
The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

author:Walk through the shadows

I. Liechtenstein during the Empire

The mid-17th century and the early 18th century were a crucial period in the Principality of Liechtenstein, with significant political, social and economic changes.

Liechtenstein was a territory of the Holy Roman Empire, but its rulers, the Liechtenstein family, held important positions and influence within the empire.

The Liechtenstein family took an active part in imperial politics and became a powerful political force. During this period, the administrative divisions of the Liechtenstein Territory changed.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The Liechtenstein family, which yearned for independence, gradually began to consider the establishment of its own sovereign state, and finally succeeded in establishing the independent Duchy of Liechtenstein in 1719.

From the mid-17th century to the early 18th century, the social structure of the Principality of Liechtenstein was still typical of feudal society.

Social stratification is obvious, with the aristocracy occupying the upper stratum of society, and the peasants and ordinary people at the bottom. Farmers face problems such as land loss and increased tax revenues, and their lives are difficult. The aristocracy maintained its dominance by imposing additional taxes on peasants, among other things.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

Economically, the economy of the Principality of Liechtenstein is largely dependent on agriculture. A large amount of land is used to grow crops such as cereals, grapes and fruits. In addition, mineral resources are one of the important resources of Liechtenstein.

During this period, the Principality of Liechtenstein began to develop trade and handicrafts and entered a stage of gradual development. However, due to the unfavourable international situation at that time, the economic progress of the Principality of Liechtenstein was relatively slow.

The Principality of Liechtenstein was a possession of the Holy Roman Empire, so the influence and status of the Empire on Liechtenstein was quite significant.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

At the political level, the Empire imposed restrictions on the right to rule Liechtenstein. The Principality of Liechtenstein must follow imperial policy in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Reich monitored and inspected Liechtenstein to ensure that it acted in accordance with the Reich's requirements. The Principality of Liechtenstein, as a fiefdom of the Empire, also enjoyed the protection and support of the Empire.

At the economic level, the Empire played an important role in the economic operation and development of Liechtenstein. Part of the territory of the Principality of Liechtenstein is divided into a customs union, and the member states trade with each other and practice a common customs policy.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The Empire was also promoting the development of Liechtenstein's economy in all areas and issuing loans and subsidies to support Liechtenstein's construction.

Culturally and religiously, the influence of the Empire on the Principality of Liechtenstein was also enormous.

As a fief of the Holy Roman Empire, the Principality of Liechtenstein received cultural and religious influences from German culture and the Catholic faith, and as a small country within the Empire, the intellectuals of the Principality of Liechtenstein also had the opportunity to interact with scholars and thinkers from all over Europe.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The rise of the Liechtenstein family and the struggle for power

The Liechtenstein family is an aristocratic family with a long history, with origins dating back to the end of the 12th century. The Liechtenstein family is originally from the Swiss canton of Valais.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Hornberg, a member of the family, was made Duke of Lipalau by the Holy Roman Emperor, and the family began to enter the political scene. Over the next few centuries, the Liechtenstein family expanded and expanded, gaining more political and economic power.

In the 15th century, the Liechtenstein family grew rapidly and became an important power within the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire. The family owned a large amount of land in Bohemia and became the main landowners and rulers there. They also befriended the Habsburgs and became important allies of the Habsburgs.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

From the mid-17th century to the early 18th century, the Liechtenstein family gradually developed towards independence, seeking to establish its own sovereign state, culminating in the successful establishment of the independent Duchy of Liechtenstein in 1719.

Since then, the Principality of Liechtenstein has gradually developed into a rich and stable country.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Liechtenstein family began to gradually devote its wealth and resources to cultural and charitable causes, and made many achievements in this field.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

They established many institutions and organizations, such as the National Gallery of Liechtenstein and the Royal Orchestra of Liechtenstein, which played a positive role in promoting European culture and art at that time.

Politically, the Liechtenstein family was an important member of the Holy Roman Empire. Due to their large amount of land and wealth, their political power within the empire gradually increased.

At the same time, their alliance with the Habsburgs also strengthened the political position of the Liechtenstein family within the empire.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Liechtenstein family became allies of the Habsburgs, participating in the famous anti-Napoleonic wars, in which they performed prominently, further consolidating their political position within the empire.

On the economic front, the Liechtenstein family also gained considerable influence within the empire thanks to its rich resources and extensive commercial activities.

Especially in the modern era, the Liechtenstein family became an important banker and financier in Europe through business and investment.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

They operated trade and banking throughout Europe, became the commercial overlord within the empire, and achieved considerable economic development.

Culturally and religiously, the Liechtenstein family also had a great influence on cultural and religious undertakings within the Holy Roman Empire. They established many institutions and organizations, such as various museums, libraries, art schools, etc., and made positive contributions to the cultural and artistic cause in Europe.

In addition, the Liechtenstein family is also a loyal supporter of the Catholic Church, and has often donated and financed the Church and has become a major sponsor of the Church.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The alliance with the Habsburgs gradually increased the position of the Liechtenstein family within the empire, but at the same time attracted jealousy and confrontation from other powers.

In the mid-17th century, Elector Maximilian II of Bavaria attempted to fight the Habsburgs and their allies Liechtenstein by uniting the Prussian monarchy and other German princes.

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the influence of the Liechtenstein family on the European political scene further expanded, but this also aroused alarm in other countries. France tried to fight the power of the Liechtenstein family by launching an invasion of the principality of Liechtenstein, but ultimately failed.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

On the economic front, the business and financial business of the Liechtenstein family also led to a lot of competition between them and other business powers. In the early 19th century, the monopoly of the Liechtenstein family in European banking caused opposition from other business powers, who tried to compete for more economic interests by confronting the Liechtenstein family.

In terms of religion, the Catholic Church is also an important object of struggle. Although the Liechtenstein family has always been a loyal supporter and patron of the Church, it has also had to be involved in the power struggle between the Pope and the Catholic countries.

At the end of the 18th century, a conflict arose between the Duchy of Liechtenstein and Pope Pius VI over patriarchy.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

As a family with extensive political, economic and cultural influence, the Liechtenstein family has historically been in frequent political struggles and power struggles with other important powers.

These struggles reflected both the strength and influence of the Liechtenstein family and the political, economic and cultural complexities within the empire.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

3. The background and process of the establishment of the Principality

The independent Duchy of Liechtenstein was established in 1719 because the Liechtenstein family needed an independent political entity to safeguard its interests and status.

In order to free itself from the control of other princes and states, the Liechtenstein family decided to form an independent political entity, the Principality of Liechtenstein. The principality was ruled by patriarchs, had its own legal, monetary and governmental institutions, and had a completely independent political status.

In this way, the Liechtenstein family is better able to safeguard its interests and status, while at the same time managing its territory and resources more effectively.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The creation of an independent principality of Liechtenstein would also give the Liechtenstein family more international prestige and political influence.

After the establishment of the principality, the Liechtenstein family began to actively participate in European political affairs, carrying out various diplomatic activities with other countries to gain greater influence for themselves.

The establishment of the independent Duchy of Liechtenstein in 1719 was an important decision made by the Liechtenstein family to protect its interests and status, free itself from the control of other princes and states, and gain more international fame and political influence.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

In 1712, the House of Liechtenstein signed a treaty with Holy Roman Emperor Joseph I, stipulating that the territory ruled by the House of Liechtenstein should be considered an independent political entity with the power to rule its own territory.

Over the next few years, the Liechtenstein family gradually established its own political and official institutions. These include government institutions headed by patriarchs, as well as a range of laws, currencies and traditional customs.

On 23 January 1719, the Liechtenstein family officially declared the independent principality of Liechtenstein. The territory of the Principality covered the present-day Principality of Liechtenstein and part of Austria.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

After the establishment of the principality, the Liechtenstein family began to actively build its own political system. The political system of the Principality is unique, with the Patriarch and a number of high-ranking officials jointly administering the Principality, while the National Assembly is responsible for supervising the work of the Government.

This political system lasted until the beginning of the 20th century.

At the same time as the establishment of the principality, the Liechtenstein family began to actively promote economic and cultural development. They made many important contributions in banking, finance, art and culture, making the Principality of Liechtenstein one of the cultural and economic centers of Europe.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The newly established Principality of Liechtenstein: political, social and economic situation

The political system of the Principality of Liechtenstein has remained stable and has been managed in a relatively open manner. The patriarch plays the role of supreme leader, while the National Assembly oversees the work of the government.

Under this system, the Principality of Liechtenstein has established a series of government institutions, including courts, tax offices and the Central Bank, to safeguard the rights and interests of citizens and promote the economic development of the Principality.

The Principality of Liechtenstein has also made great progress in the social sphere. The Principality has been actively pursuing social security policies, providing residents with public services such as health care and education, and has implemented relatively relaxed social welfare policies. The Principality of Liechtenstein also encourages social participation and philanthropy to help vulnerable groups to receive the necessary support.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

The economic development of the Principality of Liechtenstein is very fast, especially in the areas of financial services, tourism and culture. The Principality of Liechtenstein has a private banking group that actively attracts rich people and capital inflows from all over the world.

Tourism in the Principality is also very developed, attracting a large number of tourists every year to visit attractions such as Liechtenstein Castle and the Alps. The Principality of Liechtenstein has also begun to actively promote the development of cultural and scientific and technological innovation industries.

The Principality of Liechtenstein during the Empire was a fiefdom of the Holy Roman Empire

In recent years, the Principality of Liechtenstein has been actively promoting the development of cultural and scientific and technological innovation industries. The country has a rich cultural heritage and works of art, as well as its own research and practice in science, technology and information technology. All of this contributes to the advancement of culture and science and technology throughout Europe.

Although the Principality of Liechtenstein is a small country, its influence and importance in the areas of financial services, tourism, social welfare and cultural science and technology are quite prominent. This makes Liechtenstein a unique and well-respected country.


Wanger, F. (2013).《 The Formation of the Principality of Liechtenstein: A Documentary History, 1699-1815. 》Vienna University Press.

Frick, H. (1996). 《Liechtenstein: History and Institutions of Europe's Smallest State.》 Verlag der Liechtensteinischen Akademischen Gesellschaft.

Halter, M. (2012). 《Liechtenstein: The Princely Collections. 》Skira Rizzoli.

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