials, and implement the requirements of "fast and accurate".

Wang Xu stressed: The "eleven groups of one office" must always maintain a wartime state and earnestly shoulder their work responsibilities, and all group leaders and deputy group leaders must command from the front, strengthen dispatch, and ensure that every work and link is responsible for people and is in place. It is necessary to further strengthen the connection between the upper and lower levels and work communication, ensure the efficient operation of the command system, smooth connection of the operation system, and accurate supervision and guidance, so as to ensure that the upper and lower levels are "a game of chess" and twisted into "a rope". It is necessary to accurately release information on the epidemic situation, actively respond to the concerns of society and the masses, publicize the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control in an all-round way, guide the masses to continuously enhance their awareness and ability to protect themselves, and effectively weave a tightly woven epidemic prevention and control network.

The leader and deputy leader of the "Eleven Groups of One Office" of the Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Leading Group for the Joint Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic attended the meeting.

When presiding over the dispatch meeting of the "One Office and Eleven Groups" of the Municipal Leading Group for joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Wang Xu stressed that further highlighting the problem orientation and implementing various prevention and control measures in detail

Source: Pingliang Daily Li Fangfang

Producer: Cyberspace Administration of the Cpc Pingliang Municipal Committee

Review: Lei Yong, Zhang Tao, Lu Shan

Editor: Zhu Chenguang

When presiding over the dispatch meeting of the "One Office and Eleven Groups" of the Municipal Leading Group for joint prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Wang Xu stressed that further highlighting the problem orientation and implementing various prevention and control measures in detail

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