
Have you ever seen such a spider? Simulating dead leaves walks through the mountains like a Thai elephant

author:Red Star News

Zhuge Liang of Nanyang, sitting firmly in the Chinese military tent. Set up a gossip array, and catch the flying general. Spiders have always given the impression of eight long claws and spitting silk knots, but a walking dead leaf has surprised Zhao Li, director of the Chengdu Huaxi Insect Museum. Dragging a brown "leaf", in the woods, once it stops, it merges with the surrounding vegetation, which also greatly subverts some netizens' views on spiders.

Have you ever seen such a spider? Simulating dead leaves walks through the mountains like a Thai elephant

On June 20, even the insect master Zhao Li was in trouble, and a picture of a spider sent by netizens made him unable to name it. "It was found by netizens in the wilderness of Pu'er, Yunnan, and I couldn't find the spider book in my hand." It wasn't until this afternoon that he was able to identify the spider.d'. According to Zhao Li, this is the dead leaf tip-nosed spider Poles idae, a nocturnal spider that only forms webs and forages at night, and during the day it is mimicred as a dead leaf for rest. So it's a spider that's not easily observed. Commonly known as Elephant Spider, "At first I was thinking why I don't call it a scorpion spider but an elephant spider. Later, after reviewing the video, I found that while mimicking, it was really like a gorgeous Thai elephant. Zhao Li said that this spider is a genus of pointed-nosed spiders in the family Round Spider family, with a body length of about two centimeters and a long stalk like a dead branch on its abdomen, and is the only spider that simulates dead leaves.

"It was the first leaf-shaped spider known to man." After querying the data, Zhao Li found that its distribution was mainly in Malaysia and Thailand, and Taiwan had also been found many times. However, there are no confirmatory reports on the mainland, although some scholars have previously said that the spider was found for the first time in the rain forest of Xishuangbanna. The family of round spiders in which it belongs includes more than 3,000 species of spiders, including the barn spider named Charlotte in the famous Charlotte's Web.

Is this spider poisonous? Zhao Li revealed that there is no record of toxicity at present. "It is estimated to be poisonous, and since its toxicity is only used against insects, it should not be too toxic to humans and may be almost harmless to humans."

Chengdu Business Daily client reporter Eun Xiaohuai the picture was provided by the interviewee

Edited by Yang Yutong

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