
In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

author:History is lamentable

In 2013, a happy little couple lived in the Canadian city of Hamilton, husband Tim Bosma has a stable job, took out a loan to buy a house, every day to work and work, the wife has just become pregnant at home to recuperate, the family is looking forward to a better life in the future.

In order to create a better environment for the children, the wife persuaded Tim to sell the pickup truck at home, after all, the pickup truck fuel consumption is too high, for the working class, they can change to a smaller car, save some gasoline money.

At his wife's suggestion, Tim hung up the vehicle information on the second-hand car website, and it wasn't long before Tim's mobile phone rang, and a young man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, I saw on the website that you want to sell a pickup truck, can I go to test drive?" ”

Tim was very happy to hear that someone was interested, so he resolutely agreed, "I left an address on the website, can you come over and test drive now?" The other party agreed "Yes, I arrived at 18 o'clock, you wait a little while for me".

Hanging up the phone, Tim wiped the pickup and waited for the buyer to appear.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Curiously, however, the buyer did not appear at the agreed time, and it was not until 21:20 p.m. that the two young men arrived late, and the two did not come by car, but seemed to have walked for a long time.

Tim didn't care, after all, Hamilton was in a good state of security, and the two young men didn't look like bad people, so he went with the two to test drive.

What Tim's wife did not expect was that the three of them would never return.

Until 23:00 in the evening, Tim's wife did not wait for her husband to return, which made her wife, who was already a little nervous, a little nervous, she began to dial Tim's phone, the strange thing is that Tim's phone is either unanswered, or there is a prompt tone of "the mobile phone you dialed is currently unconnectable". The wife, fearing tim's accident, called several nearby hospital emergency departments and asked if there were any injured people who had been sent over because of the car accident, and the answer was no.

Wait until 12 o'clock in the morning, the wife can no longer sit still, she called the police, but the police only made a simple record, and did not list Tim as a missing person, because Tim was only missing for less than three hours, and the reason for the "disappearance" is also very clear, that is, to accompany the seller to test drive the vehicle, it is possible that the three of them talked very happily and went to have a supper together.

Although the police did not pay attention, Tim's wife was worried that it was broken, she did not close her eyes all night, and stayed up until the next morning Tim did not come back, the first thing she did when she got up was to call both families and let them help find someone nearby.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Tim's wife

The relatives moved, they printed Tim's search notices, posted them on the streets of Hamilton, drove to find the occasions Tim frequented, and finally drove around the street to see if tim could be found on the street.

Until this point, the police still felt that Tim's disappearance was no big deal, and even suspected that the couple had a bad relationship, and Tim found an excuse to go out to relax. Soon, however, the police's suspicions were completely dismissed, as Tim's phone was picked up by a passerby and found to be in an abandoned factory building a hundred kilometers from Tim's house.

At that time, the phone had been turned off, and the police found that the phone was turned off two hours after Tim left, and eight hours later, the phone had been turned on and a call was made.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Following the phone number dialed, the police found another person, who was also a car seller, and he wanted to sell the same pickup truck. The seller recalled, "A man called that day to say he wanted to buy a car, and a young man came looking very decadent, seemed to be drugged, couldn't sit steadily in the driver's seat, drove a little off the road, and then he wanted to drive on the suburban trail." I said no, so I kicked him away."

Police further asked, "Do you see his appearance and characteristics?" The seller said, "I was not very impressed, I remember that my hair was dark, I was tall, and I had a special tattoo on my wrist."

Since there was no trace left at the scene, the police chose to make the information provided by the seller public and let the public help provide useful information.

After the information was announced, the police did receive a phone call and a fax, the fax was a photo of a pickup truck taken by a mobile phone, and the photo had the serial number of the car, asking the police to verify whether the car was the one that Tim had lost.

When the police determined that it was the missing vehicle, the phone on the other end of the phone hung up. Police did not trace the source of the call.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

But what the police did not expect was that the next morning, the informant actually appeared at the police station, he was an old man with a bald head and gray beard, he told the police, "I am actually very entangled, my name is Yaso Jenning, is a small plane maintenance technician, two days ago my boss was not in trouble, I accidentally saw a strange pickup truck parked in the warehouse, and that night I saw the reported information, so I risked being expelled to take a picture of this car."

The policeman asked ," did he have a tattoo on his wrist?" ”

"There was one, when the old man died, he tattooed two words 'Ambition' to motivate himself."

"So who the hell is your boss?"

"Dylan Milad," the old man said.

When they heard the name, the police were stunned, and at one point they couldn't believe their ears.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend


Dylan Millard is a wealthy third-generation man whose grandfather founded Millerdale, a company that built a million-dollar hangar, covering aircraft construction, maintenance, training, leasing and other businesses, and is a well-known local company.

Dylan Milad's father, Wayne Millard, just died in 2012, and Wayne struggled to expand the size of the business more than ten times in his lifetime, but because of his suicide, he died, and the family business was handed over to Dylan.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend


The only son of Wayne Millard and Madeleine Bowens, Dylan flew helicopters alone at the age of 14, setting a Guinness World Record at the time, and was the world's youngest single-engine fixed-wing pilot at the time. He has a very high IQ, at the age of 17 completed the aerodynamics and mechanical manufacturing of the university courses, but also took several licenses such as welding, machine repair, etc., daily dealing with parts made him a very hands-on inventor, he invented an incinerator at that time also obtained a patent.

Despite the police's misgivings, they did not tolerate the crime, and they accompanied the old man to Dylan's garage, but the pickup truck had disappeared without a trace.

Police immediately retrieved nearby video surveillance showing Dylan and his friend Mark Smith driving the car out of the garage the day before.

With this evidence, the police immediately issued an arrest warrant, immediately arrested Dylan and Mark, and on Dylan, the police directly found Tim pickup's car keys. Then in Dylan's other garage, the missing pickup was found.

Inside the pickup truck, the police tested the fluorescent agent and found a large amount of blood left in the car, although it was cleaned, but the facts are irrefutable, and Tim is likely to have been killed.

The only thing the police haven't found now is Tim's body. If there is no body, it is impossible to convict Daeron just by relying on video and the old man's confession, so the police want Daron to open his mouth.

But Dylan is a billionaire, and the lawyer he hired is also quite powerful, the two do not say a word in the face of the police's inquiries, and the lawyer even started a tai chi with the police, which makes it difficult for the police to find a breakthrough.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

The police can only continue to search for other evidence, at this time, in the surveillance camera of Dylan's home, the police found a bright spot in the upper left corner, after careful identification found that it was a fire, and the highlight was extinguished in three hours, the police followed the direction of the surveillance, and found the incinerator that obtained the invention patent in the forest near Dylan's private airport.

Canada is rich in wildlife resources, because animals often cross the road, so there are often cases of killing animals, in order to dispose of animal carcasses, often incinerators will be used to incinerate, so that the disposal of animal carcasses save time and effort.

Dylan had previously sold several units to hospitals and made a small profit, but the one found had been further improved, the incineration capacity was stronger, and the temperature could be raised to 600 degrees in a short period of time.

Thinking of the previous fire, the police came up with a terrifying idea: Tim was probably burned by an incinerator.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Ashes exhibits

So the forensic doctor extracted the ash left in the incinerator for analysis, and although DNA testing could not be performed, in the ashes, the forensic doctor found a small amount of metal residue, which was most likely tim wearing a ring.

The police told Tim's wife about the result, and she was devastated when she heard the news, when she had just given birth to a child, she did not expect her lover to die.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

At this time, both Dylan and Mark were charged with first-degree murder, but the prosecution could not determine for a moment who was the main culprit and who was the accessory, at which point Mark said, "I didn't kill the person, I drove in front, and when I got out of the car, I found that Mark had killed the man in the pickup."

As soon as Mark heard Dylan's testimony, he immediately became anxious: "Nonsense, this killing activity was planned by Dylan from beginning to end, he wanted to play the killing game, by the way to get a car, I am at best an accomplice, he has money to buy anything, he can no longer find a more exciting game, what he wants is the feeling of impunity."

In order to prove that he is telling the truth, Mark even reveals a shocking secret, "He likes to kill people, even his father and girlfriend are killed by his own hands."

The policeman was stunned and ordered, "You wait, say slowly, let's record it, do you have any evidence?" ”

Mark then recounts the cause and process of Dylan's killing of his father.

Dylan's father Wayne disciplined him very strictly when he was young, Dylan's childhood was spent in the cockpit of the plane, because dangers in the high altitude could occur at any time, so it was necessary to maintain a high degree of vigilance, and young Dylan often made mistakes, inevitably by his father's corporal punishment education, beating, hungry stomach, confinement are small things, sometimes even Dylan's mother Madeleine will be punished together for intercessing for him.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Because of the long years of scolding, the adult Daeron adopted an indulgent way to fight against his father, he took drugs, promiscuity, alcoholism, in short, how to degenerate how to come, which can make Wayne angry, in the face of the lawless son, Wayne threatened Daron with the right to inherit the property, and As soon as Dylan disobeyed Wayne, he would cancel his inheritance.

Although Wayne always controlled Dylan's economy, Dylan had several patents for inventions, and with his own ingenuity, Dylan's economy was already self-sufficient, so he did not pay much attention to his father's behavior.

In 2012, madeline and Wayne's relationship had a crisis, the two divorced, Wayne gave money and power to others, but there was no Dylan among these people, Madeleine was very afraid that Wayne was going out to find a child, depriving Dylan of his property inheritance, so he always went to Wayne to argue about theory, but Wayne did not eat this set at all, he even said "Even if I donate all the money in the family, I will not give Dylan a penny to the loser."

Three days after saying this, Wayne shot himself in his study, the bullet penetrated Wayne's right eye, shot through the back of his head, the pistol was held in Wayne's hand, no suicide note was left at the scene, no fingerprints or footprints were found, and the doors and windows were intact.

The police investigated Dylan, who said, "I drank too much that night, didn't go out all night, and I still had my friend Mark and girlfriend Laura at home."

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend


The police then questioned Mark and Laura, who issued an alibi for Dylan, which cleared Dylan's suspicions, plus Wayne had seen a psychologist for several months before the crime, so he was finally labeled as a suicide and hastily closed.

Dylan and Madeleine divided Wayne's possessions equally, and at the funeral, Dylan cried bitterly and wrote a eulogy for his father: "He was frugal to himself and generous to others." The only person he was afraid of was a racist... He was patient and stubborn. He admired Christ, Gandhi and Lindbergh. He believes animal welfare is a humanitarian endeavor. In this careless world, he was a good man. He's my father," the guests were thrilled to hear.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

But a few months later, on Halloween, Dylan painted a makeup that was exactly what his father's right eye looked like when he died, which made people shudder after watching it.

After being promoted to a billionaire, Dylan became more debauched, and he abandoned his girlfriend Laura. Laura is a pure girl from a small town, once had a boyfriend Sean who grew up in a green plum bamboo horse, but since meeting Dylan at the bar, Laura has been attracted to Dylan's playboy temperament and has since sunk.

For Dylan, Laura is just one of his many girlfriends, although Laura loves Dylan deeply, but in exchange for the other's sincerity, Laura has since become addicted to drugs and even became a call girl.

Seeing that Laura was in a worrying situation, Laura's ex-boyfriend accepted her, provided her with a place to live, helped her recover from drugs, and brought her a dog to cheer her up and rekindle hope for life.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

But when Laura's life improved, Dylan came to Laura again, dragging Laura, who had just improved, into the abyss again, when Dylan had a girlfriend Christina by her side, Laura was particularly jealous of this, and always asked Dylan to break up with Christina.

Although Dylan ostensibly agreed to Laura's request, a vicious plan was in the works. For several days in a row, Dylan was busy with the incinerator, and Laura did not know it, thinking that in a few days Darren would love her alone until the sea was rotten.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Laura's last phone call was to Daehren, after which the phone was turned off, and Dylan's social media posted a strange photo of a dog and a long barrel-shaped object, the text said "BBQ has been warmed up, just wait to bake", and it was later confirmed that the object was wrapped in Laura's body.

Mark was involved in Dylan's cremation, and due to the first burning of the body, Dylan was inexperienced and the temperature was not well controlled, and Laura's body took several days to completely burn.

Afterwards, the two also released a RAP with lyrics that read, "I strangled that greedy biao on the bed and burned her to slag, without alerting anyone."

Since Laura followed Dylan, her friends have become fewer and fewer, only the ex-boyfriend has not abandoned her, after Laura disappeared, the ex-boyfriend collected Laura's call records, Dylan's remarks on the Internet and that strange song, and handed over the evidence to the police, but the police searched for half a day without finding Laura's body, and the matter finally ended.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

Laura's ex-boyfriend Sean

After killing his father and girlfriend in a row, Dylan feels that he has won, and thinks from the bottom of his heart that the police are not his opponents at all, and that killing people will not be discovered at all, so the desire is ignited again, and Dylan begins to look for the target again, which leads to the scene of Tim's disappearance.

I have to say that Tim is really unfortunate, just because he was discovered by the wrong person at the wrong time, he lost his life and did not see the cute baby when he was born.

In 2013, Canada's fuzier bought a car to kill people, destroyed the body with an incinerator, and killed his father and girlfriend

In the face of Mark's confession, Dylan got Christina's idea, and he asked the girlfriend to tell the police that Laura had played with fire at his family party and died of a drug overdose, and that Dylan had simply burned her body.

However, Christina recognized the nature of Dylan's hypocrisy, and on the surface she and Darren were not separated from you and me, and even engaged to Dylan, but privately took a voice recorder and recorded everything that Darren asked her to do, and instead became a tainted witness.

Because Dylan had publicly confessed and was saddled with two murders, the prosecution decided to try the three murders separately and listed both Dylan and Mark as the main culprits. It is relatively rare in Canada to try three separate cases, because the maximum limit of one trial in addition to the death penalty is life imprisonment, and parole cannot be released within 25 years, and if the 25-year parole period is observed, Dylan is 50 years old and still has the possibility of continuing to commit crimes. The sentences and parole periods of separate trials can be cumulative, so Dylan can be imprisoned until death.

Finally, on December 18, 2018, Dylan set a new record when he was sentenced to life in prison and became the first murderer in Ontario, Canada, to be sentenced to 75 years without parole.

At that time, Dylan had just turned 30 years old, and on both of Dylan's arms, in addition to the "ambition" tattoo, there were two tattoos "I was sent by Heaven" and "You dare to forget".

Before his arrest, Dylan renovated the villa and also planned to turn the company's new hangar into a fixed base of operations, providing parking space, fuel services and a hotel for car rental for the planes. However, these plans ended with his arrest, and Dylan transferred several properties in his name to his mother for sale, and her mother took over the management of the company.

In prison, Dylan wanted to go to work in the prison kitchen, but was refused, and he had to read and practice yoga in the confinement room every day, Daron said: "I have been thinking about a project about the submarine living space, and I have spent all my time thinking, reading and doing useful things."

Dylan's favorite book was The Theory of War by Carl von Clausewitz in the 19th century. He missed his Mexican Hound and wanted to participate in Baja's truck races, even telling the guards that "I love Christina so much that one day we can contact again."

But for a man who killed his father and girlfriend, how much of his words are true? I believe that it would be a wise choice for the court to lock him up for the rest of his life, otherwise this stupid boy really wouldn't have had any moth ideas.

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