
Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

author:Wonderful worlds

In many countries there are some animals that are specially protected by law, and even if we like them, we can't keep them as pets. In China, the national first- and second-level protected wild animals listed in the list of wild animals under national key protection, the wild animals listed in Appendix I and Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and the above-mentioned species domesticated and bred, such as: green iguanas, plains monitor lizards, high-crested chameleons, African grey parrots, leopard tortoises, etc., it is illegal for individuals to keep them as pets.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

But in some parts of the country, laws on pet keeping are relatively loose, and even endangered animals that are protected in some areas are allowed to be kept privately, such as tycoons in the Middle East who like to keep lions, tigers and cheetahs as pets. The same is true for Japan.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

A Japanese woman has loved monkeys since she was a child, and "raising a monkey" has always been her dream, until one day she adopted a knot-tailed lemur (also known as a bougain monkey), and she not only realized her dream, but also began an enviable career as a shoveler.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

The knot-tailed lemur is native to parts of tropical West and Central Africa, with a length of about 30 cm, a minimum weight of only more than 50 grams, and a maximum of no more than 4 pounds, also known as jungle babies. They are agile and have a strong jumping power, with a maximum jump distance of 5.5 meters! Their eyes and ears are very large, and they look like aliens in some movies and TV dramas.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

As a member of the primates, lemurs are better at dealing with humans and winning the hearts of humans than cats and dogs. After the pet owner raised the lemur, the home immediately became much livelier, and the lemur could jump on her body with a gentle jump, and could also stand on her palm and sell cuteness.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks
Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

When she went to the refrigerator to get food, the lemur would excitedly come up from the ground in a wave of "triple jumps" and then jump over her shoulders to watch her prepare food for herself. When she prepares food for the lemurs, the lemurs sit on the ground and gulp down the food with their two front paws. Because of their innate vigilance, lemurs will always find a corner against the wall when eating, and scan the surroundings with their eyes, as if to prevent "natural enemies" from attacking.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

While the lemur is cute and brings her a lot of joy, the pet owner acknowledges that it's not easy to keep. After all, they are very different from cats and dogs. We can't train lemurs to go to the toilet, they defecate every day, and this is their marking behavior can't be changed, so pet owners must clean the home every day. But that's not all.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

When the lemur is a little upset, it shows a wild side, and its teeth are sharp. The lemur sometimes bites the pet owner gently, which is a bit painful, but the pet owner has to put up with it because she knows the lemur just wants to play with her. Pet owners had feared lemurs would bite wires and furniture, but it never did. However, this lemur regards the pet owner's home as its own territory, and whenever outsiders enter, it will be angry!

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

According to the pet owner, the lemur's favorite snack is a special milk bar made for animals, and it also likes sweet potatoes, pumpkins, dried tomatoes and bananas. Its staple food is monkey food, similar to cat food and dog food.

Japanese women raise small monkeys, only the size of palms, and love to eat milk sticks

Now this lemur has a very close relationship with its owner, and it likes to be with its owner and does not like to be alone. The pet owner advises those who want to keep lemurs to be gentle and love them very much if they decide to keep them. Because for them, you are the only family.

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