
You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

author:Beiqing Net

With the growing elderly population

People gradually began to pay attention to the topic of health and longevity of the elderly

There are many factors that affect lifespan

But there's one you probably didn't expect – Alzheimer's disease

That is, we often call "Alzheimer's disease"

Alzheimer's disease seems distant

But more and more common

Data released by the China Association on Aging

Among the elderly aged 60 and above in the mainland

About 15.07 million people suffer from Alzheimer's disease

So how can we prevent it?

What are the ways to improve your brain in life?

Let's find out with the small circle!

Health science popularization expert

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

Shen Lu

Chief physician, Department of Neurology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University

The initial symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are mild, mainly near memory loss, what just happened is not remembered, but often misunderstood as "old" caused, and with the development of the disease, judgment ability, thinking ability will also be reduced, and even avoid social, life can not take care of themselves and other situations!

Alzheimer's disease is related to the aging of the human body, but it does not mean that people will definitely get it when they are old, and it is also closely related to some bad living habits.

Breakfast habits are associated with Alzheimer's disease

The study lasted 6 years and included 525 people over the age of 65.

After following the participants' eating habits and lifestyle habits for a long time, the researchers found that after adjusting for gender and age, participants who skipped breakfast were 4 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than other participants.

The reason is that the human body does not consume enough nutrients to meet the needs of the brain, which in turn leads to premature aging of the brain and functional degradation.

In addition, the study revealed 3 other factors associated with Alzheimer's disease:

(1) Participants who were accustomed to snacking were 2.7 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than others;

(2) participants who did not control salt intake were 2.5 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease;

(3) Participants who did not pay attention to nutritional balance were 2.7 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than others.

Snacking may lead to high fat intake, and high levels of cholesterol in the blood may speed up the buildup of β amyloid in the brain, greatly increasing the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

Excess salt may cause increased disturbance of cerebral vascular endothelial cells, causing high osmotic pressure in the brain and inducing cerebral cortical atrophy.

Eating breakfast this way reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

First, starchy staple food

It is best to choose to eat some coarse grains, such as whole wheat bread, multigrain porridge, corn, sweet potatoes, buns, etc.

Its main component is carbohydrates, which can be converted into glucose in the body to supply the body with energy, and it is also rich in B vitamins.

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

2. High-quality protein food

It is recommended to have milk, eggs, beans, and meat, which can not only provide sufficient protein for the body, but also delay the emptying rate of the stomach, prolong the feeling of fullness after meals, and make breakfast more "anti-hunger".

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

3. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables for breakfast can provide rich vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and help maintain normal intestinal function. Moreover, fruits and vegetables are also rich in antioxidants, such as carotene, lycopene, polyphenols, etc., to help delay aging.

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

4. Appropriate amount of nuts

Nuts are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other minerals, as well as a variety of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, which can make breakfast more comprehensive.

Therefore, such as egg cake + vegetables + milk / grain soy milk + nuts, or multigrain (bean) porridge + eggs + fresh side dishes are good choices.

Do this after waking up for a healthier brain

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

First, move your fingers and comb your hair

After getting up in the morning, you can do "brain exercises" every day - moving ten fingers, which is also an effective finger activity to prevent brain aging.

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

A Harvard University survey of 8,300 volunteers over the age of 65 found that lonely people were more likely to suffer from cognitive decline than those with many friends. Studies have shown that keeping the brain stimulated by socializing can be effective in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, especially for the elderly after retirement, you can ask friends to go to the park every day to go for a walk and play chess, instead of sitting at home and watching TV.

You think it's because you're old and can't remember it?! Eighty percent are sick, and this habit in the morning increases the risk of this disease by 4 times!

Third, learn to dance

A study published in the neuroscience journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows that if the elderly can regularly participate in some exercise activities, they can effectively reverse brain aging, and dancing is particularly significant.

Researchers said that traditional sports are generally repetitive exercises, such as cycling or walking, but dancing is different, and people who learn to dance have to learn new content every week, including walking, formation, speed, etc., which is challenging for them and in a state of continuous learning.

In addition, dancing also requires music - listening to music not only helps relieve anxiety and depression, but also has a certain protective effect on the function of brain nerve cells. And sex hormones are one of the current drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease.

4 high quality breakfasts

1. Starch staple food;

2. High-quality protein food;

3. Fresh fruits and vegetables;

4. Appropriate amount of nuts.

Do this after waking up for a healthier brain

1. Move your fingers and comb your hair;

2. To socialize;

3. Learn to dance.

(CCTV Life Circle)