
The people of Yimeng Mountain Use the most simple ingredients to make the most authentic and delicious delicacies

author:Jade delicacies

Today Xiaobian continues to introduce you to the cuisine of our Yimeng Old District, uncle Ben is particularly proud of being a native of the old Yimeng Mountain. Our yimengshan old revolutionary base area, together with Jinggangshan and Yan'an, are collectively referred to as the three most important base areas during the revolutionary war. Our character of the people of Yimeng Mountain has always had a series of excellent spiritual qualities such as gentleness and mellowness, simplicity and kindness, down-to-earth, and hospitality. The vast Yimeng Mountains stretch for more than 800 miles, with layers of greenery, and the fertile land and rich products on both sides of the Yi River have been the place of Taoist health care since ancient times. Our food culture in Yimeng Mountain is also splendid and extensive, with a long history. At present, the people of Yimeng Mountain Are also combining food culture with tourism culture, folk culture, history and culture to create an economic form of diversified cultural industries.

The people of Yimeng Mountain Use the most simple ingredients to make the most authentic and delicious delicacies

Speaking of our food culture in Yimeng Mountain, we must first start from the ingredients, to make a good dish must use authentic materials, and Mengshan and Yihe as our mother mountain, mother river provide me with unique material selection conditions. Mengshan whole sheep, Mengshan grass chicken, Mengshan whole scorpion, Mengshan wild mushrooms, wild mountain vegetables, honey, chestnuts, peaches, etc., the high-quality ecological environment ensures the authenticity and freshness of the ingredients.

The people of Yimeng Mountain Use the most simple ingredients to make the most authentic and delicious delicacies

Back to the point, the following Xiaobian will share with you a few representative dishes of our Yimeng Mountain:

1. Yimeng Mountain Fried Chicken:

The people of Yimeng Mountain Use the most simple ingredients to make the most authentic and delicious delicacies

In the previous article, Xiaobian introduced my hometown Linyi Mengyin single stick chicken, but the method and taste of Yimeng Mountain fried chicken and Mengyin light stick chicken are still slightly different. First of all, in the selection of materials must be the use of free-range rooster, such chicken made to have a more taste, the following I will briefly introduce the method of this dish to you.

Ingredients: about 3 pounds of Mengshan grass chicken, green pepper, red pepper cut into pieces. Cut green onion into pieces, ginger into strips, garlic slices, peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, cumin, cloves, white root, etc.

First heat the oil, add a large spoonful of soybean sauce and stir-fry, then add the peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, cumin, cloves, and white root to stir-fry until fragrant, then add the green onion and ginger shreds and add the chicken nuggets and stir-fry over high heat. After the chicken nuggets are fried to change color, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, then add a little old soy sauce and stir-fry, add the source of life to simmer slowly, after an hour, collect the juice on high heat and then add green pepper and red pepper to stir-fry for about 1 minute, add salt and chicken essence to fry to get out of the pot.

Second, Mengshan whole scorpion

The people of Yimeng Mountain Use the most simple ingredients to make the most authentic and delicious delicacies

First of all, Xiaobian told you that the Mengshan whole scorpion is different from the scorpion in other places, our authentic Mengshan whole scorpion is also called "full full scorpion", there are two pincers and eight legs, and other places are eight feet composed of two pincers and six feet, everyone can distinguish it later when eating. The nutritional value of Mengshan authentic whole scorpion is very rich, the taste is delicious, the medicinal effect is remarkable, it is both a valuable medicinal material and a mountain delicacy. Some time ago, due to the epidemic, wild animals could not be eaten, resulting in fewer people catching and eating wild Mengshan whole scorpions, so now the number of wild whole scorpions in Mengshan is increasing.

The method of Mengshan whole scorpion is very simple: first soak the whole scorpion in water, then take it out to dry, and finally fry it in the pot, fry it until the color is golden and fish out the oil control, and the fried scorpion is crisp and not firm, crisp and delicious.

Today Xiaobian about our Yimeng Mountain cuisine will first introduce here, Xiaobian has introduced the concentration of our Yimeng Mountain cuisine in the previous articles, like friends can go to see.

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