
Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world

author:Reflective knowledge

The needle mole rat is so different from any other mammal that to this day it confuses researchers and scientists alike.

Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world

What really sets the echidna mouse apart from other mammals is that it is one of two spawning mammals; the other is the platypus. Echidnas are monolodons with only 5 species: 4 echidnas and 1 platypus.

The needle mole also has its own unique appearance. Although echidnas are sometimes referred to as hedgehogs, they are not even closely related to anteaters.

So, what exactly do these animals look like? First, their faces are small, their eyes are small, and their noses are either long or short (sometimes called beaks). Their bodies are fairly stout, ranging in length from 35 to 76 centimeters and weighing between 2 and 10 kilograms. The body of the short-beaked needle mole rat is covered with dark fur and is almost completely covered by hollow needles called spines on the back and sides, while the long-beaked needle mole has very little fur and the spines are more pronounced. The beige black spines of all echidna species are about 5 cm long, allowing the echidna to camouflage themselves in the bushes. They have very short legs, perfect for digging on the ground.

Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world

Found throughout Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, from plateaus to deserts and forests, the short-beaked echidna is one of the most widely distributed mammals in Australia. Learn interesting facts about this unusual creature.

There is a unique ability to find food

These guys eat ants, larvae and termites, so finding food is key. Areas with loose topsoil are well suited, although these animals can also wade in dense mud. Once the needle mole finds its prey, it digs its long, sharp claws into its short, powerful limbs and burrows into the soil to retrieve potential food.

They also use a very strong sense of smell to find food underground or under wood and fallen leaves. They are thought to use special cells that are sensitive to electromagnetic signals, a feeling that sharks possess. This unique ability is very useful when searching for insect communities.

Echidna mole rats have no teeth.

Instead, they catch food with a sticky, thin, long tongue. Hard pads at the base of the tongue and palate turn food into a paste. Interestingly, the taxonomic name of the family Tachyglossidae, meaning "fast tongue".

Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world

The name of the needle mole in Greek mythology

In Greek mythology, the needle mole is half a woman and half a snake. She is thought to have both mammalian and reptile qualities. She is also known as the "Mother of All Monsters".

It is difficult to distinguish between females and males

You can't judge the sex of echidnas just by observation, because their reproductive organs are internal. Both males and females have spines at birth (which usually indicates a male), and females lose these spines when they mature. Of course, during mating, it is also possible to distinguish between males and females, or this distinction can be determined by blood tests.

They went into a coma.

This means that their body temperature is the lowest of all mammals, about 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius). Their long lifespans — up to 50 years under controlled conditions — are due to their low body temperature and slow metabolism. The echidna can enter an inactive state, the so-called torpor, which many animals use to conserve energy. At rest, the needle mole rat lowers its metabolic rate and lowers its body temperature.

They have huge fleas.

Some of the world's largest fleas (bradiopsylla echidnae) live on echidnas and reach a length of 1.3 cm.

Their mating rituals are peculiar.

The breeding season for echidnas is July and August (winter in Australia). This is where it gets a little weird. Male echidnas often line up behind female echidna moles, forming long plumes from nose to tail, up to 10 echidna moles. These "trains" are the first part of the peculiar courtship process of the needle mole, marking the beginning of the breeding season. When the female is finally ready to mate, the male will dig a trench in the ground and begin to compete for the honor of mating, pushing the other out of the ditch. The last one left to mate with the female.

Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world

Men have a four-headed penis

During mating, the two heads are disconnected and the size of the other heads increases to accommodate the female's two-part reproductive tract. Males alternate between pairs of heads during mating to increase their chances of becoming fathers.

These babies are called "paglias".

Adult female needle mole rats usually lay their eggs once a year. She rolled the freshly laid egg into a deep pocket (or bag) on her stomach to keep it safe. After 10 days, the small needle mole known as the beagle hatched. The kitten uses its tiny, transparent claws to grasp the special hairs in its mother's pockets. Females do not have nipples like other mammals. Instead, the cubs feed on milk, which is secreted from the mother's sachets of special glands.

Fortunately for the mother, this pug did not yet have protruding thorns. After about 53 days, it leaves the mother's bag, after which the mother puts it in a cave and feeds the cubs every 5-10 days. After about 7 months, the kitty became independent.

Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world

Their spikes are actually hairs

The spikes, made up of keratin (long, hard hollow hair follicles), are the basis for the needle mole to defend against predator attacks. If the startled echidna can't hide, it curls up into a barbed ball to protect itself, or hides in a safe place. In addition to being covered by this spike, the echidna is also covered with short hairs to maintain its internal body temperature.

Males have spikes on their hind legs.

They are not poisonous. Male needle moles communicate with other needle moles with thorns on their hind legs, and unlike platypuses, they use the thorns on their legs as weapons.

You can bring a needle mole, but be careful!

Wild animals are best not to be handled, but echidnas can be handled if necessary. When handling needle moles, it is best to wear thick leather gloves to protect your hands from their needle.

Interesting facts about the echidna mole - one of the strangest mammals in the world


The short-beaked needle mole is widely distributed in Australia and well protected – it is listed on the Red List (IUCN) as the least concerned species. Due to overhunting and habitat loss, the population of the long-billed needle mole rat has decreased by at least 80% since the 1960s, and all long-billed needle mole rats are listed as endangered by the IUCN.

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