
The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

author:Stories will be curated

The visual feast of the wild kingdom of Kenya, to this issue will come to an end, in the last period we saw 26 kinds of Kenyan beasts, in the last period we accompanied the familiar animal world BGM to know four kinds of Kenyan crawling "cute things", this issue will quietly look at the Kenyan birds, 70 kinds of birds to see also take a lot of time, so we do not talk nonsense in this issue, directly on the map, friends who want to know more can leave a message, I will give you a detailed introduction to the bird you are interested in~

The big wave of birds in front of us is coming, the traffic party is retreating, the WiFi party is connected to the WiFi, and the car is off!

1. African ostrich

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Male ostriches and small ostriches

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Female ostrich

2. Flamingos

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

The Great Flamingo

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Little flamingo

3. East African crowned crane

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

East African crowned crane

4. Purple-breasted Dharma monk

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Purple-breasted Dharma monk

5. African vulture

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

African vulture

6. White Stork

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

white stork

7. Red-billed curved-billed hornbills

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Male red-beaked bent-billed hornbills

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Female red-beaked curved hornbill

8. Helmet guinea fowl

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Helmet guinea fowl

9. Snake vulture

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

secretary bird

10. Chestnut Starling

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Chestnut-headed starling

11. Long-tailed starling

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Long-tailed starling

12. Golden-breasted starling

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Golden-breasted starling

13. Gregarious nesting birds

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Gregarious nesting birds

14. Yellow-bellied weaving nesting bird

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Black-fronted, yellow-bellied weaver nesting bird

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Yellow-bellied nesting bird with spotted eyes

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Black-faced yellow-bellied weaver nesting bird

15. East African gold-woven nesting bird

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

East African gold-woven nesting bird

16. Yellow-throated bee tiger

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Yellow-throated bee tiger

17. White-browed crow

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

White-browed crow

18. East African paroxylum

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

19. Sulfur canary

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

20. African feathered grebe (black-eyed grebe)

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

21. East African long-tailed Burrow

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

22. Black capuchin

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

23. White-browed singing bird

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

24. Red-cheeked blue ornament finch

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

25. Green Forest Daisheng

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

26. Zebra bird

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

27. White-bellied grey banana

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

28. Naked-faced grey banana crane

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

29. Nectar birds

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Red-breasted nectar bird

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Malachite color nectar bird

30. Brown-red grebe

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

31. Gui Red AntW

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

32. Dark ant-psittacules

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

33. Noisy Grebe

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

34. Grey Wagtail

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

35. Yellow-waisted canary

The Wild Kingdom of Kenya – A Mobile Visual Feast (Bird Part 1)

Yellow-waisted canary

To be continued, if you want to see it, prepare the traffic to fight it~

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