
Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

author:Rubik's Cube Science

In recent years, with the protection of China's earth's ecosystem, more and more scarce biological populations have emerged, especially in recent months of 2021, China's large-scale scarcity of animals and plants has appeared frequently, which shows that our earth's ecosystem is really protected, and China's environment is getting better and better. For example, the emergence of a large-scale "wild Chinese leek" species group in Zhejiang, the first discovery of Chinese salamander in Yuhang, etc., are all important embodiments of China's ecological environment.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

After these news, China's Yunnan Yingjiang also appeared rare creatures, really good news continuously, so the ecological environment has been protected, is not the same, biological diversity increases, human living area will be better, let's take a look at what this rare creature appears in the end.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

<h1>After disappearing for more than 30 years, a brown-necked hornbill appeared in Yingjiang, Yunnan</h1>

The appearance of the brown-necked hornbill, which has been photographed by many people, can certainly exist, and the discovery of this organism has filled the image gap of the brown-necked hornbill in Yunnan for decades, so it has great significance for China. The distribution of brown-necked hornbills in China is not much, and it is not easy to shoot them in Yunnan this time. For decades, the brown-necked hornbilly has been rumored to have been seen in the Dehong Yingjiang River in Yunnan Province, but only everyone is heard talking, and no photos of it have been seen.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

So it is impossible to prove whether there is any, and this time Yunnan Dehong Yingjiang photographed the brown-necked hornbill for the first time (the first time), which is already a special evidence. There are a total of five species of hornbills in China, and the well-documented images in Yunnan are images taken by photographers in Xishuangbanna in the mid-1980s. In the early 1990s, some villagers in Dehong said they had seen it, but there had been no video (photo) to testify. And this time it is completely possible to fully prove that Yunnan Dehong is a distribution with brown-necked hornbills.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

<h1>What exactly is the brown-necked hornbill? </h1>

Brown-necked hornbills are a very special bird, the biggest feature is that there is a "feather crown", mainly concentrated on the head of the male, the female head, neck and lower body black, although these two are a creature, but the male head and the female head is a long color difference, but their body size is the same, so it can also be well distinguished. The brown-necked hornbills photographed this time have a distinct brownish-yellow head and neck and a pale blue throat, so they have the characteristics of male birds, but according to the instructions, this time it is not one, there are 3 brown-necked hornbills, 2 males and 1 female.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

The creature is mainly distributed in Southeast Asia, South Asia and China, of which Nepal no longer exists, declared extinct, and China's main life in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, southeast Tibet. Now that the species has been found in Yingjiang, Yunnan, it shows that the organism still shows signs of expansion in China, which shows that the environment has been suitable for the development of this organism. However, in the 2012 assessment, this organism is already a vulnerable species, and it is also a protected organism in China.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

According to the International Bird Alliance, in 2001, the global population of brown-necked hornbills is about 2500 to 9999, and the adult birds are about 1667 to 6666 individuals, so relatively speaking, the biological population is not large, brown-necked hornbills usually live in cold mountainous areas above 1500 meters above sea level, and Yingjiang just meets this requirement, so this is also one of the reasons for the expansion of the biological population. They are generally a social species, often in pairs or more than 10 groups of small groups, so if found once, at least a few can be seen, this time saw 3, should be a family, this is the general situation.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

<h1>What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today? </h1>

Obviously, the population is small and already vulnerable, and that extinction has been declared in Nepal, which means that the population is not stable, so conservation is necessary. The population is decreasing, and the problem facing human beings is to reduce the destruction of habitat and reduce the impact on the biological population, then the possibility of biological population recovery is also greater. So in fact, if human beings want to protect the ecology well, then more biological populations can appear, it is only a matter of time.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

According to public data, the occurrence of the brown-necked hornbill, that is, Yingjiang - the number of recorded bird species has reached 710 species, of which there are more scarce species, and now there are only white-throated hornbills to be found among the domestic recorded hornbills, so the white-throated hornbills can be found, and the biological population of Yingjiang in Yunnan is also very stable, and most of the other birds almost have observation data, so good ecological protection has become the key.

Rare, disappeared for more than 30 years! Brown-necked hornbills reappear in Yunnan, Yingjiang photographed for the first time to disappear for more than 30 years, Yunnan Yingjiang appeared brown-necked hornbills Brown-necked hornbills What species are they? What problems do brown-necked hornbills face today?

On the whole, China's ecological environment is getting better, this is nothing to deny, otherwise the wild flora and fauna will not appear frequently, this is a good thing, the future with the changes in China's ecological environment, we will also see more wild animals and plants, that means that our living area will be better, so this is a more happy thing.

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