
Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction


<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > eat beef hot pot at home....</h1>

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

A little brother "the cat is always on the road again"

(hereinafter referred to as "Cat Total")

Horrified to find himself in the chrysanthemum


A tapeworm (tāochóng) crawled out!

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

The cat in question generally described that he went to the doctor for examination and determined that the infection was "taenia oxenum" with cattle as the host. According to his recollection, he had eaten Chaoshan beef hot pot before this, should have eaten uncooked infected beef, the little monster gave a warm reminder, beef hot pot must be blanched and then eaten ~

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >for you shovelers, things are far from simple....</h1>

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > cat gastrointestinal tapeworm science</h1>

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

Today, we are going to come to the science of this is not only [zoonotic] parasitic disease, but also has an inextricable relationship with Kikube, is a real case that will happen to many cats, please shoveling officials must take out a small book to remember the key points!

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >What is a cat tapeworm? </h1>

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

The answer, of course, is no, and it is not because of the sneaking of "see u tomorrow", but the infection with this flattened abdomen, symmetrical sides, white or milky white opaque bandworm - cat tapeworm!

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction
Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > cat tapeworm species</h1>

The most common are cat taenia, canine polycross tapeworm and vesicular tapeworm. Tapeworm bodies can range in length from millimeters to several meters. The insect body is divided into head segments, neck segments and body segments, the head segment is small spherical or fusiform, which has fixed organs, the neck segment is thin and not segmented, has a hair-generating effect, and constantly develops the body segments to the insect body, and the body segments are divided into "young sections" - "sections" - "pregnancy nodes", mature pregnancy segments fall off from the body with feces, we usually see that there are active insects on the surface of the feces that are the pregnant egg nodes we described above.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > symptoms and pathogenic effects</h1>

When there is tapeworm parasitism in the cat, the small hook and suction cup of the head of the tapeworm are adsorbed on the small intestinal membrane, causing damage to the puncture membrane, causing intestinal inflammation, and in severe cases, causing intestinal mucosal bleeding, causing hemorrhagic enteritis symptoms.

The insect body stimulates the intestine, making the intestinal function disordered, diarrhea, and soft stool. The insect body constantly absorbs predatory nutrients in the intestine, causing the body to cause nutritional deficiency, slow development, emaciation, anemia, heterophilia, coarse and dull coat.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

In addition, during the growth and development of the insect body, it constantly secretes toxins, which can cause body poisoning and neurological symptoms. The worm body is very long and can be integrated into the lumen of the intestine, causing parasite obstruction, vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration and systemic symptoms.

Sometimes the gestational tablets are attached to the perianal perianal area of the affected cat, irritating the anus and making the anus painful and inflamed. When a cat has tapeworm disease, it should go to a pet hospital for regular treatment.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > infection pathways and ecosystems</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > partner-fleas</h1>

There are fleas on the cat, and there must be tapeworms in the stomach!

The life history of tapeworms is more complex and can be summarized into two categories: one only needs an intermediate host, that is, the flea eggs are excreted from the body and develop into six hooked larvae, and the six hooked larvae continue to develop after being swallowed by the intermediate host. Cats are infected by eating into the intermediate host or its organs, and most tapeworms fall into this type.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

Tapeworms do not have a specific time to ovulate, as long as the segments mature will fall off the body of tapeworms, crawling out of the cat's stomach after the tapeworm segments will burst open, the eggs inside will be emitted, these eggs are eaten by fleas, developed into a capsule in the body of the fleas, the cat licks the fleas when licking the hair, the bunicles develop into tapeworms in the cat's body, and the tapeworms will fall off after maturity, and a segment contains about 5,000 eggs.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second host, the split-headed larvae</h1>

Another type of tapeworm requires two intermediate hosts, the eggs are excreted and developed into hook bulbous larvae, eaten by the first intermediate host to develop into protococcyls, and then eaten by the second intermediate host, in which they continue to develop into schizophrenia, and the cat is infected by eating the second intermediate host. It develops into an adult worm in the small intestine of a cat.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > tapeworm diagnosis and treatment</h1>

Cats with taeniasis can mostly see white contractible segments around the anus clinically, and the insect body sticks to the anus like sesame seeds after drying up. Taeniasis can be determined. Tapeworm segments are also seen in the stool. Laboratory diagnosis, tapeworm eggs can be seen with flotation microscopy.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > additional content:</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > reference for the treatment of feline tapeworms</h1>

There are many drugs used to treat tapeworms, and it is difficult to drive them out completely if they are not used properly:

The preferred drug is definitely arsenicquinone, which is 100% effective after clinical treatment. Oral dose of 15-50 g/ kg body weight, after the first dose is taken again every 5-7 days, or subcutaneously at 2.5-5 mg per kilogram body weight, but dogs under 4 weeks of age and cats under 6 months of age are contraindicated;

Propiobendazole: 5-55 mg / kg body weight, taken orally at one time;

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

Talycin: 100 to 200 mg / kg body weight, taken orally at once, fasting for 12 hours before taking the drug;

Ninicamidine hydrochloride: 25-50 mg per kilogram of body weight, once taken orally, on hunger strike for 12 hours before taking the drug, and 3 hours after taking the drug.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

Fleas and tapeworms must be a double whammy and treated simultaneously

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > daily deworming control</h1>

Once you find that the cat has fleas on the cat in the process of daily cating, or has been infected with fleas, you must remember to do internal deworming while killing fleas, and eliminate the remaining tapeworms.

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

Especially when there are several cat owners in the family, it is easy to cross infection with fleas, and these cat owners must carry out internal and external deworming to ensure that the grass is cut and rooted! Similarly, if the cat Kikubu finds a white rice-grained object that proves to be infected with tapeworms, it should also catch the fleas!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > tapeworms infect humans? </h1>

First of all, tapeworm is an in vivo parasitic disease of "zoonotic disease", and controlling the intermediate host [fleas] can prevent the occurrence of tapeworm disease. Therefore, it is very necessary to deworm your master inside and outside every month, which is not only conducive to the health of the pet, but also the key to ensuring the health of the shoveler himself!

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

When the shoveler chooses to buy, be sure to polish his eyes and choose a broad-spectrum and efficient cat repellent! Eliminate the harmful elements of the gang of fleas and tapeworms!

Little monster again warm tips: because there may be a large number of fleas and tapeworm eggs in cat feces, so you must wash your hands in time to lift or shovel the cat's feces!

Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "tassel" gas small interaction</h1>

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Kikube area丨 There are small white dots in the upper part, pay attention! In the second half, there must be tyrannosaurus eating beef hot pot at home... For you shovelers, things are far from simple... Cat Gastrointestinal Tapeworm Popular Science What is Cat Tapeworm? Cat Tapeworm Species Symptoms and Pathogenic Effects Infection Pathways and Ecosystem Collaboration Partners - Fleas Second Host - Schizophalia Tapeworm Diagnosis and Treatment Add-on: Medication for the Treatment of Feline Tapeworm Reference Daily Deworming Control Tapeworm Will Infect Humans? "Tassel" gas small interaction

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