
People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

author:Beiqing Net

Drinking water is a "compulsory course" for everyone every day, and no one can miss class, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

After all, it's always right to drink plenty of water at any time.

In fact, drinking water is not only the need for human survival, but also some performances after drinking water can also reflect the health of the body. For example, people with poor liver and kidney will have 4 manifestations after drinking water -

People with poor liver and kidneys,

There will be 4 manifestations after drinking water!

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Abnormal color of urine

Normal urine is generally yellowish, but when there is a problem with the human urinary organs, the color of the urine will also change, such as the following:

White urine, mixed white urine, most commonly chyuria and purulent urine. Chyluria is generally caused by diseases such as filariasis and perirenal lymphatic obstruction; Purulenic urine, on the other hand, is caused by severe urinary tract purulent infection, prostatitis, gonorrhea, etc.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Source: OneImage

Brown urine urine is tan, which can be seen in acute nephritis, renal crush injuries, etc. Of course, it does not mean that the urine turns these colors, which means that there is definitely a problem with the kidneys. Because the change in urine color is also related to diet, medication, etc. Healthy people drink less water in the cold season, and sometimes white cloudy urine can appear, which is due to the large amount of salt in the urine, not a disease. Usually, as long as you drink more water, you can make the urine clear. Also, urine can also be soy sauce colored after strenuous exercise, and drugs such as nitrofurantoin and rhubarb can also cause urine to appear tan. Therefore, to eliminate these normal conditions that can make urine discolored, if the urine is still abnormal, you must go to a regular hospital to ask a specialist for examination, and you must not blindly seek medical treatment, so as not to cause irreparable losses.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

There is foam in the urine, and the formation of foam in the urine is mainly related to the surface tension of the urine liquid. In general, the higher the surface tension of the liquid, the easier it is for foam to form.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Source: OneImage

The increase in urine surface tension is related to changes in various components in urine, commonly increased protein, mucus and organic matter. In terms of pathology, the most common is that various kidney diseases lead to excess protein filtering from the kidneys to form proteinuria, which is often characterized by a fine layer of foam floating on the surface of the urine, which cannot disappear for a long time. Of course, the increase in foam in the urine is not all caused by pathological conditions. Some non-pathological conditions can lead to increased foam in the urine. For example, excessive urination, high position, frequent sexual excitement, sperm loss, too little water recently, diarrhea, etc. lead to insufficient water in the individual's body, resulting in concentrated urine, etc., which are easy to cause the phenomenon of more urine foam.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Source: OneImage

Therefore, if the non-pathological conditions mentioned above have been corrected or improved, but there is still a lot of urine foam, and even frequent backache, eyelid puffiness and other symptoms, it is recommended that you go to the hospital as soon as possible for relevant testing to clarify the specific situation.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

In general, fresh and normal urine is not coquettish. The reason why there is a smell of urine is that after the urine is left for a long time, bacteria breed, so it becomes coquettish. If fresh urine smells constantly, it may be a disease, such as liver disease. When the liver is damaged, at this time, methionine is digested and decomposed by bacteria, and more ammonia will be released, and other sulfur compounds are discharged into the urine, resulting in a serious urine odor. Therefore, in the process of urination, if you find that your urine has a distinct urine smell, the color of the urine is obviously yellow, and there is no improvement after drinking water, it may be a problem with the liver and need to be paid attention to and see a doctor in time.

Tips: Urine becomes these kinds of tastes, pay attention!

Urine becomes smelly of rotten apples, be careful when diabetes is complicated by acidosis when critically ill or starvation.

If the urine has a putrefactive odor, it may be cystitis or purulent pyelonephritis.

If the urine is foul-smelling, it is most likely infected by bacteria.

Sometimes even if you eat too much garlic, shallots, or other foods with a strong smell, the smell of urine will become somewhat special. And these odors usually disappear as the food is digested. If the special smell persists for more than two days, it is best to go to the hospital for examination.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Hematuria In addition to women's menstruation, in general, normal people will not have blood in their urine.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Source: OneImage

Occasionally, the urine becomes red and dark, and "hematuria" appears, which may be caused by certain drugs and foods, so you can self-check first——

Drugs: rifampicin, nitroimidazoles such as metronidazole, anthracycline antineoplastic drugs such as epirubicin, hydrocobalamin, etc.

Food: red flesh dragon fruit, beetroot, etc., they all contain a lot of red pigment. Usually, by stopping the intake of these drugs and foods, the color of urine can return to normal, and there is no need to panic. However, if you do not take drugs or eat related foods, hematuria, or accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and other discomforts, you should pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time.

People with poor liver and kidney have these 4 manifestations after drinking water! One of them is a cancer warning sign, don't delay until the late stage to regret it

Source: OneImage

It turns out that painless intermittent hematuria is a major feature of kidney tumors and can be regarded as its alarm signal. Painless, which means that there is no pain except for hematuria in the early stage; Intermittent, indicating that when the tumor bleeds or invades the renal pelvis, hematuria occurs, and when the bleeding stops, the hematuria disappears with it. However, this symptom is very deceptive: firstly, there are many reasons that can cause hematuria, and secondly, the patient does not feel pain, and it is good and bad. Therefore, patients and their families can easily be paralyzed and resigned, and regret until they cannot be treated later. Therefore, everyone must pay attention: if you intermittently have asymptomatic, visible hematuria, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to check for urological tumors.

(Daily Wellness Push)