
Dong Jie's birthday, tears on the birthday scene, although it is written that nothing is happy and happy, but it is not easy to see that ten years is not easy after all, and when you have money, you will naturally be happy and return to the original cheating door

author:Gossip readings on the road

Dong Jie's birthday, tears spilled on the birthday scene

Although what is written is not as important as happy and happy, it can be seen that ten years is not easy after all, and when you have money, you will naturally be happy and come back

As soon as the original cheating door came out, the word of mouth fell to the bottom, and he returned to his hometown with his son, and now he is firmly on the throne of Xiaohongshu Live Broadcast Sister, and he raised his eyebrows

Finally, Dong Jie said goodbye to the stubbornness of the past in her 40s. The deepest impression is that that year, Dong Jie was still very popular, and Chen Xiaochun filmed a TV, for Chen Xiaochun to call a name has a disagreement, has been unwilling to give in, angry last two gave up filming (because the media is visiting the class), at that time felt that Dong Jie is a very real person

Therefore, she has refused to bow to the public for ten years, which can be regarded as in line with her character. But in society, you have to eat, so there is reconciliation with your ex-husband

Now that the live broadcast business is thriving, I can see a lot more cheerful

Dong Jie's birthday, tears on the birthday scene, although it is written that nothing is happy and happy, but it is not easy to see that ten years is not easy after all, and when you have money, you will naturally be happy and return to the original cheating door
Dong Jie's birthday, tears on the birthday scene, although it is written that nothing is happy and happy, but it is not easy to see that ten years is not easy after all, and when you have money, you will naturally be happy and return to the original cheating door
Dong Jie's birthday, tears on the birthday scene, although it is written that nothing is happy and happy, but it is not easy to see that ten years is not easy after all, and when you have money, you will naturally be happy and return to the original cheating door

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