
The key to gastrodia cultivation

author:Shōto Tianma

Bacteria (germination bacteria, honey ring bacteria)

Species (seeds, seedlings)

Bed (fungus bed)

Planting (colonization)

Pipe (field management)

Harvest (Harvest)


Germination bacteria:

Zhou Xuan created the "Fern Grass (Venus Fern) Root Method" in Zhaotong, which solved the problem of gastrodia sexual reproduction and cultivation.

However, from the sowing of seeds to the mining of arrow hemp (commercial hemp), it usually takes 4 years. "First year of seeding, two years empty, three years shoveling, four years turning"

Xu Jintang invented the "germination fungus leaf mixing method", which can produce arrow hemp (commercial hemp) in 2-3 years, which greatly improves the success rate and efficiency of tianma planting.

The seeds of gastrodia are endosperm-free and require infection by germination bacteria, which belong to the fungus of the genus Mushroom, mainly including Dendrobium mushroom, Purple Mushroom, Orchid Mushroom and Lip Mushroom.

Honey Ring Bacteria:

Gastrodia has no roots and no leaves, and its tubers must establish a symbiotic relationship with honey ring bacteria, relying on honey ring bacteria to provide them with the nutrients needed for growth.

Causes, manifestations and criteria for rejuvenation of strains

1. Causes, manifestations and restoration standards of germination strains

1) Causes of degeneration

Many generations, planting techniques

2) Degenerative manifestations and criteria after rejuvenation

Growth characteristics (speed, matrix adaptation, light, temperature, gas)

Morphological characteristics (angular changes, edges, color, secretions, texture)

Resistance (pollution, climate, environment)

Seed germination rate

The size of the original bulb

Gastrodia production

2. Causes, manifestations and restoration standards of honey ring fungus strains

1) Causes of degradation:

With the cultivation of multi-generational bacteria with wooden sticks, the viability of honey ring bacteria declines

2) Criteria for degenerative manifestations and rehabilitation:

Growth characteristics (speed, matrix adaptation, light, temperature, gas)

Morphological characteristics of mycos cords

Resistance (pollution, climate, environment)

Gastrodia production (sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction)


Gastrodia seed production:

Selection of hemp → breeding site selection→ colonization of hemp→ field management→ artificial pollination → seed harvesting

Hemp selection:

Individual weight less than 100 grams of arrow hemp, less nutrients stored, fine flower stems, short plants, few and small flowers, capsules are also small, should not be selected as mother hemp;

Individual weight greater than 250 grams of arrow hemp, although the storage of rich nutrients, flowering, fruit set rate is high, but the number of capsules is not proportional to its weight, and the price of individual larger arrow hemp is usually higher, so it is not economical to choose too large arrow hemp as a mother hemp.

Breeding site selection:

The following three factors are mainly considered:

(1) Environment: Shelter from the sun and the wind, and there is no vegetable field around to prevent vegetable diseases and insect pests from spreading to the tianma flower path plants.

(2) Soil: loose, moist, no water, no bacteria.

(3) Management: Consideration should be given to whether the site can be shedded, whether the source of materials is convenient, and whether water, electricity and roads are convenient.

Now it is generally selected indoors and greenhouses for breeding rooms. The breeding room should have insulation, moisturizing and windproof facilities, and there is a certain amount of scattered light.

Selection and colonization time of mother hemp:

Arrow hemp (mother hemp) must undergo low temperature vernalization at about 3 to 5 ° C for about 75 days to break the dormancy and flower normally.

The caste (bud head, resistance) of spring hemp seeds can be fully revealed.

It is recommended that the selection and colonization of female hemp should be better in 2-4 months. That is, to keep the seeds of hemp in the spring to dig and colonize

In low-altitude areas, spring temperatures rise rapidly, and mother hemp should be planted early and sown early; in high-altitude areas, spring temperatures rise slowly, and heating facilities and greenhouses should be used to prepare seeds

How to grow mother hemp

With wooden boxes, foam boxes, pots and pans for box cultivation, it should first lay 6 to 8 cm of cultivation substrate at the bottom and then cultivate mother hemp, cover the soil with 5-8cm, and place it in rows after planting, leaving a sidewalk.

Before cultivation in greenhouses, the ground is leveled to make a 60 cm wide furrow, leaving a 60 cm wide sidewalk between the two furrows for pollination operations. When cultivating, cultivate 7-8 rows per furrow, flattened, the top bud ends in the same direction, the buds face up, the plant spacing is 7-8 cm, 10-12 rows are placed in centimeters, after the mother hemp is placed, cover the sand soil of about 8 cm, water and maintain the soil moisture content of about 40%, until it begins to germinate.

Growth phase management

Disease prevention: Gastrodia blossoming, it is the season when various diseases are prone to occur, spray the seed garden and the surrounding environment with pesticides such as carbendazim, and do a good job in disease prevention.

Pest control: Prevent the destruction of rats, insects and livestock.


The structure of gastrodia flowers is more special, its anther (pollen block) is at the top of the zygomatic column, covered by a medicine cap, a sticky mass, and the stigma (pistil) is in the lower part of the zygomatic column, so the pollen block cannot be automatically dispersed to complete self-pollination, and pollination must be completed with the help of external conditions.

In the wild, gastrodia pollination relies on smaller insects – reed bees , and indoors, pollination by reeds is not possible.

1) Pollination time: Artificial pollination should be completed within 1 day before flowering or within 3 days after flowering, too early and too late will affect the development of capsules and seeds. In addition, in the production, it was also found that pollination at different times on the same day, the fruit set rate is not exactly the same, the fruit set rate of early and late pollination is higher, and the fruit set rate of noon pollination is lower. Therefore, if time permits, pollination is best scheduled before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m.

2) Pollinators: Preferably sharp-nozzle forceps, you can also replace it with a needle or bamboo needle.

3) Pollination method: When pollinating, first gently stroke the inflorescence with your left hand, gently hold the base of the pollinated flower with your thumb and index finger, use tweezers or needles to reach into the duvet tube with your right hand, press the lip flap down to expose the pistil stigma, and then use forceps (or needles) to pick out the medicine cap at the top of the peduncle column, stick the pollen block, and glue it to the pistil stigma. Pollination can be done with the same flower of the same plant, or with the same plant or different flowers. Practice has proved that the fruiting rate of heterophylation is better than that of homophoplant pollination.

Seed Harvesting:

About 16 to 25 days after pollination, the gastrodia fruit ripens from bottom to top. When the fruit darkens, the 6 longitudinal sutures on the shell are slightly protruding, and when the hand is kneaded soft and broken, the seeds in the fruit are brown and begin to spread, indicating that the seeds have matured and can be harvested (the fruit will be split).

Seed Storage:

After the seeds are harvested, they should generally be sown immediately and should not be stored. After the harvest of gastrodia seeds, with the increase of storage time, the vitality weakens and the germination rate decreases. If you can't sow seeds in time, you can mix them into the germinating leaves according to the amount of seeds to moisturize and store them, or put the seeds into glass containers and paper bags and store them in a refrigerator at 3 to 5 °C.

Gastrodia seedling production:

Propagation of seeds obtained by the extraction, flowering, and fruiting of the mother hemp (arrow hemp) is called sexual reproduction;

Propagation through the tubers of gastrodia, i.e. white hemp or rice hemp, is called asexual reproduction.

When planting gastrodia, it is possible to start from sexual reproduction and breeding of seed balls, or you can directly purchase seed balls for asexual reproduction. Multi-generational asexual reproduction can lead to the degradation of gastrodia seeds and a significant reduction in yield. Therefore, the number of asexual reproduction generations should not exceed 2-3 generations.

Sowing time:

The temperature range of gastrodia seeds for germination is wide, 15 ~ 28 °C. Germination works best at 25 °C. As long as the temperature is suitable for gastrodia seeds to germinate. The earlier the seed germinates, the longer the native bulbs that form after germination grow, and the higher the yield of the seed bulbs after autumn.

Preparation before production:

Seed mixing: Tear the germination cultivars (500ml/bag) into a single leaf, put them into a wide-mouth container for seed mixing, leave the gastropod fruit aside, shake out the seeds, spread evenly on the germination leaves and mix well, mix well according to 12-15 fruits and 1 bag of germination bacteria.

Fungus treatment: Saw the 5-10 cm diameter of the fungus into segments 12-15 cm long.

Tree branch treatment: Cut the branches of broad-leaved trees 1-2 cm thick into 8-10 cm segments. (2.5 kg/ m2)

Leaf treatment: The dry leaves of the shell family tree, 1 kg per square meter, the day before sowing, the dry leaves must be soaked for 1 day, fished out and used; fresh leaves do not need to be soaked and used directly.


Fixed bacterial bed seedlings: Fixed bacterial bed seedlings are commonly known as pond seedlings.

Bacterial bed laying: dig a pond with a length of 60cm, a width of 40cm, and a depth of 30cm, and when the soil at the bottom of the pond is dry, it must be watered to make the soil moist; according to the spacing between the fungus sections of 2-3cm, the spacing of the sections is 3-4cm, three rows are arranged, each row is 5-10 columns, and all the fungus is arranged in a plane with the slope; there is no gap between the fungus and the subsoil, filled with soil, until it is filled, and finally filled with soil.

Bacterial: Between the two rods and at both ends of the fungus, inoculate 5-6 segments of honey ring fungus cultivars (the amount of bacteria species per pond is 1 bottle, 500 ml/bottle).

Sowing: Sprinkle 4 ponds with 1 bag of germination bacteria on the laid fungal bed and evenly lay a layer of seed germination fungus leaves.

Spread branches and leaves: Sprinkle a thin layer of broad-leaved tree branches on top of the seeds, followed by a layer of 2-3 cm thick fresh leaves (or dried leaves).

Cover: first cover the new soil, it is appropriate to cover the fungus, and then cover the topsoil compactly, about 10cm thick.

Bacterial bed culture:

Land preparation: the fungal bed is excavated before the land is prepared, the requirements for land preparation are not strict, as long as the dense miscellaneous trees and shrubs on the ground are cut down for easy operation, dig out large stones, and remove the soil surface slag, without digging the soil. The steep slopes can be slightly organized into small terraces or fish scale pits, and have a certain slope to facilitate drainage. Where there is a lot of rain, the cultivation field should not be overly flat, and it should maintain a certain slope to facilitate drainage. At the same time, do a good job of protection around the planting base.

Bacterial bed digging: April to June of the year of planting. According to the topography, the cultivation pond with a length of 60 to 80 cm, a width of 40 to 50 cm and a depth of 20 to 30 cm is dug downhill, and the bottom of the culture pond is made of a slope of 5 to 15 ° along the slope to facilitate drainage. Each mu is 200 to 250 ponds according to the terrain, and the spacing between the cultivation ponds is 50 to 100 cm.

Fungi selection: select long-acting tree species and quick-acting tree species to use together.

Long-acting tree species include Aoka, Oak, Chestnut, Wild Cherry and so on.

Quick-acting tree species include catalpa trees, bitter peaches, winter melons, birches, apples and so on.

Bacterial requirements: Fresh and pest-free. The diameter of the fungus is 5 to 10 cm, and those over 10 cm can be divided into 2 halves.

Fungi processing: The fungus is sawn into segments of about 14cm or 20cm, and the length is as consistent as possible.

Placement of fungi:

Long-acting tree species / quick-acting tree species = 6/4 when placed, and the thickness is used together.

Lay a layer of soft new soil on the bottom of the dug fungus pond. The fungus of the steep-breaking plot is placed horizontally along the slope of 2 to 3 (the wood segment is parallel to the contour line, 3 roots of the 14cm long pendulum, and 2 of the 20cm long pendulum), 5 to 10 rows vertically (according to the size of the diameter of the fungus to determine the number of rows), until it is paved; the fungus of the gentle slope plot is placed vertically and vertically (the direction of the wood segment is placed perpendicular to the contour line, 5 roots are placed in a 14cm long pendulum, and 3 are 3 long pendulums in 20cm), 4 to 6 rows are placed horizontally (the number of rows is determined according to the diameter of the fungus), until the row is full; the spacing between the adjacent two wood segments and the section is 2 to 3 cm There is no gap between the fungus and the subsoil, and after it is paved, the surface gap is finally filled with soil.

Bactericulation: Inoculate 5-6 segments of honey ring fungus cultivars at both ends and in the middle of the fungus (the amount of bacteria in each pond is 1 bottle), and then sprinkle a layer of fresh twigs or fresh leaves with a length of no more than 5 cm and a diameter of less than 2 cm on the fungus for introduction.

Soil covering: First cover the new soil, it is advisable to cover the fungus, the height is about 3 to 5 cm. Then cover the topsoil, about 5 to 10 cm (the dry area covered topsoil can be slightly thicker, the surface is flat; the wet area topsoil can be appropriately thinner, and the surface is turtleback).

Cover pond: Cover a layer of leaves on the topsoil of the fungal bed to protect against direct sunlight.


Gastrodia cultivation:

Planting season: Late November of the same year to March of the following year.

Planting method: Dig out the topsoil of the cultivated mushroom bed, take out half of the soil between the fungus, put 1 white head hemp between the adjacent two fungus sections, put 1 white head hemp at the edge of the pond section, put 1 white head hemp between the two fungus materials, and the white head hemp umbilicus eye is close to the honey ring fungus cluster at the broken end of the fungus, and the stem bud is obliquely upward. If the fungus germination is good, there is no need to add honey ring fungus cultivars, directly place 3 to 5 fungal materials around the white-headed hemp umbilicus, if the fungus is not good, it is necessary to add 1 to 2 sections of honey ring fungus cultivation seeds at the same time as placing the fungus material, and then first cover the new soil 3 to 5 cm, and then cover the topsoil 5 to 10 cm (the dry area covered soil can be slightly thicker, the surface is flat; the surface soil in the wet area can be appropriately thinner, and the surface is turtleback surface, which is conducive to drainage).

Cover pond: After colonization, cover the topsoil of the pond with a layer of leaves to protect the moisture from direct sunlight


Field Management:

Temperature control: in the early spring, the temperature is lower than 0 °C, and the surface of the microbial bed is covered with fallen leaves or thickened the soil layer to keep warm; the summer temperature is higher than 30 °C, pay attention to the shade and cooling of the cover grass.

Water management: In the spring and drought season from February to May, pay attention to watering and moisturizing to facilitate the germination of honey ring bacteria and the white-headed hemp bacteria to prevent white hemp deformity; in the rainy season from June to September, the drainage ditch should be cleaned in time or the cover on the soil on the surface of the fungus bed should be removed, and excess rainwater should be excluded, which is conducive to the growth of gastrodia; after October, it is necessary to control the water, prevent excessive rain, the soil is too wet, the honey ring bacteria grow wildly and cause rotten hemp, and the hemp water is heavy and the hemp type is too long.

Grass to cover the pond: In mid-to-early April and late August, cut the weeds in the tianma planting area in time and cover it on the fungal bed.

Fence protection: In the planting area where people and animals are easy to reach, a protective fence should be built to prevent trampling by people and animals.


Gastrodia Harvesting:

Harvest time: Tianma is planted from November to March of the following year.

Harvesting method: first use the digging hoe to remove the surface soil, and carefully remove the gastrodia by hand to prevent mechanical damage.

Bacteria bed cleaning: After tianma is dug, the fungus should be cleaned up in time, and the reusable fungus should be left in the fungus bed, and the fungus infected with miscellaneous bacteria or the excessively decayed fungus can be dried for firewood.

Gastrodia is not suitable for continuous planting of the original nest, and the more times it is planted, the lower the yield. Gastrodia should be planted after 4 to 5 years of leisure.

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The key to gastrodia cultivation
The key to gastrodia cultivation
The key to gastrodia cultivation
The key to gastrodia cultivation

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