
Detailed explanation of the participation method of Phoenix Treasure Hunting, Qingluan Star Yuan Guarantee Calculation, 170 Exchange Li Baixing Legend

author:Game Station

After 10 hours of waiting, the "Phoenix and Ming" limited skin and supporting Star Yuan Treasure Hunt event officially opened, this treasure hunt lasted until June 6th, presumably friends are very curious about how many bonds do I need to exchange for the newly launched Star Yuan skin guarantee? Let's take three minutes to find out!

Detailed explanation of the participation method of Phoenix Treasure Hunting, Qingluan Star Yuan Guarantee Calculation, 170 Exchange Li Baixing Legend

First of all, it is not difficult to understand the way to participate, similar to points to seize treasure, but there is an additional step of consuming bonds to exchange for "plane tree branches", in which a single draw consumes 60 bonds, and if it is five consecutive times, it consumes 285 bonds. It should be noted that the first exchange of "plane branches" every day will trigger an exclusive discount, for example, after Xiaobian gets 6 discounts, only 36 coupons are needed to redeem plane branches. In addition, players can participate in the Early Summer Welfare Card event, that is, spend 6 pieces to receive an additional 60 bonds, 1 plane branch, 90 glory points and 3 skin fragments.

Detailed explanation of the participation method of Phoenix Treasure Hunting, Qingluan Star Yuan Guarantee Calculation, 170 Exchange Li Baixing Legend

And want to exchange for the phoenix and phoenix Yufei, you must first have the phoenix token, the token has the opportunity to be obtained directly through treasure capture, of course, most players still exchange by collecting phoenix feathers, the probability of this round of treasure hunting directly opening tokens is only two thousandths, the number of phoenix feathers has 3/6/9/29/39/69//99 seven types, of which the probability of getting 9 phoenix feathers is the highest, reaching 36%, players only need to accumulate 268 phoenix feathers can be exchanged for star legend "Li Baiyuluan Yin", and the star epic "Wang Zhaojun Qingluan intentional" Only 128 phoenix feathers are consumed, so how many bonds can be consumed?

Detailed explanation of the participation method of Phoenix Treasure Hunting, Qingluan Star Yuan Guarantee Calculation, 170 Exchange Li Baixing Legend

Take Xiaobian as an example! This time, a total of 9 consecutive draws consumed a total of 285*9=2565 bonds, and 44, 38, 96, 27, 47, 90, 18, 53 and 47 phoenix feathers, as well as 210 glory points and 33 skin fragments, etc. were issued. A total of 460 phoenix feathers are obtained, which means that consuming 250 pieces can get a token, which is also enough to exchange for Li Bai and Wang Zhaojun Xingyuan skins. In fact, the editor can redeem Wang Zhaojun Star Yuan Set for the first 3 times, of course, if you want to consume fewer bonds to obtain Star Yuan, the premise is that you can draw 69 or 99 phoenix feathers, especially after getting 99 phoenix feathers, friends can choose not to draw anymore, complete the game of the phoenix feather gas station, accumulate diamonds and log in tasks to collect phoenix feathers for free in exchange for star yuan!

Detailed explanation of the participation method of Phoenix Treasure Hunting, Qingluan Star Yuan Guarantee Calculation, 170 Exchange Li Baixing Legend

After calculating, the editor found that basically about 170 pieces can save enough 268 phoenix feathers to exchange for Li Baixing's legend, even if it is worse, it can be made up by doing daily tasks, while Wang Zhaojun Xingyuan can obtain at least 2 times in a row of five times (570 bonds), and at most 4 times (1140 bonds) in five consecutive can save enough 128 phoenix feathers to exchange for a new epic package. The extraction process of the editor is for reference only, after all, there are players who open 99 phoenix feathers for the first time, and there are players who have not opened a phoenix feather once in a row, of course, these two situations are relatively rare.

Detailed explanation of the participation method of Phoenix Treasure Hunting, Qingluan Star Yuan Guarantee Calculation, 170 Exchange Li Baixing Legend

Conclusion: The King Glory "Phoenix and Song" treasure hunting activity opened, the participation method is detailed, Li Baifeng Seeking Phoenix, Wang Zhaojun Phoenix in the Flying Star Yuan Set Guarantee Calculation, 170 exchange for the Legend of the Phoenix Seeking Phoenix Star, the minimum 57 for the Phoenix in the Flying Star Epic. So how many bonds do you spend to get two Star Skins?

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