
The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

author:Half-life learning

I recently watched the first episode of "The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret", what story is it? That's where you appear in the mysterious rainforest of Kalimantan, which is rarely inhabited.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Proboscis monkey

Seeing a population of proboscis monkeys trying to cross the river, the proboscis monkey chews leaves in its mouths, while the bay crocodile, one of the world's largest reptiles, waits in the water for an opportunity.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Bay crocodile

Monkey after monkey jumped into the water like a Philippine diving team from the height of the tree to swim to the other side,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Fly in mid-air

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Filipino style splash

Bay crocodile smells,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The dinosaur-like eyes of the bay crocodile

The proboscis monkey who has reached the tree on the other side of the river shouts, and the companion in the water is very watery,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Swim to the other side

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Alert proboscis monkey after hearing the shout

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Successfully climb the tree before the crocodile catches up

After a while the water monkeys go up the trees, and the bay crocodiles pounce on the air,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The bay crocodile that had pounced on its prey returned in defeat

The rainforest in the mist is peaceful.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Go safely to the monkey family in the tree across the river

At this time, suddenly the wind was fierce, and the downpour fell,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Leaf xiu hides under leaves disguised as leaves,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Leaf masquerades as leaves

Raindrops hit the dead leaf frog the head.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Amphibian tailless leaf frog

After the rain has passed, there are red orangutans with an arm span of 2 meters on the tree climbing around the high part of the tree.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan


The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Borrow weight to bend the branch and fall to the other side of the orangutan

The camera fell from the sky with the young orangutan, fortunately the little orangutan grabbed the vine, but unfortunately the falling camera could not climb the vine.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

A juvenile orangutan that catches a vine

The playful little orangutan took advantage of his mother's rest to look for fruit, but found that the tree he was going to was climbed by the macaques.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Macaques eating fruit

Just as the little orangutan wailed helplessly, its mother opened her arms to scare away the macaques, and the mother and son were able to taste the unripe sour dragon's eye in the tree.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

In this tropical rainforest, the leaves of the suo Luo Shuang tree are being eaten by the caterpillar legion,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Caterpillars (don't put dense caterpillars, put an outcropping)

At the same time, the army of termites nibbles on the tree from the center of the tree outward,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Termites (no dense termite colonies, but termites that eat the heart of the tree)

Helpless, the double tree can only use secretions to restore the wound.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Self-healing of the Twin Trees

At this time, the guardians of the big tree, known as the "nemesis of termites", came into battle, and it selected resin from the arsenal of the big tree and wrapped it around its hands.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

A hunting tsubaki wrapped around the resin on the hand

Seeing a termite sticks to it so that it cannot escape, the sharp mouthparts are like blood-drinking spears piercing into the body of the termite, sucking its body fluids to maintain the nutritional needs of the hunting tree.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

A termite was captured

After the hunt, the mother Tsubaki encounters a male Tsubaki, and the male initiates an invitation to ballroom dance, so in the sound of music, they actually dance tango.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

A pair of hunting trees dancing

What's even more interesting is that their offspring wore resin-like "gloves" from birth and wrote their stories with termites from birth.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Swollen tsubaki larvae with two fists

Next to a cute Malay bear walked to the termite nest to forage for food,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Malay bears dig ant nests

Suddenly a reticulated python came out to scare it into a stream of urine, and slipped away.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The reticulated python arched up and prepared to attack

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

I was startled

But with its excellent sense of smell, it found honey!

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Busy bees

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Climb up the tree and start plucking honey from the bees

Climbing up the tree to eat the honey, the pleasant sunlight shone on its face, and it folded its branches to make its mattress and slept on the tree.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The Malay bear is ready for a lazy sleep

In the afternoon " N. nepenthes opened its pockets and devoured many bugs,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Giant Nepenthes

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Ants that fall into their pockets are digested by acid

At the same time, the honey juice it secretes attracts the tree shrew (qu),

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Tree shrews

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Shrew squatting on the "toilet"

The tree shrew uses " Nepenthes " as a toilet , and " Nepenthes " lacks the ability to absorb its excrement. Some nepenthes are vegetarians, and they symbiotic with the mosquito larvae jiejue, using mosquito larvae to break down food.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Eats deciduous Nepenthes

On the canopy, the crowned hornbills eat the fruit, and after eating the fruit, fly over the cave, waiting for the night sky to fall.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Crowned hornbill couple

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Crowned hornbills that eat fruit

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Above the cave

It's time for bats to feed, Fahrenheit eagle eagles stand in the treetops, black-browed snakes coiled on the branches, and hundreds of thousands of wrinkled-lip dog-kissed bats emerge from the caves.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Hundreds of thousands of wrinkled-lip dog kissing bats emerge from the caves

The sky seems to be all bats projected by Batman's spotlights,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Bat swarms

But snakes and eagles tell us with practical actions that everything is true, and they have captured their prey with lightning speed.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The black-browed snake captures a flying bat in an instant

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The Fahrenheit eagle eagle also reached out its sharp claws and struck a blow

The crowned hornbill saw it, was deeply encouraged, opened its wings, soared high in the air, but did not have the speed of a snake, did not have the claws of an eagle, and pounced.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The air-snapped hornbilly

Slowly they stopped to think, adjusted their tactics, selected a branch where the bat passed, waited for the rabbit, and accurately struck a blow.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The male bird caught a bat first for the female bird and then for himself

Just as the male-crowned hornbill gave the first bat to its female companion, these foraging bats are also for the sake of their families waiting to feed in the cave, and the bats that return to the cave devour the bugs while their excrement rains down from the sky.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Bat droppings raining down

The ground is golden,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Looks like a gold-sprinkled underside

Looking closer, the scalp is tingling, and the scavenger creatures everywhere are like a poisonous cave. Countless small strong nibble on the feces, and the worms live freely in this place,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan


From time to time, a half-meter-long centipede walks by, and the giant spider in the spider web wraps around the prey with spider silk,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Giant spiders wrapped around their prey

Cave crabs cool off in the water.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Two burrowing crabs in the water

If the bat that falls from the sky cannot fly immediately, then what awaits it is the bug and the black-browed snake that stare at him. (The picture is terrible, don't put the picture, please watch "The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret" by yourself)

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

A brilliant galaxy

Or exit the terrible cave and look up at the dark sky, the brilliant galaxy, the sky that cannot be seen in the city.

It's dawn,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

A male orangutan sings in the forest: "Sister, you come to see me, don't take the path, there are many poisonous snakes on the path, I am afraid of biting my sister's foot." ”

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Singing male orangutan

It sang a mountain song, indicating that it was a high-quality male of the apes, but did not see the girl, attracting a male of the same kind.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Attracted a young male of the same kind

It looked disappointed, and lonely tears flowed from its sad eyes.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Expression of disappointment (disappointment that can be felt through video)

The red orangutan attracted it, mocking its singing voice and revealing its fangs representing aggression.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The other side showed its fangs

This move angered our singer orangutan, and it also showed its fangs,

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

It also reveals golden teeth

Directly scared away the other party.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Slipped away

Having won its dignity, it revealed an evil smile that belonged to the crooked god of war.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Evil charm smiled

The sky was not beautiful, and when it was about to continue to sing, it rained heavily. But it did not frighten it, and it climbed higher, breaking its branches and leaves to make a temporary coat on the way, and then sheltering itself from the rain on a thick trunk.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Orangutan making a raincoat

At this time, it was quite meaningful, it should be chanting a poem, it opened its voice again, but the previous lead song made its voice a little hoarse, and it also realized that the voice gradually became aggrieved, with a sad voice, no ape responded.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Rain or shine, a poem.

After all, 80% of the trees in the orangutan habitat have been cut down by humans and planted with neat palm trees.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Planted palm trees

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Neat palm trees

In such an environment, many male orangutans have to die alone in the divided rainforest.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Fruitless courtship of the orangutan

However, there are still many pristine rainforest reserves and wild parks where orangutans can live happily – kalimantan's pristine habitat.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Protected orangutan pups

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

Green light mushrooms

There is a rich biome here, and as long as we can protect the treasure trove of rare species that is unique here, the sacred rainforest on the island and the lungs of the earth will become the garden of Eden forever.

The Garden of Eden: The Last Secret Island of Kalimantan

The Garden of Eden forever

The documentary documents the delicate balance between the creatures of the rainforest, the abundance of species, and the unique ecosystem. B station solo broadcast, take advantage of the limited time free, interested can take a look.

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