
"Cultural relics entering the campus": Listen to the miracle of shooting down a US fighter plane with one shot and five bullets on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

author:Youth Daily

Youth Daily, Youth Shanghai reporter Liu Xinlu / Wen Shi Peiqi / picture, video

A slightly deformed heroic gun is stored in the cultural relics storehouse of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China, which witnessed an exciting scene that took place on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea on the night of October 21, 1951: Li Zengxiang, a former automobile worker in Shanghai, shot down a US bomber at night with only a rifle and five bullets!

On October 25, the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, this heroic gun collected by a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China entered the classroom of Shanghai Middle School under the solemn escort of the salute guard, allowing students to understand the original intention of their ancestors through close observation and feeling of revolutionary cultural relics. This also officially kicked off the prelude to the activity of "a hundred things into a hundred schools, a hundred lectures and a hundred years" at a major memorial hall of the COMMUNIST Party of China.

"Cultural relics entering the campus": Listen to the miracle of shooting down a US fighter plane with one shot and five bullets on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Listen to the glorious years and heroic stories behind the museum's collection of revolutionary artifacts

At 4:15 p.m. on the same day, Feng Zhigang, principal of Shanghai Middle School, rang the class bell for the students, and a special "cultural relics into the campus" class was about to start.

Only to see Xue Feng, director of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China carefully open the box for cultural relics, when an M1903 US rifle was presented in front of teachers and students, everyone could not help but exclaim, and the magnificent years and heroic stories behind it were also told.

"Can a rifle shoot down an enemy fighter?" Zhang Xinyi, a docent of a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China, asked questions on the spot, making the students eager to know the answer.

Shortly after the founding of New China, the United States launched an all-out war against Korea, and the flames of war burned to the Yalu River. Faced with a difficult and complicated situation, the party and the government repeatedly weighed and sent the Chinese Volunteer Army to fight in Korea in October 1950 to defend the country. A large number of outstanding sons and daughters of Shanghai responded to the call of the party and the government and rushed to the front line of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, including Li Zengxiang, a former car driver in Shanghai.

In December 1950, Li Zengxiang signed up to join the volunteer army when the Shanghai Municipal Trade Union Automobile Branch mobilized former drivers to resist the United States and aid Korea. "At that time, there was a big gap between the weapons and equipment of our volunteer army and the US army, especially in the air force, the US bombers, reconnaissance planes and transport aircraft were very complete, and had the most advanced air force units at that time, while our country had almost nothing, let alone air supremacy. Relying on the powerful air force firepower, the enemy bombarded our army almost every day, so that in many cases, the volunteer army could only march at night, but it would also encounter many dangers. Zhang Xinyi said.

On the night of October 21, 1951, Li Zengxiang was transporting military supplies when he encountered several flares dropped by two American B25 enemy aircraft, and at this time eight cars on the highway were parked, because the vehicles were too blocked, and the target was discovered by the enemy aircraft. The enemy planes then circled low, repeatedly strafed, and dropped several petrol bombs, setting the six vehicles in front of them on fire.

Li Zengxiang was extremely anxious, thinking that this cart of materials were all the blood and sweat of the people of the motherland and the materials that guaranteed the victory of the war ahead! Enraged, he grabbed an M1903 American rifle and only five bullets, jumped out of the cab, crouched down next to the railroad tracks, aimed at the enemy plane that was swooping down, and fired fiercely, but did not hit, but the enemy plane fired wildly at him.

Without fear of hardship, Li Zengxiang quickly pushed the last bullet into the chamber of the gun, calmly waiting for the target, and sure enough, the enemy plane circled around and then swooped down towards li Zengxiang's position. One foot, two feet, three feet..." Whew! "The last bullet came out of the chamber!" Hitting the enemy plane at the heart of the attack, the enemy plane immediately caught fire and fell to the ground, and at this time, in the ravine of North Korea, a fierce fire rose up.

The warrior is with the position, and the hero is with the sun and the moon. Faced with a "encounter" in which the strength of the enemy and us was very different, Li Zengxiang shot down a US bomber on the Korean battlefield with only one rifle and five rounds of ammunition, which undoubtedly boosted the morale of the volunteer army. Li Zengxiang was thus awarded the first class merit. The 8th Logistics Vehicle Provisional Regiment of the Chinese Volunteer Army issued him a commendation order on October 28, 1951...

In the revolutionary cultural relics, students realized that the original intention of the ancestors bravely undertook the mission of youth

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China and the spiritual homeland of the Chinese Communists, shouldering the mission and responsibility of telling the story of party building well and carrying forward the great spirit of party building. In order to make good use of the living red resources and continue the red bloodline, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal CPC Committee, the Party Committee of the Municipal Education and Public Health Work, the Municipal Education Commission, and the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, and sponsored by the Cpc National Memorial Hall and the Office of the Joint Conference on Extracurricular Activities for Young Students in Shanghai, the activity of "One Hundred Things Entering a Hundred Schools, One Hundred Lectures and One Hundred Years" will creatively transform the resources of revolutionary cultural relics into high-quality resources for ideological and political education in schools, promote the party's innovative theories and revolutionary traditions into the classroom, and promote the unification of the school of knowledge and love of schools with the knowledge of history, the love of the party, the love of the country, and the love of socialism.

The first lecture is specially scheduled for the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea on October 25, and the hundred news is not as good as a "piece" in the end. Shi Shouchen, a sophomore at Shanghai Middle School, usually likes to visit the museum and memorial, but he never expected that the hero gun that shot down the US military plane in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea could come to his school, "The first time I got so close to the cultural relics, I didn't even have a layer of glass, and I immersed myself in the exciting story behind the cultural relics, which was very different from the usual visit, and the harvest was great." ”

Ge Lu, the class teacher of Shanghai Middle School, said with emotion that when the classroom was transformed into a small museum, teachers and students had the privilege of seeing this precious revolutionary cultural relic at close range in the classroom. "We can't help but think of the revolutionary heroes who heroically participated in the war with this rifle in their hands; we also see things and think of things, and this kind of sentiment is the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea embodied in the war years, and this spirit is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation."

Ge Lu said that such a classroom integrates patriotic education into the close feeling and thinking of revolutionary cultural relics, especially into the mind, students not only feel the original intention of their ancestors in history, but also will inherit the revolutionary spirit and bravely undertake the mission of moving forward. "Shangzhong is a century-old famous school with a glorious revolutionary tradition, and we will take this opportunity to use the revolutionary cultural relics resources to enrich the campus red culture, transform it into a high-quality resource of Lide tree people, and educate people for the party and the country."

At the scene, the students also specially invited Sun Youmin, a lecturer of the Centennial Lecturer Group and a veteran who had personally experienced the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, to send a message to the students. Grandpa Sun Youmin said affectionately: "You are here the future of our country. You should aspire high, have lofty faith, have firm conviction, and have the spirit of hard struggle. You should be heroes, you should be pioneers, you should be extraordinary people, you should always challenge yourself. You must listen to the party, follow the party, and be excellent successors in building China's socialist modern power. The thunderous applause did not subside for a long time.

"Cultural relics entering the campus": Listen to the miracle of shooting down a US fighter plane with one shot and five bullets on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Carefully selected 100 revolutionary relics will be successively entered into the school

The reporter learned that a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China has a collection of 128,000 cultural relics (sets), covering different historical periods from the Opium War to the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The "100 Things Into 100 Schools, 100 Years of Evidence" activity will focus on the theme of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and gradually select 100 revolutionary cultural relics from the collection of the museum, and gradually enter the school.

Among these cultural relics, some are precious documents that reflect the major historical events that have taken place on the stage of Chinese history since modern times, some are historical relics of heroic figures who heroically sacrificed their lives to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, some are historical testimonies of the revolution, construction, and reform carried out by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and some are the beautiful memories of study, work, and life left by the broad masses of the people on the journey toward a well-off life.

At present, the first batch of 50 cultural relics have been announced by the cpc's major memorial halls, and the city's kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities can register through the official WeChat "cultural relics entering the campus" entrance of the CPC's major memorial hall, and the CPC's major memorial hall will bring precious revolutionary cultural relics into the campus and into the classroom, give full play to the important role of revolutionary cultural relics in revolutionary traditional education, patriotic education, and other aspects, and inspire the vast number of young people to study hard, work hard, and become a vanguard force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

According to reports, this is also an important measure to carry out party history study and education activities in primary and secondary schools, relying on the joint meeting mechanism of extracurricular activities to promote on-site teaching activities for library-school cooperation.

== List of the first cultural relics ==

"Cultural relics entering the campus": Listen to the miracle of shooting down a US fighter plane with one shot and five bullets on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Edit: Lu Tianyi

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