
Tell us about the edible and medicinal cicadas

author:Small peaks of rural aquaculture

1. Chirping cicadas

The cicada is called the spotted cicada in our place, and in other places it is also called the day cicada, the thundering cicada, and the volt. The cicada belongs to the cicada family and is an insect. Adults are 33 to 44 mm long, 56 to 63 mm long from the top of the head to the end of the wing, and the male and female are similarly large. The back of the body is black, the head is small, the compound eyes are large, the eyes are three, the back of the thorax has gray-green to yellow-brown markings, and the ventral surface is all gray-green to yellow-brown. The wings are membranous and the veins are distinct, with four pale melasma spots in the middle of the forewings and six paler brown spots at the ends of the outer edge veins. Male adults have vocalizers in their abdomen; female adults have no vocalizers but have well-developed egg-laying apparatus.

Tell us about the edible and medicinal cicadas

The eggs are oblong oval, slightly curved in the middle, milky white, and shiny. The nymphs resemble adults , yellowish brown , wingless , winged buds , and the forefoot is a digging foot. Both larvae and adults are edible. The flavor of shochu is particularly good.

2. Bamboo cicadas

We call the bamboo cicada a bamboo cicada, a large bamboo cicada. Bamboo cicadas belong to the cicada family and are larger than grasshoppers. The body is ochre green , the abdomen is dark brown , and the body is covered with short fine white and gold hairs. The middle of the forehead is earthy yellow, and the sides and eyes are black. There is a dark green or earthy yellow barrel-shaped spot in the middle of the dorsal plate of the forebreast, and 3 oblique spots of the same color on each side. Catching bamboo cicadas is generally at night. Harassing the bamboo forest with a bright flashlight, the bamboo cicadas will pounce on the light, which is easy to catch.

Tell us about the edible and medicinal cicadas

Bamboo cicadas can also be eaten, you can remove the wings and fry, or skewers on iron bars to grill, the taste is very delicious. Our residents here usually chop bamboo cicadas, mix them into condiments, and wrap them with stuffing, and the dumplings taste very delicious.

3. Cloud tube tail horned cicada

The cloud pipe tail horn cicada is called "Mudler" by ethnic minorities in Jingdong and other places in the Simao area of Yunnan. It is an insect of the family Ceratophyllaceae. The body length is about 17 to 18 cm, and the shoulder angle is about 10 to 13 cm wide. The back of the body is reddish brown, the head is hidden in the anterior and lower edge of the anterior thorax dorsal plate, the anterior thorax dorsal plate is hemispherical, the mid-ridge is protruding, curved and raised, and there is a slender tube at the end of the abdomen, on which there are long yellow-brown hairs. Both adult and nymphs are edible. In Yunnan Jingdong and other places every year from March to May, the old mature nymphs and adults are collected, and fried in oil and eaten.

Tell us about the edible and medicinal cicadas

4. Cockroaches

The cockroach is called the black-spotted cicada in our place, and there are places where it is called the flower cicada, the brown-spotted cicada, the Chinese cockroach cicada, and so on. Cockroaches belong to the cicada family. With a body length of 20 to 25 mm and a wingspan of 6.5 to 7.5 cm, it is a small songwing cicada. The body is dark brown, the head is yellowish, the forewings are slightly lilac, the hindwings are black, and the whole cicada body is like purple cyan. There is a transverse band on the forehead of the head and large wedge-shaped spots in the monocular area. The dorsal plate of the anterior and mid-thorax is dark green with markings brown; there is a longitudinal band in the center of the dorsal center. Three pairs of feet. There is a sounder. The pronouncers account for one-seventh of the body length and do not make a loud sound.

Tell us about the edible and medicinal cicadas

Cockroaches suck up the sap of trees, and the process from eggs to nymphs to the emergence of feathered adults is similar to that of grasshoppers. However, the habitat is much lower than that of grasshoppers, so it is easier to catch. When you see an ant, you can catch it directly by hand, and the success rate is relatively high. It generally stays at a height of one or two meters above the ground and barks, with a sharp call, which is a more common song cicada.